minor config changes, update to 1.39.2

This commit is contained in:
Ampera 2023-03-12 08:36:16 -04:00
parent 1888437961
commit b4acf327ae
20694 changed files with 3321055 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
<?php <?php
$mtDbSuffix = '_mw1384'; $mtDbSuffix = '_mw1392;
$mtReadOnly = false; $mtReadOnly = false;
/*$wgHooks['SiteNoticeBefore'][] = function ( &$siteNotice, $skin ) {
$siteNotice = "Place your global sitenotice here, and uncomment the surroundinb block";
return false;

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
//Debug //Debug
ini_set("display_errors", "on"); ini_set("display_errors", "off");
$wgDeprecationReleaseLimit = '1.x'; $wgDeprecationReleaseLimit = '1.x';
@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_MEMCACHED; $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_MEMCACHED;
$wgMemCachedServers = [ 'unix:///sock_path/memcached.sock' ]; $wgMemCachedServers = [ 'unix:///sock_path/memcached.sock' ];
$wgFileCacheDirectory = "$mtDataPath/filecache/$mtWikiName/";
$wgUseFileCache = false; $wgUseFileCache = false;
//Email //Email
$wgSMTP = [ $wgSMTP = [
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
//Variables //Variables
$wgUseImageMagick = true; $wgUseImageMagick = true;
$wgLocaltimezone = "America/New_York"; $wgLocaltimezone = "Etc/UTC";
$wgMaxShellTime = 300; $wgMaxShellTime = 300;

View File

@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ foreach($mtExtensions as &$exName){
wfLoadExtension($exName); wfLoadExtension($exName);
break; break;
//Do not put settings above this comment //Do not put settings above this comment
case "ConfirmAccount":
$wgConfirmAccountRedactEmails = true;
case "Widgets": case "Widgets":
wfLoadExtension($exName); wfLoadExtension($exName);
$wgWidgetsCompileDir = "$mtDataPath/widgets/$mtWikiName/"; $wgWidgetsCompileDir = "$mtDataPath/widgets/$mtWikiName/";
@ -140,6 +144,8 @@ foreach($mtExtensions as &$exName){
$wgAWSRegion = 'auto'; $wgAWSRegion = 'auto';
$wgAWSRepoHashLevels = '2'; $wgAWSRepoHashLevels = '2';
$wgAWSRepoDeletedHashLevels = '3'; $wgAWSRepoDeletedHashLevels = '3';
$wgAWSStatCacheTTL = 7776000; //90 days, metadata cache should be able to stick around for a while
$wgAWSCredentials = [ $wgAWSCredentials = [
"key" => "", "key" => "",
"secret" => "", "secret" => "",

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ require_once("$mtConfigPath/sites/$mtWikiName.d/extvars.php");
require_once("$mtConfigPath/sites/$mtWikiName.d/permissions.php"); require_once("$mtConfigPath/sites/$mtWikiName.d/permissions.php");
if($mtReadOnly){ if($mtReadOnly){
$msg = ($mtSiteAttributes["romsg"] != NULL) ? $mtSiteAttributes["romsg"] : "This wiki is undergoing maintenance, please try your action later."; $msg = (isset($mtReadOnlyMessage)) ? $mtReadOnlyMessage : "This wiki is undergoing maintenance, please copy your data, and try your action later.";
$wgIgnoreImageErrors = true; $wgIgnoreImageErrors = true;
$wgReadOnly = ( PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ) ? false : $msg; $wgReadOnly = ( PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ) ? false : $msg;
} }

View File

@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
//Rights //Rights
$wgRightsPage = ""; $wgRightsPage = "";
$wgRightsUrl = 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/'; $wgRightsUrl = 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/';
$wgRightsText = "CC BY-NC-SA 3.0"; $wgRightsText = "CC BY 3.0";
$wgRightsIcon = "/w/resources/assets/licenses/cc-by-nc-sa.png"; $wgRightsIcon = "/w/resources/assets/licenses/cc-by.png";
//Images/Uploads //Images/Uploads

wikiroot/README-current Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
When installing or update, you MUST place a symlink called "current" in this folder
pointing to the base directory of your current install of mediawiki.
It should look like 'current -> mediawiki-1.39.1' in ls -l
This provides a constant means for scripts and automation to determine what is the
current live version of mediawiki that it should act upon. Failure to do this, like we
have done in the past, can end up with stuff like jobs no longer working.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
== License and copyright information ==
=== License ===
MediaWiki is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
version 2 or later. Derivative works and later versions of the code must be
free software licensed under the same or a compatible license. This includes
"extensions" that use MediaWiki functions or variables; see
https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#GPLAndPlugins for details.
For the full text of version 2 of the license, see
https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html or '''GNU General Public License'''
=== Copyright owners ===
MediaWiki contributors, including those listed in the CREDITS file, hold the
copyright to this work.
=== Additional license information ===
Some components of MediaWiki imported from other projects may be under other
Free and Open Source, or Free Culture, licenses. Specific details of their
licensing information can be found in those components.
Sections of code written exclusively by Lee Crocker or Erik Moeller are also
released into the public domain, which does not impair the obligations of users
under the GPL for use of the whole code or other sections thereof.
MediaWiki uses the following Creative Commons icons to illustrate links to the
CC licenses:
* resources/assets/licenses/cc-0.png
* resources/assets/licenses/cc-by-nc-sa.png
* resources/assets/licenses/cc-by-sa.png
* resources/assets/licenses/cc-by.png
These icons are trademarked, and used subject to the CC trademark license,
available at https://creativecommons.org/policies#trademark
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
=== Preamble ===
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
'''0.''' This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
'''1.''' You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
'''2.''' You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
'''a)''' You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
'''b)''' You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
'''c)''' If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
'''3.''' You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
'''a)''' Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
'''b)''' Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
'''c)''' Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
'''4.''' You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
'''5.''' You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
'''6.''' Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
'''7.''' If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
'''8.''' If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
'''9.''' The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
'''10.''' If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
== How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs ==
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,977 @@
{{int:version-credits-summary}} <!--
MediaWiki 1.39 is a collaborative project released under the
GNU General Public License v2. We would like to recognize the
following names for their contribution to the product.
The following list can be found parsed under Special:Version/Credits -->
== Contributors ==
<!-- Updates to this list made with maintenance/updateCredits.php -->
* 4shadoww
* 4nn1l2
* aalekhN
* Aaron Ball
* Aaron Pramana
* Aaron S. Hawley
* Aaron Schulz
* Aarti Dwivedi
* Aashaka Shah
* Abbe98
* abhinand
* Abhishek Das
* Abián
* Abijeet Patro
* Acamicamacaraca
* Ad Huikeshoven
* Adam Miller
* Adam Roses Wight
* addshore
* Aditya Sastry
* AdityaJ
* Adrian Heine
* Adrian Lang
* Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
* Aezell
* Aftab
* Agabi10
* Agbad
* Ahmad Sherif
* Ahmon Dancy
* Ajayrahul P
* Akinwale Alagbe
* Alangi Derick
* Albert221
* Alejandro Mery
* Aleksey Bekh-Ivanov
* AlephNull
* Alex Dean
* Alex Ezell
* Alex Ivanov
* Alex Shih-Han Lin
* Alex Z.
* Alexander I. Mashin
* Alexander Lehmann
* Alexander Mashin
* Alexander Monk
* Alexander Sigachov
* Alexander Vorwerk
* Alexandre Emsenhuber
* Alexandros Kosiaris
* Alexia E. Smith
* AlQaholic007
* Amalthea
* Amir E. Aharoni
* Amir Sarabadani
* Ammar
* Ammar Abdulhamid
* Ammarpad
* Amorymeltzer
* amritsreekumar
* AnaïsGueyte
* ananay
* Anders Wegge Jakobsen
* Andre Engels
* Andre Klapper
* Andreas P
* Andrew Bogott
* Andrew Dunbar
* Andrew Garrett
* Andrew Green
* Andrew H
* Andrew Harris
* Andrew Otto
* Andrius R
* andymw
* Angela Beesley Starling
* anjali041
* ankit
* ankur
* Anne Tomasevich
* AntiCompositeNumber
* Antoine Musso
* Antoni Siek
* Antonio Ospite
* apaskulin
* apexkid
* April King
* Aran Dunkley
* Arash Boostani
* Arcane21
* arcayn
* Ariel Glenn
* Arlo Breault
* Arne Heizmann
* AronDemian
* ArtBaltai
* Arthur Richards
* arttsymbar
* Arturek1
* Aryeh Gregor
* Asher Feldman
* Asier Lostalé
* awu42
* ayush_garg
* Azliq7
* Bae Junehyeon
* Bagariavivek
* Bahodir Mansurov
* balloonguy
* Bartek Łukawski
* Bartosz Dziewoński
* Base
* Beau
* Ben Davis
* Ben Hartshorne
* Bene
* Benny Situ
* Bergi
* Bernard Wang
* Bertrand Grondin
* bhsd
* Bill Pirkle
* Bill Traynor
* Billinghurst
* billm
* Bjornskjald
* bkudiess-msft
* blackspirit96
* blotmandroid
* Bogdan Stancescu
* Boris Nagaev
* Borislav Manolov
* Brad Jorsch
* Brandon Black
* Brandon Harris
* BrandonXLF
* brendajerop
* Brennen Bearnes
* Brent G
* Brent Garber
* Brian Wolff
* Brianna Laugher
* Brion Vibber
* Bryan Davis
* Bryan Tong Minh
* burthsceh
* bwang
* C. Scott Ananian
* Cacycle
* Calak
* Camille Constans
* Carl Fürstenberg
* Carlin
* Carsten Nielsen
* Cblair91
* cenarium
* Chad Horohoe
* Charles Melbye
* Chiefwei
* Chris Danis
* Chris McMahon
* Chris Seaton
* Chris Steipp
* Chrisludt
* Christian Aistleitner
* Christian List
* Christian Neubauer
* Christoph Jauera
* Christopher Johnson
* church of emacs
* Cindy Cicalese
* ckoerner
* Clara Andrew-Wani
* clarakosi
* Clare Ming
* cobaltcigs
* Cole White
* Conrad Irwin
* Cormac Parle
* cryptocoryne
* D3r1ck01
* Daimona Eaytoy
* Dan Barrett
* Dan Collins
* Dan Duvall
* Dan Mattern
* Dan Nessett
* Dan Poltawski
* dan-nl
* Daniel A. R. Werner
* Daniel Arnold
* Daniel Cannon
* Daniel De Marco
* Daniel Evans
* Daniel Friesen
* Daniel Kinzler
* Daniel Renfro
* Daniel Werner
* DanielRenfro
* Danny B.
* DannyS712
* Darian Anthony Patrick
* Darkdragon09
* DaSch
* datguy
* Dave Pifke
* David Barratt
* David Baumgarten
* David Causse
* David Chan
* David E. Narváez
* David Kamholz
* David Lynch
* David McCabe
* David Mudrák
* David Sn
* Dayllan Maza
* dcot
* dennisroczek
* Denny Vrandecic
* Dereckson
* Derk-Jan Hartman
* Derric Atzrott
* Derrick Coetzee
* Deskana
* Dévai Tamás
* Devi Krishnan
* didicodes
* Diederik van Liere
* diesel kapasule
* divadsn
* diwanshu885
* Dmitriy Sky
* Domas Mituzas
* Douglas Gardner
* Dov Alperin
* DPStokesNZ
* dr0ptp4kt
* dreamyjazz
* drynok
* dwalden
* dylsss
* Ebrahim Byagowi
* Ed Sanders
* Ed Schouten
* edderso
* Eddie Greiner-Petter
* Edward Chernenko
* Edward Z. Yang
* edwintam
* Egbe Eugene
* Elisabeth Bauer
* Elliott Eggleston
* Elvis Stansvik
* Emad Elwany
* Emil Podlaszewski
* Emmanuel Engelhart
* Emmanuel Gil Peyrot
* Emmet Hikory
* Emufarmers
* enigmaeth
* Entlinkt
* Envel Le Hir
* EpicPupper
* Eranroz
* Eric Evans
* Eric Gardner
* Eric Schneider
* Erich Lerch
* Erick Guan
* Erik Bernhardson
* Erik Moeller
* Erwin Dokter
* Étienne Beaulé
* Eugene Gvozdetsky
* Evad37
* Evan McIntire
* Evan Prodromou
* ExplosiveHippo
* Faidon Liambotis
* Federico Leva
* Felipe L. Ewald
* Fenzik Joseph
* Ferran Tufan
* Filippo Giunchedi
* firebus
* Florian Schmidt
* fomafix
* Framawiki
* Fran Rogers
* Francois Pignon
* Fred Emmott
* Func
* FunPika
* Gabriel Birke
* Gabriel Wicke
* Gary Guo
* gbt248
* gengh
* Geoffrey Mon
* Geoffrey Trang
* georggi
* Gergő Tisza
* Gero Scholz
* Ghybu
* gicode
* Giftpflanze
* Gilles Dubuc
* Gilles van den Hoven
* Giuseppe Lavagetto
* gladoscc
* glaisher
* golopot
* gopavasanth
* Greg Grossmeier
* Greg Maxwell
* Greg Sabino Mullane
* Gregory Szorc
* Greta Doçi
* Grunny
* Guillaume Blanchard
* Guy Van den Broeck
* Guycn2
* Hagar Shilo
* Haikal Izzuddin
* HakanIST
* Hank Hulet
* Happy-melon
* haritha28
* Harriet Ayugi
* Harry Burt
* Hazard-SJ
* Hector A Escobedo
* Helder
* Henning Snater
* hmonroy
* Hojjat
* Holger Knust
* Hoto Cocoa
* Huji
* Huñvreüs
* Hydriz
* Ian Baker
* Ian Marlier
* Ideophagous
* IijimaYun
* Ilmari Karonen
* Inductiveload
* Inez Korczyński
* IoannisKydonis
* Ireas
* Isabelle Hurbain-Palatin
* isarra
* Itamar Givon
* Ivan Lanin
* Jack D. Pond
* Jack Phoenix
* Jackmcbarn
* Jacob Block
* Jacob Clark
* jagori
* Jaime Crespo
* Jakob Warkotsch
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* Nx.devnull
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== Translators ==
* [https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Translating:MediaWiki/Credits Translators on translatewiki.net and others]

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
if(php_sapi_name() == "cli"){
if(getenv("MT_WIKI_NAME") != false){
$mtWikiName = getenv("MT_WIKI_NAME");
$mtWikiName = readline("PLEASE ENTER SITENAME:");
$mtWikiName = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];

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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
* The web entry point for all %Action API queries, handled by ApiMain
* and ApiBase subclasses.
* This is used by bots to fetch content and information about the wiki,
* its pages, and its users. See <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API> for more
* information.
* It begins by constructing a new ApiMain using the parameter passed to it
* as an argument in the URL ('?action='). It then invokes "execute()" on the
* ApiMain object instance, which produces output in the format specified in
* the URL.
* Copyright © 2006 Yuri Astrakhan <Firstname><Lastname>@gmail.com
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
* @file
* @ingroup entrypoint
* @ingroup API
use MediaWiki\Logger\LegacyLogger;
// So extensions (and other code) can check whether they're running in API mode
define( 'MW_API', true );
define( 'MW_ENTRY_POINT', 'api' );
require __DIR__ . '/includes/WebStart.php';
function wfApiMain() {
global $wgRequest, $wgTitle, $wgAPIRequestLog;
$starttime = microtime( true );
// PATH_INFO can be used for stupid things. We don't support it for api.php at
// all, so error out if it's present. (T128209)
if ( isset( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] ) && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] != '' ) {
$correctUrl = wfAppendQuery( wfScript( 'api' ), $wgRequest->getQueryValuesOnly() );
$correctUrl = wfExpandUrl( $correctUrl, PROTO_CANONICAL );
header( "Location: $correctUrl", true, 301 );
echo 'This endpoint does not support "path info", i.e. extra text between "api.php"'
. 'and the "?". Remove any such text and try again.';
die( 1 );
// Set a dummy $wgTitle, because $wgTitle == null breaks various things
// In a perfect world this wouldn't be necessary
$wgTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Badtitle/dummy title for API calls set in api.php' );
// RequestContext will read from $wgTitle, but it will also whine about it.
// In a perfect world this wouldn't be necessary either.
RequestContext::getMain()->setTitle( $wgTitle );
try {
// Construct an ApiMain with the arguments passed via the URL. What we get back
// is some form of an ApiMain, possibly even one that produces an error message,
// but we don't care here, as that is handled by the constructor.
$processor = new ApiMain( RequestContext::getMain(), true );
// Last chance hook before executing the API
Hooks::runner()->onApiBeforeMain( $processor );
if ( !$processor instanceof ApiMain ) {
throw new MWException( 'ApiBeforeMain hook set $processor to a non-ApiMain class' );
} catch ( Throwable $e ) {
// Crap. Try to report the exception in API format to be friendly to clients.
ApiMain::handleApiBeforeMainException( $e );
$processor = false;
// Process data & print results
if ( $processor ) {
// Log what the user did, for book-keeping purposes.
$endtime = microtime( true );
// Log the request
if ( $wgAPIRequestLog ) {
$items = [
wfTimestamp( TS_MW ),
$endtime - $starttime,
$wgRequest->getHeader( 'User-agent' )
$items[] = $wgRequest->wasPosted() ? 'POST' : 'GET';
if ( $processor ) {
try {
$manager = $processor->getModuleManager();
$module = $manager->getModule( $wgRequest->getRawVal( 'action' ), 'action' );
} catch ( Throwable $ex ) {
$module = null;
if ( !$module || $module->mustBePosted() ) {
$items[] = "action=" . $wgRequest->getRawVal( 'action' );
} else {
$items[] = wfArrayToCgi( $wgRequest->getValues() );
} else {
$items[] = "failed in ApiBeforeMain";
LegacyLogger::emit( implode( ',', $items ) . "\n", $wgAPIRequestLog );
wfDebug( "Logged API request to $wgAPIRequestLog" );
$mediawiki = new MediaWiki();

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
"name": "mediawiki/core",
"description": "Free software wiki application developed by the Wikimedia Foundation and others",
"type": "mediawiki-core",
"keywords": [
"homepage": "https://www.mediawiki.org/",
"authors": [
"name": "MediaWiki Community",
"homepage": "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Version/Credits"
"license": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
"support": {
"issues": "https://bugs.mediawiki.org/",
"irc": "irc://irc.libera.chat/mediawiki",
"wiki": "https://www.mediawiki.org/"
"prefer-stable": true,
"require": {
"composer/semver": "3.3.2",
"cssjanus/cssjanus": "2.1.1",
"ext-calendar": "*",
"ext-ctype": "*",
"ext-dom": "*",
"ext-fileinfo": "*",
"ext-iconv": "*",
"ext-intl": "*",
"ext-json": "*",
"ext-libxml": "*",
"ext-mbstring": "*",
"ext-xml": "*",
"ext-xmlreader": "*",
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "7.4.5",
"justinrainbow/json-schema": "5.2.11",
"liuggio/statsd-php-client": "1.0.18",
"monolog/monolog": "2.2.0",
"oojs/oojs-ui": "0.44.5",
"pear/mail": "1.5.0",
"pear/mail_mime": "1.10.11",
"pear/net_smtp": "1.10.0",
"php": ">=7.4.3",
"psr/container": "1.1.1",
"psr/log": "1.1.4",
"ralouphie/getallheaders": "3.0.3",
"symfony/polyfill-php80": "1.26.0",
"symfony/yaml": "5.4.10",
"wikimedia/assert": "0.5.1",
"wikimedia/at-ease": "2.1.0",
"wikimedia/base-convert": "2.0.2",
"wikimedia/cdb": "2.0.0",
"wikimedia/cldr-plural-rule-parser": "2.0.0",
"wikimedia/common-passwords": "0.4.0",
"wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin": "2.0.1",
"wikimedia/html-formatter": "3.0.1",
"wikimedia/ip-set": "3.1.0",
"wikimedia/ip-utils": "4.0.0",
"wikimedia/less.php": "3.1.0",
"wikimedia/minify": "2.3.0",
"wikimedia/normalized-exception": "1.0.1",
"wikimedia/object-factory": "4.0.0",
"wikimedia/parsoid": "0.16.1",
"wikimedia/php-session-serializer": "2.0.1",
"wikimedia/purtle": "1.0.8",
"wikimedia/relpath": "3.0.0",
"wikimedia/remex-html": "3.0.3",
"wikimedia/request-timeout": "1.2.0",
"wikimedia/running-stat": "2.1.0",
"wikimedia/scoped-callback": "4.0.0",
"wikimedia/services": "3.0.0",
"wikimedia/shellbox": "3.0.0",
"wikimedia/utfnormal": "3.0.2",
"wikimedia/timestamp": "4.0.0",
"wikimedia/wait-condition-loop": "2.0.2",
"wikimedia/wrappedstring": "4.0.1",
"wikimedia/xmp-reader": "0.8.6",
"zordius/lightncandy": "1.2.6"
"require-dev": {
"composer/spdx-licenses": "1.5.7",
"doctrine/dbal": "3.4.2",
"doctrine/sql-formatter": "1.1.1",
"ext-simplexml": "*",
"giorgiosironi/eris": "^0.10.0",
"hamcrest/hamcrest-php": "^2.0",
"johnkary/phpunit-speedtrap": "^4.0",
"mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer": "38.0.0",
"mediawiki/mediawiki-phan-config": "0.11.1",
"nikic/php-parser": "^4.10.2",
"php-parallel-lint/php-console-highlighter": "0.5",
"php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint": "1.3.1",
"phpunit/phpunit": "8.5.28",
"psy/psysh": "^0.11.1",
"seld/jsonlint": "1.8.3",
"wikimedia/alea": "^0.9.3",
"wikimedia/testing-access-wrapper": "~2.0",
"wmde/hamcrest-html-matchers": "^1.0.0"
"replace": {
"symfony/polyfill-ctype": "1.99",
"symfony/polyfill-mbstring": "1.99"
"suggest": {
"ext-apcu": "Faster web responses overall.",
"ext-curl": "Faster HTTP services, e.g. when using InstantCommons, Swift, or Etcd.",
"ext-gd": "Enable thumbnails for file uploads.",
"ext-mysqli": "Enable the MySQL and MariaDB database type for MediaWiki.",
"ext-openssl": "Encrypt session data (or opt-out via $wgSessionInsecureSecrets).",
"ext-pdo": "Enable the SQLite database type for MediaWiki.",
"ext-pgsql": "Enable the PostgreSQL database type for MediaWiki.",
"ext-posix": "Enable CLI concurrent processing, e.g. for runJobs.php.",
"ext-pcntl": "Enable CLI concurrent processing, e.g. for runJobs.php and rebuildLocalisationCache.php.",
"ext-readline": "Enable CLI history and autocomplete, e.g. for eval.php and other REPLs.",
"ext-sockets": "Enable CLI concurrent processing, e.g. for rebuildLocalisationCache.php.",
"ext-wikidiff2": "Faster text difference engine.",
"ext-zlib": "Enable use of GZIP compression, e.g. for SqlBagOStuff (ParserCache), $wgCompressRevisions, or $wgUseFileCache.",
"monolog/monolog": "Enable use of MonologSpi ($wgMWLoggerDefaultSpi)."
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {
"ComposerHookHandler": "includes/composer",
"ComposerVendorHtaccessCreator": "includes/composer",
"ComposerPhpunitXmlCoverageEdit": "includes/composer"
"autoload-dev": {
"files": [
"scripts": {
"mw-install:sqlite": "php maintenance/install.php --server=http://localhost:4000 --dbtype sqlite --dbpath cache/ --scriptpath '' --pass adminpassword MediaWiki Admin",
"serve": "php -S localhost:4000",
"lint": "parallel-lint --exclude node_modules --exclude vendor",
"phan": "phan -d . --long-progress-bar",
"phpcs": "phpcs -p -s --cache",
"fix": [
"pre-install-cmd": "ComposerHookHandler::onPreInstall",
"pre-update-cmd": "ComposerHookHandler::onPreUpdate",
"post-install-cmd": "ComposerVendorHtaccessCreator::onEvent",
"post-update-cmd": "ComposerVendorHtaccessCreator::onEvent",
"releasenotes": "@phpunit:entrypoint --group ReleaseNotes",
"test": [
"@lint .",
"@phpcs ."
"test-some": [
"phpunit": "php tests/phpunit/phpunit.php",
"phpunit:unit": "phpunit --colors=always --testsuite=core:unit,extensions:unit,skins:unit",
"phpunit:integration": "@phpunit --colors=always --testsuite=core:integration,extensions:integration,skins:integration",
"phpunit:coverage": "@phpunit --testsuite=core:unit --exclude-group Dump,Broken",
"phpunit:coverage-edit": "ComposerPhpunitXmlCoverageEdit::onEvent",
"phpunit:entrypoint": "@phpunit -c tests/phpunit/suite.xml"
"config": {
"optimize-autoloader": true,
"prepend-autoloader": false,
"allow-plugins": {
"composer/package-versions-deprecated": true,
"wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin": true,
"composer/installers": true
"extra": {
"merge-plugin": {
"include": [
"merge-dev": false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"extra": {
"merge-plugin": {
"include": [

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* Aliases for special pages
* @file
* @ingroup Extensions
$specialPageAliases = [];
/** English (English) */
$specialPageAliases['en'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'AbuseLog' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'AbuseFilter' ],
/** Arabic (العربية) */
$specialPageAliases['ar'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'سجل_الإساءة' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'مرشح_الإساءة', 'فلتر_الإساءة' ],
/** Aramaic (ܐܪܡܝܐ) */
$specialPageAliases['arc'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'ܡܟܬܒܘܬܐ_ܕܚܘܒܠܐ' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'ܡܨܦܝܢܝܬܐ_ܕܚܘܒܠܐ' ],
/** Egyptian Arabic (مصرى) */
$specialPageAliases['arz'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'سجل_الاساءه' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'فيلتر_الاساءه' ],
/** Assamese (অসমীয়া) */
$specialPageAliases['as'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'অপব্যৱহাৰৰ_অভিলেখ' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'অপব্যৱহাৰৰ_চেকনী' ],
/** Avaric (авар) */
$specialPageAliases['av'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ хтияраздаугъ_чІван_бегьуоарел_пишаби_гьабиялъул_журнал' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ хтияраздаугъ_чІван_бегьуоарел_пишаби_гьабиял_рацІцІин' ],
/** Bashkir (башҡортса) */
$specialPageAliases['ba'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Насарғаулланыуҙарурналы' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Насарғаулланыуҙар_фильтры' ],
/** Bulgarian (български) */
$specialPageAliases['bg'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Дневник_на_филтъра' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Филтър_срещу_злоупотреби' ],
/** Western Balochi (بلوچی رخشانی) */
$specialPageAliases['bgn'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'خرابکاری_ئی_سیاهه' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'خرابکاری_ئی_پیلتر' ],
/** Bhojpuri (भोजपुरी) */
$specialPageAliases['bho'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'दुरुपयोगी_छनित_पृष्ठ' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'दुरुपयोगी_छनित_फिल्टर' ],
/** Banjar (Bahasa Banjar) */
$specialPageAliases['bjn'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Catatan_panyalahgunaan' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filter_panyalahgunaan' ],
/** Bengali (বাংলা) */
$specialPageAliases['bn'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'অপব্যবহার_লগ' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'অপব্যবহার_ছাঁকনি' ],
/** Breton (brezhoneg) */
$specialPageAliases['br'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Marilh_ar_sil_a-enep_ar_gwallimplij' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Sil_a-enep_ar_gwallimplij' ],
/** Bosnian (bosanski) */
$specialPageAliases['bs'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'ZapisZloupotrebe' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'FilterZloupotrebe' ],
/** Catalan (català) */
$specialPageAliases['ca'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Registre_dels_abusos' ],
/** Min Dong Chinese (Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄) */
$specialPageAliases['cdo'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ '亂使其日誌' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ '亂使其過濾' ],
/** Chechen (нохчийн) */
$specialPageAliases['ce'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Зулам_литтаран_тептар' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Зулам_литтар' ],
/** Czech (čeština) */
$specialPageAliases['cs'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Záznam_filtrů_zneužití' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filtry_zneužití' ],
/** German (Deutsch) */
$specialPageAliases['de'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Missbrauchsfilter-Logbuch' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Missbrauchsfilter' ],
/** Zazaki (Zazaki) */
$specialPageAliases['diq'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'QeydêKedweriye' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'ParzûnêKedweriye' ],
/** Lower Sorbian (dolnoserbski) */
$specialPageAliases['dsb'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Protokol_znjewužywanjow' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filter_znjewužywanjow' ],
/** Greek (Ελληνικά) */
$specialPageAliases['el'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'ΑρχείοΠαρενόχλησης' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'ΦίλτροΠαρενόχλησης', 'ΦίλτροΚαταχρήσεων' ],
/** Esperanto (Esperanto) */
$specialPageAliases['eo'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Protokolo_pri_misuzado' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filtrilo_kontraŭ_misuzado' ],
/** Spanish (español) */
$specialPageAliases['es'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'RegistroAbusos' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'FiltroAntiAbusos' ],
/** Estonian (eesti) */
$specialPageAliases['et'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Väärtarvituslogi' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Väärtarvitusfilter' ],
/** Persian (فارسی) */
$specialPageAliases['fa'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'سیاههٔ_خرابکاری', 'سیاهه_خرابکاری' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ الایهٔ_خرابکاری', الایه_خرابکاری' ],
/** Finnish (suomi) */
$specialPageAliases['fi'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Väärinkäyttöloki' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Väärinkäyttösuodatin' ],
/** French (français) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Journal_du_filtre_antiabus', 'Journal_du_filtre_anti-abus', 'JournalFiltreAntiabus', 'Journal_des_abus', 'JournalDesAbus' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filtre_antiabus', 'Filtre_anti-abus', 'FiltreAntiabus', 'Filtre_d\'abus', 'FiltredAbus', 'FilterAbus' ],
/** Arpitan (arpetan) */
$specialPageAliases['frp'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Jornal_des_abus', 'JornalDesAbus' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filtro_d\'abus', 'FiltroDAbus' ],
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Rexistro_de_abusos' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filtro_de_abusos' ],
/** Swiss German (Alemannisch) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Missbruchsfilter-Logbuech' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Missbruchsfilter' ],
/** Gujarati (ગુજરાતી) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'દુરુપયોગ_લોગ' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'દુરુપયોગ_ગળણી' ],
/** Hebrew (עברית) */
$specialPageAliases['he'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'יומן_ההשחתות' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ סנן_ההשחתות' ],
/** Hindi (हिन्दी) */
$specialPageAliases['hi'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'दुरुपयोग_लॉग', 'दुरुपयोग_लौग' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'दुरुपयोग_फ़िल्टर', 'दुरुपयोग_फिल्टर' ],
/** Croatian (hrvatski) */
$specialPageAliases['hr'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Evidencija_zloporaba' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filtar_zloporaba' ],
/** Upper Sorbian (hornjoserbsce) */
$specialPageAliases['hsb'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Protokol_znjewužiwanjow' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filter_znjewužiwanjow' ],
/** Xiang Chinese (湘语) */
$specialPageAliases['hsn'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ '滥用日志' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ '滥用过滤器' ],
/** Haitian (Kreyòl ayisyen) */
$specialPageAliases['ht'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'JounalAbi' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'FiltAbi' ],
/** Hungarian (magyar) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Vandálszűrő-napló' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Vandálszűrő' ],
/** Interlingua (interlingua) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Registro_de_abusos' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filtro_anti-abuso', 'Filtro_antiabuso' ],
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Catatan_penyalahgunaan', 'CatatanPenyalahgunaan' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filter_penyalahgunaan', 'FilterPenyalahgunaan' ],
/** Icelandic (íslenska) */
$specialPageAliases['is'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Misnotkunarskrá' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Misnotkunarsía' ],
/** Italian (italiano) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'RegistroAbusi' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'FiltroAntiAbusi' ],
/** Japanese (日本語) */
$specialPageAliases['ja'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ '不正利用記録' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ '不正利用フィルター' ],
/** Korean (한국어) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ '편집필터기록', '부정행위기록' ],
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/** Colognian (Ripoarisch) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Logbooch_vum_Meßbruchsfellter' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Meßbruchsfellter' ],
/** Cornish (kernowek) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'KovnotenAbusyans' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'SidhlaAbusyans' ],
/** Ladino (Ladino) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Rējistros_de_abuso' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'FiltroAbuso' ],
/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Lëscht_vum_Mëssbrauch' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Mëssbrauchsfilter' ],
/** Northern Luri (لۊری شومالی) */
$specialPageAliases['lrc'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'پئھرستنوٙمە_خئراڤکاری' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'فیلتئر_خئراڤکاری' ],
/** Lithuanian (lietuvių) */
$specialPageAliases['lt'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Piktnaudžiavimų_sąrašas' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Piktnaudžiavimų_filtras' ],
/** Malagasy (Malagasy) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Tati-panararaotana' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Fanakanam-panararaotana' ],
/** Minangkabau (Baso Minangkabau) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'CatatanPanyalahgunoan' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'SariangPanyalahgunoan' ],
/** Macedonian (македонски) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'ДневникНаЗлоупотреба' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'ФилтерНаЗлоупотреба' ],
/** Malayalam (മലയാളം) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'ദുരുപയോഗരേഖ' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'ദുരുപയോഗയരിപ്പ', 'ദുരുപയോഗ‌‌അരിപ്പ' ],
/** Marathi (मराठी) */
$specialPageAliases['mr'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'संपादनगाळणी_नोंदी' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'संपादन_गाळणी' ],
/** Malay (Bahasa Melayu) */
$specialPageAliases['ms'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Log_penyalahgunaan' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Penapis_penyalahgunaan' ],
/** Maltese (Malti) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'ReġistruAbbuż' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'FiltruAbbuż' ],
/** Erzya (эрзянь) */
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'AbuseFilter' => [ 'АТевсНолдамоньФильтра' ],
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'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Misbruksfilter' ],
/** Low Saxon (Netherlands) (Nedersaksies) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Misbruuklogboek' ],
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'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filter', 'Misbruikfilter' ],
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Endringsfilterlogg', 'Misbrukslogg' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Endringsfilter', 'Misbruksfilter' ],
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Jornal_dels_abuses', 'JornalDelsAbuses' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filtre_d\'abuses', 'FiltredAbuses', 'FilterAbus' ],
/** Punjabi (ਪੰਜਾਬੀ) */
$specialPageAliases['pa'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'ਕੁਵਰਤੋਂ_ਦਾ_ਚਿੱਠਾ' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'ਕੁਵਰਤੋਂ_ਛਣਨੀ' ],
/** Polish (polski) */
$specialPageAliases['pl'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Rejestr_nadużyć' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filtr_nadużyć' ],
/** Brazilian Portuguese (português do Brasil) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Registro_de_abusos' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filtro_de_abusos' ],
/** Romanian (română) */
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'AbuseLog' => [ 'Jurnal_abuzuri' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filtru_abuzuri' ],
/** Russian (русский) */
$specialPageAliases['ru'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ урнал_злоупотреблений' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Фильтр_злоупотреблений' ],
/** Sanskrit (संस्कृतम्) */
$specialPageAliases['sa'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'दुरुपयोगअङ्कन' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'दुरुपयोगशोधबन्धन' ],
/** Sicilian (sicilianu) */
$specialPageAliases['scn'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'RegistroAbusi' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'FiltroAntiAbusi' ],
/** Serbo-Croatian (srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски) */
$specialPageAliases['sh'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Evidencija_zloupotreba' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filter_zloupotreba' ],
/** Sinhala (සිංහල) */
$specialPageAliases['si'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'අපයෙදුම්_ලඝු-සටහන' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'අපයෙදුම්_පෙරහන' ],
/** Slovak (slovenčina) */
$specialPageAliases['sk'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'ZáznamZneužití' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'FilterZneužití' ],
/** Serbian Cyrillic (српски (ћирилица)) */
$specialPageAliases['sr-ec'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Дневник_злоупотребе' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Филтер_злоупотребе' ],
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$specialPageAliases['sr-el'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Dnevnik_zloupotrebe' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Filter_zloupotrebe' ],
/** Swedish (svenska) */
$specialPageAliases['sv'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Missbrukslogg' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Missbruksfilter' ],
/** Thai (ไทย) */
$specialPageAliases['th'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'ปูมการละเมิด' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'ตัวกรองการละเมิด' ],
/** Tagalog (Tagalog) */
$specialPageAliases['tl'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Talaan_ng_pang-aabuso' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Talaan_ng_pansala' ],
/** Turkish (Türkçe) */
$specialPageAliases['tr'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'İstismarGünlüğü', 'DeğişiklikGünlüğü' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'İstismarSüzgeci', 'DeğişiklikSüzgeci' ],
/** Ukrainian (українська) */
$specialPageAliases['uk'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ урнал_зловживань', урнал_злоупотреблений' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ ільтр_редагувань', ільтр_зловживань', 'Фильтр_злоупотреблений' ],
/** Urdu (اردو) */
$specialPageAliases['ur'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'نوشتہ_غلط_کاری' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'مقطر_غلط_کاری', 'مقطار_غلط_کاری' ],
/** Venetian (vèneto) */
$specialPageAliases['vec'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'RegistroAbusi' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'FiltroAbusi' ],
/** Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) */
$specialPageAliases['vi'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'Nhật_trình_sai_phạm' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'Bộ_lọc_sai_phạm' ],
/** Yiddish (ייִדיש) */
$specialPageAliases['yi'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ 'שעדיקונג_לאגבוך' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ 'שעדיקונג_פילטער' ],
/** Cantonese (粵語) */
$specialPageAliases['yue'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ '濫用日誌' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ '濫用過濾器' ],
/** Simplified Chinese (中文(简体)‎) */
$specialPageAliases['zh-hans'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ '滥用日志', '过滤日志' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ '滥用过滤器', '防滥用过滤器' ],
/** Traditional Chinese (中文(繁體)‎) */
$specialPageAliases['zh-hant'] = [
'AbuseLog' => [ '濫用日誌' ],
'AbuseFilter' => [ '濫用過濾器' ],

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The development of this software is covered by a [Code of Conduct](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Code_of_Conduct).

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Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
"name": "mediawiki/abuse-filter",
"type": "mediawiki-extension",
"description": "The AbuseFilter extension allows privileged users to set specific controls on actions by users, such as edits, and create automated reactions for certain behaviors.",
"homepage": "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AbuseFilter",
"license": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
"require": {
"php": ">=7.2.0",
"wikimedia/equivset": "^1.4"
"require-dev": {
"mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer": "39.0.0",
"mediawiki/mediawiki-phan-config": "0.11.1",
"mediawiki/minus-x": "1.1.1",
"php-parallel-lint/php-console-highlighter": "1.0.0",
"php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint": "1.3.2"
"scripts": {
"fix": [
"minus-x fix .",
"test": [
"parallel-lint . --exclude node_modules --exclude vendor",
"minus-x check ."
"phan": "phan -d . --long-progress-bar",
"phpcs": "phpcs -sp --cache"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ALTER TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log
DROP COLUMN afl_log_id;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
DROP INDEX /*i*/afl_filter_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log;
ALTER TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log
DROP COLUMN afl_filter,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ALTER TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log DROP INDEX /*i*/filter_timestamp;
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_filter_timestamp ON /*$wgDBprefix*/abuse_filter_log (afl_filter,afl_timestamp);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
-- Rename indexes with explicit names (T251613)
ALTER TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter
DROP INDEX /*i*/af_group,
ADD INDEX /*i*/af_group_enabled(af_group,af_enabled,af_id);
ALTER TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log
DROP INDEX /*i*/filter_timestamp_full,
DROP INDEX /*i*/user_timestamp,
DROP INDEX /*i*/page_timestamp,
DROP INDEX /*i*/ip_timestamp;
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_filter_timestamp_full ON /*$wgDBprefix*/abuse_filter_log (afl_global,afl_filter_id,afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_user_timestamp ON /*$wgDBprefix*/abuse_filter_log (afl_user,afl_user_text,afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_page_timestamp ON /*$wgDBprefix*/abuse_filter_log (afl_namespace, afl_title, afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_ip_timestamp ON /*$wgDBprefix*/abuse_filter_log (afl_ip, afl_timestamp);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ALTER TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log DROP INDEX /*i*/wiki_timestamp;
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_wiki_timestamp ON /*$wgDBprefix*/abuse_filter_log (afl_wiki, afl_timestamp);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-- Split afl_filter into afl_filter_id and afl_global
ALTER TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log
ADD COLUMN afl_global tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER afl_filter,
ADD COLUMN afl_filter_id BIGINT unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER afl_global,
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_filter_timestamp_full ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_global,afl_filter_id,afl_timestamp);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
-- This file is automatically generated using maintenance/generateSchemaSql.php.
-- Source: db_patches/tables.json
-- Do not modify this file directly.
-- See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Schema_changes
CREATE TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter (
af_pattern BLOB NOT NULL,
af_user_text VARBINARY(255) NOT NULL,
af_timestamp BINARY(14) NOT NULL,
af_comments BLOB DEFAULT NULL,
af_public_comments TINYBLOB DEFAULT NULL,
af_throttled TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
af_actions VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
af_group VARBINARY(64) DEFAULT 'default' NOT NULL,
INDEX af_user (af_user),
INDEX af_group_enabled (af_group, af_enabled, af_id),
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
CREATE TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_action (
afa_consequence VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
afa_parameters TINYBLOB NOT NULL,
INDEX afa_consequence (afa_consequence),
PRIMARY KEY(afa_filter, afa_consequence)
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
CREATE TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log (
afl_global TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,
afl_user_text VARBINARY(255) NOT NULL,
afl_ip VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
afl_action VARBINARY(255) NOT NULL,
afl_actions VARBINARY(255) NOT NULL,
afl_var_dump BLOB NOT NULL,
afl_timestamp BINARY(14) NOT NULL,
afl_namespace INT NOT NULL,
afl_title VARBINARY(255) NOT NULL,
afl_deleted TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
INDEX afl_filter_timestamp_full (
afl_global, afl_filter_id, afl_timestamp
INDEX afl_user_timestamp (
afl_user, afl_user_text, afl_timestamp
INDEX afl_timestamp (afl_timestamp),
INDEX afl_page_timestamp (
afl_namespace, afl_title, afl_timestamp
INDEX afl_ip_timestamp (afl_ip, afl_timestamp),
INDEX afl_rev_id (afl_rev_id),
INDEX afl_wiki_timestamp (afl_wiki, afl_timestamp),
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
CREATE TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_history (
afh_user_text VARBINARY(255) NOT NULL,
afh_timestamp BINARY(14) NOT NULL,
afh_pattern BLOB NOT NULL,
afh_comments BLOB NOT NULL,
afh_public_comments TINYBLOB DEFAULT NULL,
afh_actions BLOB DEFAULT NULL,
afh_deleted TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
afh_changed_fields VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
INDEX afh_filter (afh_filter),
INDEX afh_user (afh_user),
INDEX afh_user_text (afh_user_text),
INDEX afh_timestamp (afh_timestamp),
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
-- This file is automatically generated using maintenance/generateSchemaSql.php.
-- Source: db_patches/tables.json
-- Do not modify this file directly.
-- See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Schema_changes
CREATE TABLE abuse_filter (
af_pattern TEXT NOT NULL,
af_user_text TEXT NOT NULL,
af_comments TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
af_public_comments TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
af_actions VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
af_group TEXT DEFAULT 'default' NOT NULL,
CREATE INDEX af_user ON abuse_filter (af_user);
CREATE INDEX af_group_enabled ON abuse_filter (af_group, af_enabled, af_id);
CREATE TABLE abuse_filter_action (
afa_filter BIGINT NOT NULL,
afa_consequence VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
afa_parameters TEXT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(afa_filter, afa_consequence)
CREATE INDEX afa_consequence ON abuse_filter_action (afa_consequence);
CREATE TABLE abuse_filter_log (
afl_filter_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
afl_user_text TEXT NOT NULL,
afl_ip VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
afl_action TEXT NOT NULL,
afl_actions TEXT NOT NULL,
afl_var_dump TEXT NOT NULL,
afl_namespace INT NOT NULL,
afl_title TEXT NOT NULL,
afl_patrolled_by INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
afl_rev_id INT DEFAULT NULL,
CREATE INDEX afl_filter_timestamp_full ON abuse_filter_log (
afl_global, afl_filter_id, afl_timestamp
CREATE INDEX afl_user_timestamp ON abuse_filter_log (
afl_user, afl_user_text, afl_timestamp
CREATE INDEX afl_timestamp ON abuse_filter_log (afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX afl_page_timestamp ON abuse_filter_log (
afl_namespace, afl_title, afl_timestamp
CREATE INDEX afl_ip_timestamp ON abuse_filter_log (afl_ip, afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX afl_rev_id ON abuse_filter_log (afl_rev_id);
CREATE INDEX afl_wiki_timestamp ON abuse_filter_log (afl_wiki, afl_timestamp);
CREATE TABLE abuse_filter_history (
afh_filter BIGINT NOT NULL,
afh_user_text TEXT NOT NULL,
afh_pattern TEXT NOT NULL,
afh_comments TEXT NOT NULL,
afh_flags TEXT NOT NULL,
afh_public_comments TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
afh_actions TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
afh_changed_fields VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
CREATE INDEX afh_filter ON abuse_filter_history (afh_filter);
CREATE INDEX afh_user ON abuse_filter_history (afh_user);
CREATE INDEX afh_user_text ON abuse_filter_history (afh_user_text);
CREATE INDEX afh_timestamp ON abuse_filter_history (afh_timestamp);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
-- This monster is just an `ALTER TABLE abuse_filter_log DROP COLUMN afl_log_id`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/abuse_filter_log_tmp;
CREATE TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log_tmp (
afl_filter varbinary(64) NOT NULL,
afl_user BIGINT unsigned NOT NULL,
afl_user_text varbinary(255) NOT NULL,
afl_ip varbinary(255) not null,
afl_action varbinary(255) not null,
afl_actions varbinary(255) not null,
afl_var_dump BLOB NOT NULL,
afl_timestamp varbinary(14) NOT NULL,
afl_namespace int NOT NULL,
afl_title varbinary(255) NOT NULL,
afl_wiki varbinary(64) NULL,
afl_deleted tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
afl_patrolled_by int unsigned NULL,
afl_rev_id int unsigned
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
INSERT INTO abuse_filter_log_tmp
SELECT afl_id, afl_filter, afl_user, afl_user_text, afl_ip, afl_action, afl_actions, afl_var_dump,
afl_timestamp, afl_namespace, afl_title, afl_wiki, afl_deleted, afl_patrolled_by, afl_rev_id
FROM /*_*/abuse_filter_log;
DROP TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log;
ALTER TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/abuse_filter_log;
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_filter_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_filter,afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_user_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_user,afl_user_text,afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_page_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_namespace, afl_title, afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_ip_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_ip, afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_wiki_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_wiki, afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_rev_id ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_rev_id);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/abuse_filter_log_tmp;
CREATE TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log_tmp (
afl_global tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
afl_filter_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
afl_user BIGINT unsigned NOT NULL,
afl_user_text varbinary(255) NOT NULL,
afl_ip varbinary(255) not null,
afl_action varbinary(255) not null,
afl_actions varbinary(255) not null,
afl_var_dump BLOB NOT NULL,
afl_timestamp varbinary(14) NOT NULL,
afl_namespace int NOT NULL,
afl_title varbinary(255) NOT NULL,
afl_wiki varbinary(64) NULL,
afl_deleted tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
afl_patrolled_by int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
afl_rev_id int unsigned
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
INSERT INTO abuse_filter_log_tmp
-- all but afl_filter
SELECT afl_id, afl_global, afl_filter_id, afl_user, afl_user_text, afl_ip, afl_action,
afl_actions, afl_var_dump, afl_timestamp, afl_namespace, afl_title, afl_wiki,
afl_deleted, afl_patrolled_by, afl_rev_id
FROM /*_*/abuse_filter_log;
DROP TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log;
ALTER TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/abuse_filter_log;
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_filter_timestamp_full ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_global,afl_filter_id,afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_user_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_user,afl_user_text,afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_page_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_namespace, afl_title, afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_ip_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_ip, afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_wiki_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_wiki, afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_rev_id ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_rev_id);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
-- Split afl_filter into afl_filter_id and afl_global
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/abuse_filter_log_tmp;
CREATE TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log_tmp (
afl_filter varbinary(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
afl_global tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
afl_user BIGINT unsigned NOT NULL,
afl_user_text varbinary(255) NOT NULL,
afl_ip varbinary(255) not null,
afl_action varbinary(255) not null,
afl_actions varbinary(255) not null,
afl_var_dump BLOB NOT NULL,
afl_timestamp varbinary(14) NOT NULL,
afl_namespace int NOT NULL,
afl_title varbinary(255) NOT NULL,
afl_wiki varbinary(64) NULL,
afl_deleted tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
afl_patrolled_by int unsigned NULL,
afl_rev_id int unsigned
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/abuse_filter_log_tmp (
afl_id, afl_filter, afl_user, afl_user_text, afl_ip,
afl_action, afl_actions, afl_var_dump, afl_timestamp, afl_namespace, afl_title,
afl_wiki, afl_deleted, afl_patrolled_by, afl_rev_id )
afl_id, afl_filter, afl_user, afl_user_text, afl_ip,
afl_action, afl_actions, afl_var_dump, afl_timestamp, afl_namespace, afl_title,
afl_wiki, afl_deleted, afl_patrolled_by, afl_rev_id
FROM /*_*/abuse_filter_log;
DROP TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log;
ALTER TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/abuse_filter_log;
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_filter_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_filter,afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_filter_timestamp_full ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_global,afl_filter_id,afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_user_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_user,afl_user_text,afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_page_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_namespace, afl_title, afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_ip_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_ip, afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_wiki_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_wiki, afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/afl_rev_id ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_rev_id);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
-- This file is automatically generated using maintenance/generateSchemaSql.php.
-- Source: db_patches/tables.json
-- Do not modify this file directly.
-- See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Schema_changes
CREATE TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter (
af_pattern BLOB NOT NULL,
af_user_text BLOB NOT NULL,
af_timestamp BLOB NOT NULL,
af_comments BLOB DEFAULT NULL,
af_public_comments BLOB DEFAULT NULL,
af_actions VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
af_group BLOB DEFAULT 'default' NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX af_user ON /*_*/abuse_filter (af_user);
CREATE INDEX af_group_enabled ON /*_*/abuse_filter (af_group, af_enabled, af_id);
CREATE TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_action (
afa_consequence VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
afa_parameters BLOB NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(afa_filter, afa_consequence)
CREATE INDEX afa_consequence ON /*_*/abuse_filter_action (afa_consequence);
CREATE TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log (
afl_user_text BLOB NOT NULL,
afl_ip VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
afl_action BLOB NOT NULL,
afl_actions BLOB NOT NULL,
afl_var_dump BLOB NOT NULL,
afl_timestamp BLOB NOT NULL,
afl_namespace INTEGER NOT NULL,
afl_title BLOB NOT NULL,
CREATE INDEX afl_filter_timestamp_full ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (
afl_global, afl_filter_id, afl_timestamp
CREATE INDEX afl_user_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (
afl_user, afl_user_text, afl_timestamp
CREATE INDEX afl_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX afl_page_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (
afl_namespace, afl_title, afl_timestamp
CREATE INDEX afl_ip_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_ip, afl_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX afl_rev_id ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_rev_id);
CREATE INDEX afl_wiki_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_wiki, afl_timestamp);
CREATE TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_history (
afh_user_text BLOB NOT NULL,
afh_timestamp BLOB NOT NULL,
afh_pattern BLOB NOT NULL,
afh_comments BLOB NOT NULL,
afh_flags BLOB NOT NULL,
afh_public_comments BLOB DEFAULT NULL,
afh_actions BLOB DEFAULT NULL,
afh_changed_fields VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
CREATE INDEX afh_filter ON /*_*/abuse_filter_history (afh_filter);
CREATE INDEX afh_user ON /*_*/abuse_filter_history (afh_user);
CREATE INDEX afh_user_text ON /*_*/abuse_filter_history (afh_user_text);
CREATE INDEX afh_timestamp ON /*_*/abuse_filter_history (afh_timestamp);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
"name": "Abuse Filter",
"author": [
"Andrew Garrett",
"[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Daimona_Eaytoy Daimona Eaytoy]",
"Marius Hoch",
"River Tarnell",
"Victor Vasiliev"
"url": "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AbuseFilter",
"descriptionmsg": "abusefilter-desc",
"license-name": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
"type": "antispam",
"requires": {
"MediaWiki": ">= 1.39.0"
"AvailableRights": [
"GroupPermissions": {
"*": {
"abusefilter-view": true,
"abusefilter-log": true
"sysop": {
"abusefilter-log-detail": true,
"abusefilter-view-private": true,
"abusefilter-log-private": true,
"abusefilter-modify": true,
"abusefilter-modify-restricted": true,
"abusefilter-revert": true
"suppress": {
"abusefilter-hidden-log": true,
"abusefilter-hide-log": true
"GrantPermissions": {
"basic": {
"abusefilter-log": true,
"abusefilter-log-detail": true,
"abusefilter-view": true
"oversight": {
"abusefilter-hide-log": true
"viewrestrictedlogs": {
"abusefilter-hidden-log": true,
"abusefilter-log-private": true,
"abusefilter-view-private": true
"SpecialPages": {
"AbuseLog": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Special\\SpecialAbuseLog",
"services": [
"AbuseFilter": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Special\\SpecialAbuseFilter",
"services": [
"LogTypes": [
"LogNames": {
"abusefilter": "abusefilter-log-name",
"abusefilterprivatedetails": "abusefilterprivatedetails-log-name"
"LogHeaders": {
"abusefilter": "abusefilter-log-header"
"LogActionsHandlers": {
"abusefilter/hit": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\LogFormatter\\AbuseLogHitFormatter",
"abusefilter/modify": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\LogFormatter\\AbuseFilterModifyLogFormatter",
"abusefilter/create": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\LogFormatter\\AbuseFilterModifyLogFormatter",
"abusefilterprivatedetails/access": "LogFormatter",
"suppress/hide-afl": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\LogFormatter\\AbuseFilterSuppressLogFormatter",
"suppress/unhide-afl": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\LogFormatter\\AbuseFilterSuppressLogFormatter",
"rights/blockautopromote": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\LogFormatter\\AbuseFilterRightsLogFormatter",
"rights/restoreautopromote": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\LogFormatter\\AbuseFilterRightsLogFormatter"
"ActionFilteredLogs": {
"abusefilter": {
"modify": [
"create": [
"suppress": {
"abuselog": [
"rights": {
"blockautopromote": [
"restoreautopromote": [
"LogRestrictions": {
"abusefilter": "abusefilter-view",
"abusefilterprivatedetails": "abusefilter-privatedetails-log"
"AuthManagerAutoConfig": {
"preauth": {
"AbuseFilterPreAuthenticationProvider": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\AbuseFilterPreAuthenticationProvider",
"services": [
"sort": 5
"APIModules": {
"abusefilterchecksyntax": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Api\\CheckSyntax",
"services": [
"abusefilterevalexpression": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Api\\EvalExpression",
"services": [
"abusefilterunblockautopromote": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Api\\UnblockAutopromote",
"services": [
"abusefiltercheckmatch": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Api\\CheckMatch",
"services": [
"abuselogprivatedetails": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Api\\AbuseLogPrivateDetails",
"services": [
"APIListModules": {
"abuselog": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Api\\QueryAbuseLog",
"services": [
"abusefilters": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Api\\QueryAbuseFilters",
"services": [
"MessagesDirs": {
"AbuseFilter": [
"ExtensionMessagesFiles": {
"AbuseFilterAliases": "AbuseFilter.alias.php"
"AutoloadNamespaces": {
"MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\": "includes/",
"MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Maintenance\\": "maintenance/"
"TestAutoloadClasses": {
"AbuseFilterConsequencesTest": "tests/phpunit/AbuseFilterConsequencesTest.php",
"MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Tests\\Unit\\Parser\\ParserTestCase": "tests/phpunit/unit/Parser/ParserTestCase.php",
"MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Tests\\Integration\\Api\\AbuseFilterApiTestTrait": "tests/phpunit/integration/Api/AbuseFilterApiTestTrait.php",
"AbuseFilterUploadTestTrait": "tests/phpunit/AbuseFilterUploadTestTrait.php",
"AbuseFilterCreateAccountTestTrait": "tests/phpunit/AbuseFilterCreateAccountTestTrait.php",
"AbuseFilterRowsAndFiltersTestTrait": "tests/phpunit/AbuseFilterRowsAndFiltersTestTrait.php",
"ConsequenceGetMessageTestTrait": "tests/phpunit/ConsequenceGetMessageTestTrait.php"
"ResourceModules": {
"ext.abuseFilter": {
"styles": "ext.abuseFilter.css"
"ext.abuseFilter.edit": {
"scripts": "ext.abuseFilter.edit.js",
"messages": [
"dependencies": [
"ext.abuseFilter.tools": {
"scripts": "ext.abuseFilter.tools.js",
"messages": [
"dependencies": [
"ext.abuseFilter.examine": {
"scripts": "ext.abuseFilter.examine.js",
"messages": [
"dependencies": [
"ext.abuseFilter.ace": {
"scripts": "mode-abusefilter.js",
"dependencies": "ext.codeEditor.ace"
"ext.abuseFilter.visualEditor": {
"scripts": "ve-abusefilter/ve.init.mw.AbuseFilterSaveErrorHandler.js",
"targets": [
"attributes": {
"VisualEditor": {
"PluginModules": [
"ResourceFileModulePaths": {
"localBasePath": "modules",
"remoteExtPath": "AbuseFilter/modules"
"callback": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Hooks\\Handlers\\RegistrationCallback::onRegistration",
"HookHandlers": {
"ToolLinks": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Hooks\\Handlers\\ToolLinksHandler",
"services": [
"AutoPromoteGroups": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Hooks\\Handlers\\AutoPromoteGroupsHandler",
"factory": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Hooks\\Handlers\\AutoPromoteGroupsHandler::factory",
"services": [
"ChangeTags": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Hooks\\Handlers\\ChangeTagsHandler",
"services": [
"Tests": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Hooks\\Handlers\\TestsHandler"
"SchemaChanges": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Hooks\\Handlers\\SchemaChangesHandler",
"factory": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Hooks\\Handlers\\SchemaChangesHandler::newFromGlobalState"
"UserRename": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Hooks\\Handlers\\UserRenameHandler"
"PageSave": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Hooks\\Handlers\\PageSaveHandler",
"services": [
"RecentChangeSave": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Hooks\\Handlers\\RecentChangeSaveHandler",
"services": [
"FilteredActions": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Hooks\\Handlers\\FilteredActionsHandler",
"services": [
"Hooks": {
"EditFilterMergedContent": "FilteredActions",
"GetAutoPromoteGroups": "AutoPromoteGroups",
"TitleMove": "FilteredActions",
"ArticleDelete": "FilteredActions",
"RecentChange_save": "RecentChangeSave",
"ListDefinedTags": "ChangeTags",
"ChangeTagsListActive": "ChangeTags",
"LoadExtensionSchemaUpdates": "SchemaChanges",
"ContributionsToolLinks": "ToolLinks",
"HistoryPageToolLinks": "ToolLinks",
"UndeletePageToolLinks": "ToolLinks",
"UploadVerifyUpload": "FilteredActions",
"UploadStashFile": "FilteredActions",
"PageSaveComplete": "PageSave",
"RenameUserSQL": "UserRename",
"UserMergeAccountFields": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Hooks\\Handlers\\UserMergeHandler::onUserMergeAccountFields",
"BeforeCreateEchoEvent": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\AbuseFilter\\Hooks\\Handlers\\EchoHandler::onBeforeCreateEchoEvent",
"ParserOutputStashForEdit": "FilteredActions",
"UnitTestsAfterDatabaseSetup": "Tests",
"UnitTestsBeforeDatabaseTeardown": "Tests"
"ServiceWiringFiles": [
"config": {
"AbuseFilterActions": {
"value": {
"throttle": true,
"warn": true,
"disallow": true,
"blockautopromote": true,
"block": true,
"rangeblock": false,
"degroup": false,
"tag": true
"description": "Array of enabled actions in the form [action name => is enabled?]. At the end of setup, false values will be filtered out"
"AbuseFilterConditionLimit": {
"value": 1000,
"description": "The maximum number of 'conditions' that can be used each time the filters are run against a change. (More complex filters require more 'conditions')."
"AbuseFilterEmergencyDisableThreshold": {
"value": {
"default": 0.05
"description": "Disable potentially dangerous actions (AbuseFilterRestrictions) of a filter if it matches more than X actions, constituting more than Y% (e.g. 0.05 = 5%) of the last Z actions, and the filter has been modified in the last S seconds. X is AbuseFilterEmergencyDisableCount, Y is AbuseFilterEmergencyDisableThreshold, S is AbuseFilterEmergencyDisableAge and Z is the number of analyzed actions since the filter was modified."
"AbuseFilterEmergencyDisableCount": {
"value": {
"default": 2
"description": "See description for AbuseFilterEmergencyDisableThreshold"
"AbuseFilterEmergencyDisableAge": {
"value": {
"default": 86400
"description": "See description for AbuseFilterEmergencyDisableThreshold"
"AbuseFilterActionRestrictions": {
"value": {
"throttle": false,
"warn": false,
"disallow": false,
"blockautopromote": true,
"block": true,
"rangeblock": true,
"degroup": true,
"tag": false
"description": "Do users need 'abusefilter-modify-restricted' user right as well as 'abusefilter-modify' in order to create or modify filters which carry out this action? Array like [action name => is restricted?]"
"AbuseFilterNotifications": {
"value": false,
"description": "Allows to configure the extension to send hit notifications to Special:RecentChanges or UDP. Available options: rc, udp, rcandudp"
"AbuseFilterNotificationsPrivate": {
"value": false,
"description": "Enable notifications for private filters"
"AbuseFilterCentralDB": {
"value": null,
"description": "Name of a database where global abuse filters will be stored in. To use a DB with prefixed tables, set this to \"{$databaseName}-{$prefix}\"."
"AbuseFilterIsCentral": {
"value": false,
"description": "Set this variable to true for the wiki where global AbuseFilters are stored in"
"AbuseFilterLocallyDisabledGlobalActions": {
"value": {
"throttle": false,
"warn": false,
"disallow": false,
"blockautopromote": false,
"block": false,
"rangeblock": false,
"degroup": false,
"tag": false
"description": "An array of actions which, if set on a global filter, will not be used for local hits of such filter (not in the central wiki). The array is [ action => will be disabled? ]. NOTE: Locally disabling throttle or warn will *not* disable the remaining actions."
"AbuseFilterBlockDuration": {
"value": "indefinite",
"description": "Old standard block duration for logged in users. Kept for backward compatibility after T32024."
"AbuseFilterAnonBlockDuration": {
"value": null,
"description": "Old standard block duration for anonymous users, $wgAbuseFilterBlockDuration will be used if null. Kept for backward compatibility after T32024."
"AbuseFilterBlockAutopromoteDuration": {
"value": 5,
"description": "Duration, in days, for which users' autopromotion is blocked by filters."
"AbuseFilterValidGroups": {
"value": [
"description": "The list of 'groups' filters can be divided into \u2013\u00a0used for applying edit filters to certain types of actions. By default there is only one group."
"AbuseFilterDefaultWarningMessage": {
"value": {
"default": "abusefilter-warning"
"description": "Default warning messages, per filter group"
"AbuseFilterDefaultDisallowMessage": {
"value": {
"default": "abusefilter-disallowed"
"description": "Default disallow messages, per filter group"
"AbuseFilterLogIPMaxAge": {
"value": 7776000,
"description": "Age used as cutoff when purging old IP log data, defaults to 3 months. Used by maintenance script purgeOldLogIPData.php"
"AbuseFilterSlowFilterRuntimeLimit": {
"value": 500,
"description": "Runtime in milliseconds before a filter is considered slow."
"AbuseFilterRangeBlockSize": {
"value": {
"IPv4": 16,
"IPv6": 19
"description": "Size of the range blocked by 'rangeblock' action."
"AbuseFilterLogPrivateDetailsAccess": {
"value": false,
"description": "Whether accessing private information from a filter log entry is logged."
"AbuseFilterPrivateDetailsForceReason": {
"value": false,
"description": "Whether users are forced to provide a reason for accessing private information from a filter log entry."
"AbuseFilterLogIP": {
"value": true,
"description": "Whether to include IP in the abuse_filter_log"
"load_composer_autoloader": true,
"manifest_version": 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Si Gam Acèh"
"abusefilter-log-search-submit": "Mita"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"පසිඳු කාවින්ද"
"abusefilter-desc": "Pas outomatiese heuristiek te wysigings",
"abusefilter": "Misbruik filter bestuur",
"abuselog": "Misbruiklogboek",
"abusefilter-intro": "Welkom by die misbruik Filter beheer jou.\nDie misbruik Filter is 'n outomatiese sagteware meganisme van die toepassing van outomatiese heuristiek aan alle aksies.\nHierdie koppelvlak toon 'n lys van gedefinieer filters, en kan hulle verander word.",
"abusefilter-blocker": "Misbruikfilter",
"abusefilter-accountreserved": "Hierdie rekeningnaam is gereserveer vir gebruik deur die misbruikfilter.",
"right-abusefilter-modify": "Wysig misbruikfilters",
"right-abusefilter-view": "Wys misbruikfilters",
"right-abusefilter-log": "Die misbruiklogboek bekyk",
"right-abusefilter-privatedetails": "Private data in die misbruik log",
"right-abusefilter-modify-restricted": "Verander misbruik filters met 'n beperkte aksies",
"right-abusefilter-hidden-log": "View verborge misbruik log inskrywings",
"action-abusefilter-modify": "misbruik filters verander",
"action-abusefilter-view": "sien misbruik filters",
"action-abusefilter-log": "sien die misbruik Wikiquote",
"action-abusefilter-log-detail": "gedetailleerde misbruik log inskrywings",
"action-abusefilter-privatedetails": "private data in die misbruik log",
"action-abusefilter-modify-restricted": "verander misbruik filters met 'n beperkte aksies",
"action-abusefilter-revert": "terugkeer om al die veranderinge deur 'n gegewe misbruik filter",
"action-abusefilter-view-private": "View misbruik filters gemerk as privaat",
"abusefilter-log-summary": "Hierdie log toon 'n lys van al die aksies wat deur die filters gevang.",
"abusefilter-log-search": "Die misbruiklogboek deursoek",
"abusefilter-log-search-user": "Gebruiker:",
"abusefilter-log-search-filter": "Filternommer:",
"abusefilter-log-search-title": "Titel:",
"abusefilter-log-search-wiki": "Wiki:",
"abusefilter-log-search-submit": "Soek",
"abusefilter-log-detailedentry-global": "globale filter $1",
"abusefilter-log-detailedentry-local": "filter $1",
"abusefilter-log-detailslink": "details",
"abusefilter-log-hidelink": "pas sigbaarheid aan",
"abusefilter-log-details-legend": "Details vir logboekinskrywing $1",
"abusefilter-log-details-var": "Veranderlike",
"abusefilter-log-details-val": "Waarde",
"abusefilter-log-details-vars": "Aksie parameters",
"abusefilter-log-details-privatedetails": "Private data",
"abusefilter-log-details-ip": "IP-adres",
"abusefilter-log-noactions": "geen",
"abusefilter-log-details-diff": "Wysigings gemaak in wysig",
"abusefilter-log-linkoncontribs": "misbruiklogboek",
"abusefilter-log-linkoncontribs-text": "Misbruik log vir hierdie gebruiker",
"abusefilter-log-cannot-see-details": "Jy hoef nie toestemming om die besonderhede van enige inskrywings te sien.",
"abusefilter-log-details-hidden": "Jy kan nie die besonderhede vir hierdie inskrywing, want dit is weggesteek uit die openbare oog.",
"abusefilter-log-hide-legend": "Versteek logboekinskrywing",
"abusefilter-log-hide-reason": "Rede:",
"abusefilter-log-hide-forbidden": "Jy hoef nie toestemming om misbruik logitems te verberg.",
"abusefilter-list": "Alle filters",
"abusefilter-list-id": "Filternommer",
"abusefilter-list-status": "Status",
"abusefilter-list-public": "Publieke beskrywing",
"abusefilter-list-consequences": "Gevolge",
"abusefilter-list-visibility": "Sigbaarheid",
"abusefilter-list-hitcount": "hit tel",
"abusefilter-list-limit": "Aantal per bladsy:",
"abusefilter-list-lastmodified": "Laaste wysiging",
"abusefilter-list-group": "Filtergroep",
"abusefilter-hidden": "Privaat",
"abusefilter-unhidden": "Publiek",
"abusefilter-enabled": "Geaktiveer",
"abusefilter-deleted": "Geskrap",
"abusefilter-disabled": "Afgeskakel",
"abusefilter-hitcount": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|keer|kere}}",
"abusefilter-new": "Skep 'n nuwe filter",
"abusefilter-import-button": "import filter",
"abusefilter-return": "Terug na die filterbestuur",
"abusefilter-status-global": "Globaal",
"abusefilter-list-options": "Opsies",
"abusefilter-list-options-deleted": "Geskrapte filters:",
"abusefilter-list-options-deleted-only": "Wys slegs verwyderde filters",
"abusefilter-list-options-deleted-hide": "Versteek verwyderde filters",
"abusefilter-list-options-deleted-show": "Sluit verwyderde filters in",
"abusefilter-list-options-hidedisabled": "Versteek gedeaktiveerde filters",
"abusefilter-list-options-submit": "Opdateer",
"abusefilter-tools-text": "Hier is 'n paar instrumente wat nuttig kan wees in die formulering en ontfouting misbruik filters.",
"abusefilter-tools-expr": "Expression tester",
"abusefilter-tools-submitexpr": "Evalueer",
"abusefilter-tools-reautoconfirm": "Herstel motor confirmed status",
"abusefilter-tools-reautoconfirm-user": "Gebruiker:",
"abusefilter-reautoconfirm-notallowed": "U word nie toegelaat om motor confirmed status te herstel.",
"abusefilter-reautoconfirm-done": "Die rekening se motor confirmed status is herstel",
"abusefilter-edit-subtitle": "Besig met wysiging van filter $1",
"abusefilter-edit-status-label": "Statistieke:",
"abusefilter-edit-new": "Nuwe filter",
"abusefilter-edit-save": "Stoor filter",
"abusefilter-edit-id": "Filternommer:",
"abusefilter-edit-description": "Beskrywing:\n:''(publiek sigbaar)''",
"abusefilter-edit-flags": "Vlae:",
"abusefilter-edit-enabled": "Skakel die filter aan",
"abusefilter-edit-deleted": "Merk as geskrap",
"abusefilter-edit-hidden": "Versteek details van die filter vir die publiek",
"abusefilter-edit-global": "Pas die filter globaal toe",
"abusefilter-edit-rules": "Voorwaardes:",
"abusefilter-edit-notes": "Notas:\n:''(privaat)''",
"abusefilter-edit-lastmod": "Filter laas gewysig:",
"abusefilter-edit-lastmod-text": "$1 deur $2",
"abusefilter-edit-consequences": "Aksies wat geneem is toe ooreenstem",
"abusefilter-edit-action-warn": "Trigger hierdie aksies nadat die gebruiker 'n waarskuwing",
"abusefilter-edit-action-disallow": "Verhoed dat die gebruiker van die uitvoering van die aksie in die vraag",
"abusefilter-edit-action-blockautopromote": "Die gebruiker se intrek motor confirmed status",
"abusefilter-edit-action-degroup": "Verwyder die gebruiker van alle bevoorregte groepe",
"abusefilter-edit-action-throttle": "Trigger aksies slegs indien die gebruiker 'n koers limiet reise",
"abusefilter-edit-action-tag": "Tag die wysig vir verdere hersiening",
"abusefilter-edit-throttle-count": "Aantal aksies om toe te laat:",
"abusefilter-edit-throttle-period": "Tydperk:",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-message": "Stelsel boodskap te gebruik vir die waarskuwing:",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-other": "Ander boodskap",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-actions": "Handelinge:",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-preview": "Voorskou gekose boodskap",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-edit": "Skep/wysig gekose boodskap",
"abusefilter-edit-tag-tag": "Tags om aansoek te doen (een per lyn):",
"abusefilter-edit-denied": "Jy kan nie view details van hierdie filter nie, want dit is weggesteek uit die openbare oog.",
"abusefilter-edit-main": "Filter-parameters",
"abusefilter-edit-done-subtitle": "Filter gewysig",
"abusefilter-edit-restricted": "Jy kan dit nie wysig hierdie filter, want dit bevat een of meer beperkte aksies.\nVra asseblief 'n gebruiker met die toestemming van beperkte aksies by te voeg om die verandering te maak vir jou.",
"abusefilter-edit-viewhistory": "Wys die filter se geskiedenis",
"abusefilter-edit-history": "Geskiedenis:",
"abusefilter-edit-check": "Kontroleer sintaks",
"abusefilter-edit-badfilter": "Die aangegewe filter bestaan nie",
"abusefilter-edit-revert": "Aksies wat geneem is deur die filter terugzetten",
"abusefilter-edit-tools": "Gereedskap:",
"abusefilter-edit-test-link": "Toets dit filter teen onlangse wysigings",
"abusefilter-edit-export": "Die uitvoer van hierdie filter na 'n ander wiki",
"abusefilter-edit-syntaxok": "Geen sintaksfoute is opgespoor nie.",
"abusefilter-edit-syntaxerr": "Sintaksfout opgespoor: $1",
"abusefilter-edit-bad-tags": "Een of meer van die etikette wat deur u verskaf is nie geldig nie.\nTags moet kort wees, en hulle moet geen spesiale karakters bevat.",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-select": "Kies 'n opsie om dit toe te voeg op die wyser",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-group-op-arithmetic": "Wiskundige operatore",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-addition": "Optelling (+)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-subtraction": "Aftrekking (-)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-multiplication": "Vermenigvuldiging (*)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-divide": "Deel (/)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-modulo": "Modulus (%)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-pow": "Magsverheffing (**)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-group-op-comparison": "Operateurs vir vergelyking",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-equal": "Gelyk aan (==)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-notequal": "Nie gelyk aan (!=)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-lt": "Kleiner as (<)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-gt": "Groter as (>)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-lte": "Kleiner as of gelyk aan (<=)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-gte": "Groter as of gelyk aan (>=)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-group-op-bool": "Booleaanse operatore",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-not": "Nie (!)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-and": "En (&)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-or": "Of (|)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-group-misc": "Ander",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-in": "vervat in string (in)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-like": "Voldoen aan patroon (like)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-rlike": "Voldoen aan regulêre uitdrukking (rlike)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-irlike": "Voldoen aan regulêre uitdrukking, nie gevoelig vir hoofletters nie (irlike)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-contains": "Die linker string bevat die regter string (contains)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-stringlit": "Letterlike teks (\"\")",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-tern": "Drieledige operator (X ? Y : Z)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-cond": "Kondisie (as X dan Y anders Z)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-group-funcs": "Funksies",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-length": "Tekslengte (length)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-lcase": "Na kleinletters (lcase)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-specialratio": "Spesiale karakters / totaal aantal karakters (specialratio)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-norm": "Normaliseer (norm)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-rmwhitespace": "Verwyder witspasie (rmwhitespace)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-rmspecials": "Verwyder spesiale karakters (rmspecials)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-ip_in_range": "Is IP in die reeks? (Ip_in_range)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-substr": "Substring (substr)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-set_var": "Stel veranderlike (set_var)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-group-vars": "Veranderlikes",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-accountname": "Gebruikersnaam (on account creation)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-timestamp": "Unix die datum en tyd van verandering",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-action": "Handeling",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-addedlines": "Lyne bygevoeg in wysiging",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-delta": "Verandering van grootte in wysig",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-diff": "Unified verskil van die veranderinge wat gemaak is deur wysig",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-newsize": "Nuwe bladsy grootte",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-oldsize": "Ou bladsy grootte",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-removedlines": "Lines verwyder in wysig",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-summary": "Wysig opsomming/rede",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-page-id": "Bladsy-ID",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-page-ns": "Bladsy se naamruimte",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-page-title": "Blaadsynaam (sonder naamruimte)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-page-prefixedtitle": "Volledige bladsynaam",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedfrom-id": "Page ID beweging bron bladsy",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedfrom-ns": "Naamruimte van die skuif bron bladsy",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedfrom-title": "Titel beweging bron bladsy",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedfrom-prefixedtitle": "Volle naam van die beweging bron bladsy",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedto-prefixedtitle": "Volle naam van die beweging bestemming bladsy",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-editcount": "Gebruiker se aantal wysigings",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-age": "Ouderdom van gebruiker se rekening",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-name": "Gebruikersnaam",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-groups": "Groepe (waaronder implisiete) waarvan gebruiker 'n lid is",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-emailconfirm": "Tyd e-posadres is bevestig",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-recent-contributors": "Afgelope tien gebruikers by te dra tot die bladsy",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-all-links": "Alle eksterne skakels in die nuwe teks",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-added-links": "Alle eksterne skakels bygevoeg in die bewerking",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-removed-links": "Alle eksterne skakels verwyder in die bewerking",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-old-wikitext": "Ou bladsy Text, voor die aangesig van die wysig",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-new-wikitext": "Nuwe blad Text, na die wysig",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-minor-edit": "Of die wysig is gemerk as 'n kleinigheid",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-file-sha1": "SHA1-hashkode van die lêerinhoud",
"abusefilter-filter-log": "Onlangse filterveranderinge",
"abusefilter-history-foruser": "Wysigings deur $1",
"abusefilter-history-hidden": "Verborge",
"abusefilter-history-enabled": "Geaktiveer",
"abusefilter-history-global": "Globaal",
"abusefilter-history-timestamp": "Tyd",
"abusefilter-history-user": "Gebruiker",
"abusefilter-history-public": "Openbare filterbeskrywing",
"abusefilter-history-flags": "Vlae",
"abusefilter-history-filter": "filter reël",
"abusefilter-history-comments": "Opmerkings",
"abusefilter-history-actions": "Maatreëls",
"abusefilter-history-backedit": "Terug na filters wysig",
"abusefilter-history-deleted": "Geskrap",
"abusefilter-history-filterid": "Filter",
"abusefilter-history-select-legend": "Verfyn soektog",
"abusefilter-history-select-user": "Gebruiker:",
"abusefilter-history-select-submit": "Verfyn",
"abusefilter-history-diff": "Wysigings",
"abusefilter-history-error-hidden": "Die filter wat jy aangevra het weggesteek is, en jy kan nie sien sy geskiedenis.",
"abusefilter-action-tag": "Etiket",
"abusefilter-action-throttle": "Throttle",
"abusefilter-action-warn": "Waarsku",
"abusefilter-action-blockautopromote": "Blok autopromote",
"abusefilter-action-block": "Blokkeer",
"abusefilter-action-degroup": "Verwyder uit groepe",
"abusefilter-action-rangeblock": "IP-reeks blokkeer",
"abusefilter-action-disallow": "Nie toegestaan",
"abusefilter-revert-preview-item": "$1: $2 het 'n $3 gemaak op $4.\nAksies wat teruggerol moet word: $5 ($6)",
"abusefilter-revert-search-legend": "Kies misbruikfilteraksies om ongedaan te maak",
"abusefilter-revert-periodstart": "Periode begin:",
"abusefilter-revert-periodend": "Periode eindig:",
"abusefilter-revert-search": "Kies aksies",
"abusefilter-revert-filter": "Filter:",
"abusefilter-revert-confirm": "Bevestig",
"abusefilter-revert-reasonfield": "Rede vir terugrol:",
"abusefilter-test": "Toets 'n filter teen die vorige wysiging",
"abusefilter-test-legend": "Filter toetsing",
"abusefilter-test-load-filter": "Laai filter-ID:",
"abusefilter-test-submit": "Toets",
"abusefilter-test-load": "Laai",
"abusefilter-test-user": "Wysigings deur gebruiker:",
"abusefilter-test-period-start": "Veranderinge gemaak na:",
"abusefilter-test-period-end": "Veranderinge gemaak nir:",
"abusefilter-test-page": "Wysigings aan bladsy:",
"abusefilter-test-shownegative": "Wys veranderinge wat nie aan die filter voldoen nie",
"abusefilter-changeslist-examine": "ondersoek",
"abusefilter-examine": "Ondersoek individuele veranderinge",
"abusefilter-examine-intro": "Hierdie bladsy laat jou toe om die veranderlikes wat gegenereer word deur die misbruik filter om 'n individuele verandering te ondersoek, en dit toets teen filters.",
"abusefilter-examine-legend": "Kies wysigings",
"abusefilter-examine-submit": "Soek",
"abusefilter-examine-vars": "Veranderlikes wat gegenereer is vir hierdie verandering",
"abusefilter-examine-test": "Toets hierdie verandering teen 'n filter",
"abusefilter-examine-test-button": "Toets filter",
"abusefilter-examine-match": "Die verandering voldoen aan die filter.",
"abusefilter-examine-nomatch": "Die filter voldoen nie aan die verandering nie.",
"abusefilter-examine-syntaxerror": "Die filter het ongeldige sintaks",
"abusefilter-examine-notfound": "Die verandering wat jy aangevra het kon nie gevind word nie.",
"abusefilter-examine-incompatible": "Die verandering wat jy versoek word nie ondersteun nie deur die Misbruik Filter",
"abusefilter-examine-noresults": "Geen resultate gevind vir die soektog parameters wat u verskaf het.",
"abusefilter-topnav-home": "Tuisblad",
"abusefilter-topnav-test": "Batch toets",
"abusefilter-topnav-examine": "Ondersoek vorige wysigings",
"abusefilter-topnav-log": "Filterlogboek",
"abusefilter-topnav-tools": "ontfouting gereedskap",
"abusefilter-log-name": "Misbruikfilter se logboek",
"abusefilter-log-noresults": "Geen resultate nie",
"abusefilter-diff-title": "Verskille tussen weergawes",
"abusefilter-diff-item": "Item",
"abusefilter-diff-version": "Weergawe van $1 deur $2",
"abusefilter-diff-info": "Basiese inligting",
"abusefilter-diff-pattern": "Filter voorwaardes",
"abusefilter-diff-invalid": "Kan nie die versoek weergawes te gaan haal",
"abusefilter-diff-backhistory": "Terug na die filtergeskiedenis",
"abusefilter-import-submit": "Importeer data"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"abusefilter-import-button": "filtër Import",
"abusefilter-edit-global": "Apliko këtë filtër globalisht",
"abusefilter-edit-throttle-count": "Numri i veprimeve të lejojë:",
"abusefilter-edit-throttle-period": "Periudha kohore:",
"abusefilter-edit-throttle-groups": "Grupi mbyt nga::''(një për çdo rresht, të kombinuar me presje)''",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-message": "mesazh Sistemit për t'u përdorur për paralajmërim:",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-other": "mesazh të tjera",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-other-label": "Faqe Emri i mesazhit të tjera::''(pa prefiksin MediaWiki)''",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-actions": "Veprimet:",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-preview": "Preview zgjedhur mesazh",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-edit": "Krijo / Edito mesazhin e zgjedhur",
"abusefilter-edit-tag-tag": "Tags për të aplikuar (një për çdo rresht):",
"abusefilter-edit-denied": "Ju nuk mund të shihni detajet e këtij filtri, sepse ajo është e fshehur prej pamjes publike.",
"abusefilter-edit-main": "parametrave Filter",
"abusefilter-edit-done-subtitle": "Filter redaktuar",
"abusefilter-edit-done": "Ju keni ruajtur me sukses ndryshimet tuaja për të [[Special:AbuseFilter/$1|filtruar $3]].",
"abusefilter-edit-badsyntax": "Nuk është një gabim i sintaksës në filtër të caktuar. Prodhimit nga parser ishte: <pre>$1</pre>",
"abusefilter-edit-restricted": "Ju nuk mund të modifikoni këtë filtër, sepse përmban një ose më shumë veprime të kufizuara. Ju lutem, kërkoni një përdorues me leje për të shtuar veprime të kufizuara për të bërë ndryshimin për ju.",
"abusefilter-edit-viewhistory": "Shiko historinë e këtij filtri i",
"abusefilter-edit-history": "Historia:",
"abusefilter-edit-check": "Kontrollo sintaksë",
"abusefilter-edit-badfilter": "Filtri ju i specifikuar nuk ekziston",
"abusefilter-edit-revert": "veprimet e ndërmarra nga rikthej këtë filtër",
"abusefilter-edit-tools": "Tools:",
"abusefilter-edit-test-link": "Test këtë filtër kundër së fundmi",
"abusefilter-edit-export": "Eksporti këtë filtër në një tjetër wiki",
"abusefilter-edit-syntaxok": "Nuk ka gabime sintaksore zbuluar.",
"abusefilter-edit-syntaxerr": "Gabim sintaksor zbuluar: $1",
"abusefilter-edit-bad-tags": "Një ose më shumë nga ju tags specifikuar nuk është i vlefshëm. Tags duhet të jetë i shkurtër, dhe ata nuk duhet të përmbajë karaktere speciale.",
"abusefilter-edit-notallowed": "Ju nuk jeni i lejuar për të krijuar ose për të redaktuar filtrat e abuzim",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-select": "Zgjidh një opsion për të shtuar se në kursorin",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-group-op-arithmetic": "operatorët aritmetike",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-addition": "Shtim (+)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-subtraction": "Zbritja (-)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-multiplication": "Shumëzimit (*)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-divide": "Divizioni (/)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-modulo": "Modulo (%)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-pow": "Power (**)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-group-op-comparison": "operatorët Krahasimi",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-equal": "Barabartë me (==)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-notequal": "Nuk është e barabartë me (! =)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-lt": "Më pak se (<)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-gt": "Më e madhe se (>)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-lte": "Më pak ose e barabartë me (<=)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-gte": "Më e madhe se, ose e barabartë me (>=)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-group-op-bool": "operatorët Boolean",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-not": "Jo (!)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-and": "E (&)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-or": "Ose (|)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-group-misc": "I llojllojshëm",
"abusefilter-examine-syntaxerror": "Filtri ka sintaksë të pavlefshme",
"abusefilter-examine-notfound": "Ndryshimi ju kërkuar nuk mund të gjendet.",
"abusefilter-examine-incompatible": "Ndryshimi ju kërkuar nuk është i mbështetur nga Filter Abuse",
"abusefilter-examine-noresults": "Asnjë rezultat nuk u gjet për parametrat e kërkimit keni dhënë.",
"abusefilter-topnav": "Abuse navigacion'''Filter'''",
"abusefilter-topnav-home": "Shtëpi",
"abusefilter-topnav-test": "testimi Batch",
"abusefilter-topnav-examine": "Ekzaminimi i redaktimet e kaluara",
"abusefilter-topnav-log": "Abuse Hyni",
"abusefilter-topnav-tools": "Debugging tools",
"abusefilter-log-name": "log Abuse Filter",
"abusefilter-log-header": "Kjo log tregon një përmbledhje të ndryshimet e bëra në filtra. Për hollësi të plota, shikoni [[Special:AbuseFilter/history|lista]] filtër të ndryshimeve të fundit.",
"abusefilter-diff-title": "Dallimet midis versioneve",
"abusefilter-diff-item": "Artikull",
"abusefilter-diff-version": "Version nga $1 nga $2",
"abusefilter-diff-info": "informata themelore",
"abusefilter-diff-pattern": "Kushtet Filter",
"abusefilter-diff-invalid": "Në pamundësi për të shkoj të marr versionet e kërkuar",
"abusefilter-diff-backhistory": "Kthehu në filtër historisë",
"abusefilter-import-intro": "Ju mund të përdorni këtë ndërfaqe për të importuar filtra nga wikis tjera. Në burimi wiki, klikoni \"{{int:abusefilter-edit-export}}\" nën \"{{int:abusefilter-edit-tools}}\" në interface redaktimi. Kopje nga textbox që duket, dhe ngjitur në këtë textbox, pastaj kliko \"{{int:abusefilter-import-submit}}\".",
"abusefilter-import-submit": "Të dhënat e importit"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Codex Sinaiticus"
"abuselog": "የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎች መዝገብ",
"abusefilter-blocker": "የጥፋቶች ማጣሪያ",
"right-abusefilter-modify": "የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለመቀይር",
"right-abusefilter-view": "የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለማየት",
"right-abusefilter-log": "የጥፋትን መዝገብ ለማየት",
"action-abusefilter-modify": "የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለመቀይር",
"action-abusefilter-view": "የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለማየት",
"action-abusefilter-log": "የጥፋትን መዝገብ ለማየት",
"abusefilter-log-search": "የጥፋቶች መዝገብ መፈልግ",
"abusefilter-log-search-user": "ተጠቃሚ:",
"abusefilter-log-search-filter": "የማጣሪያ መታወቂያ፦",
"abusefilter-log-search-title": "አርዕስት፡",
"abusefilter-log-search-wiki": "ዊኪ፦",
"abusefilter-log-search-submit": "ፍለጋ",
"abusefilter-log-detailedentry-local": "ማጣሪያ $1",
"abusefilter-log-detailslink": "ዝርዝር",
"abusefilter-log-diff": "ለውጡ",
"abusefilter-log-details-var": "ተለዋጭ",
"abusefilter-log-noactions": "የለም",
"abusefilter-log-linkoncontribs": "የጥፋቶች መዝገብ",
"abusefilter-log-hide-reason": "ምክንያቱ፦",
"abusefilter-list": "ማጣሪያዎች ሁሉ",
"abusefilter-list-status": "ሁኔታ",
"abusefilter-list-limit": "ቁጥር በየገጹ፦",
"abusefilter-list-lastmodified": "መጨረሻ የተለወጠ",
"abusefilter-hidden": "የግል",
"abusefilter-enabled": "የተቻለ",
"abusefilter-deleted": "የጠፋ",
"abusefilter-hitcount": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|ጊዜ|ጊዜዎች}}",
"abusefilter-new": "አዲስ ማጣሪያ ለመፍጠር",
"abusefilter-list-options": "ምርጫዎች",
"abusefilter-list-options-deleted": "የጠፉት ማጣሪያዎች፦",
"abusefilter-list-options-deleted-only": "የጠፉት ማጣሪያዎች ብቻ ይታዩ",
"abusefilter-list-options-deleted-hide": "የጠፉት ማጣሪያዎች ይደበቁ",
"abusefilter-list-options-deleted-show": "ከነጠፉት ማጣሪያዎች",
"abusefilter-list-options-scope": "ማጣሪያዎች ከዚህ ይታዩ፦",
"abusefilter-list-options-submit": "ለማሳደስ",
"abusefilter-tools-reautoconfirm-user": "ተጠቃሚ:",
"abusefilter-edit-subtitle": "ማጣሪያ $1 ማዘጋጀት",
"abusefilter-edit-subtitle-new": "ማጣሪያ መፍጠር",
"abusefilter-edit-new": "አዲስ ማጣሪያ",
"abusefilter-edit-save": "ማጣሪያው ይቆጠብ",
"abusefilter-edit-id": "የማጣሪያ መታወቂያ፦",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-other": "ሌላ መልእክት",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-actions": "ድርጊቶች፦",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-edit": "የተመረጠው መልእክት ለመፍጠር/ማስተካከል",
"abusefilter-edit-done-subtitle": "ማጣሪያ ተለወጠ",
"abusefilter-edit-history": "ታሪክ",
"abusefilter-edit-tools": "መሳርያዎች፦",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-and": "እና (&)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-or": "ወይም (|)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-summary": "ማጠቃልያ / ምክንያት",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-page-id": "የገጽ መታወቂያ",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-page-ns": "የገጽ ክፍለ-ዊኪ",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-page-prefixedtitle": "የገጽ ሙሉ አርዕስት",
"abusefilter-history-foruser": "የ$1 ለውጦች",
"abusefilter-history-hidden": "የተደበቀ",
"abusefilter-history-timestamp": "ጊዜ",
"abusefilter-history-user": "ተጠቃሚ",
"abusefilter-history-actions": "ድርጊቶች",
"abusefilter-history-backedit": "ወደ ማጣሪያ ማዘጋጃ ለመመለስ",
"abusefilter-history-deleted": "የጠፋ",
"abusefilter-history-filterid": "ማጣሪያ",
"abusefilter-history-select-user": "ተጠቃሚ:",
"abusefilter-history-diff": "ለውጦች",
"abusefilter-revert-filter": "ማጣሪያ፦",
"abusefilter-revert-reasonfield": "ምክንያቱ፦",
"abusefilter-examine-submit": "ፈልግ",
"abusefilter-topnav-home": "መኖርያ"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Carlos Cristia",
"abusefilter-log-search-wiki": "Biwi:",
"abusefilter-log-search-submit": "Mirar",
"abusefilter-log-details-var": "Variable",
"abusefilter-log-noactions": "garra",
"abusefilter-edit-warn-actions": "Accions:",
"abusefilter-edit-history": "Historial:",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-group-vars": "Variables",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-action": "Acción",
"abusefilter-history-actions": "Accions",
"abusefilter-revert-filter": "Filtro:"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"محمد أحمد عبد الفتاح"
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "تحقق لمعرفة ما إذا كان مرشح الإساءة يطابق مجموعة من المتغيرات، تحرير حدث مرشح إساءة مسجل،\nvars أو rcid أو logid مطلوبون ولكن يمكن استخدام واحد فقط.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "تحقق لمعرفة ما إذا كان مرشح الإساءة يطابق مجموعة من المتغيرات، تحرير حدث مرشح إساءة مسجل.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars أو rcid أو logid مطلوبون ولكن يمكن استخدام واحد فقط.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "نص المرشح الكامل للتحقق من وجود تطابق.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "جسون مجموعة من المتغيرات للاختبار ضده.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "معرف التغيير الأخير للتحقق ضده.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "معرف سجل مرشح إساءة للتحقق منه.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "اختبار إذا كان معرف التغيير الأخير 15 يطابق مرشحا بسيطا",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "تحقق من بناء جملة مرشح الإساءة.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "تحقق من بناء جملة مرشح الإساءة.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "النص الكامل للمرشح للتحقق من بناء الجملة.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "تحقق من بناء جملة مرشح صالح",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "تحقق من بناء جملة غير مرشح صالح",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "تقييم تعبير مرشح إساءة.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "تقييم تعبير مرشح إساءة.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "التعبير لتقييمه.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "ما إذا كان يجب طباعة النتيجة بشكل جميل.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "تقييم تعبير بسيط",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "تقييم تعبير بسيط ، تنسيق النتيجة",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "يرفع منع المستخدم من تلقي ترقيات تلقائية بسبب نتيجة مرشح إساءة.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "يرفع منع المستخدم من تلقي ترقيات تلقائية بسبب نتيجة مرشح إساءة.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "اسم المستخدم للمستخدم الذي تريد إلغاء منعه.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "إزالة المنع عن الترقية التلقائية لـ[[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "عرض تفاصيل مرشحات الإساءة.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "عرض تفاصيل مرشحات الإساءة.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "معرف المرشح لبدء التعداد منه.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "معرف المرشح لإيقاف التعداد فيه.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "عرض المرشحات التي تستوفي هذه المعايير فقط.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "الحد الأقصى لعدد المرشحات للقائمة.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "أي خصائص للحصول عليها.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "سرد المرشحات العامة المفعلة",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "عرض بعض التفاصيل عن المرشحات",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "عرض الأحداث التي تم التقاطها بواسطة أحد مرشحات الإساءة.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "عرض الأحداث التي تم التقاطها بواسطة أحد مرشحات الإساءة.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "إظهار إدخال بمعرف السجل المحدد.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "الطابع الزمني لبدء تعداد منه.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "الطابع الزمني لوقف التعداد فيه.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "إظهار الإدخالات من قبل مستخدم معين أو عنوان أيبي فقط.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "إظهار الإدخالات التي تحدث في صفحة معينة فقط.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "إظهار الإدخالات فقط التي تم اكتشافها بواسطة معرفات المرشحات المحددة، افصل بالأنابيب والبادئة بـ\"$1\" للمرشحات العالمية.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "إظهار الإدخالات التي تم التقاطها بواسطة معرفات عامل التصفية المحددة فقط. افصل مع الأنابيب.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "الحد الأقصى لعدد الإدخالات للقائمة.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "أي خصائص للحصول عليها.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "ويكي لإظهار نتائج منه.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "أظهر مدخلات السجل الأخيرة",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "عرض إدخالات السجل الأخيرة لـ[[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "عرض تفاصيل إدخال سجل الإساءة الخاصة",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "عرض تفاصيل إدخال سجل الإساءة الخاصة",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "معرف إدخال سجل الإساءة ليتم التحقق منه.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "سبب وجيه لأداء التحقق.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "احصل على تفاصيل خاصة لإدخال سجل الإساءة بالمعرف 1، باستخدام السبب \"مثال\".",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "ليست لديك الصلاحية لاختبار مرشحات الإساءة.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "ليست لديك الصلاحية للتحقق من بناء مرشحات الإساءة.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "ليست لديك صلاحية لتقييم تعبيرات مرشح الإساءة",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "ليس هناك إدخال سجل إساءة بالمعرف $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "يحتوي المرشح على بنية غير صالحة."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Revisa pa ver si un AbuseFilter casa con un conxuntu de variables, una edición o una aición rexistrada n'AbuseFilter.\n\nNecesítase vars, rcid o logid, anque sólo puede usase unu.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Comprobar si un filtru d'abusos casa con un conxuntu de variables, una edición o un socesu rexistráu d'AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "Ríquese vars, rcid o logid, pero sólo puede usase unu d'ellos.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "El testu completu del filtru a comprobar pa una coincidencia.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Matriz de variables codificaes en JSON escontra la que comprobar.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "ID del cambiu reciente nel que comprobar.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "ID del rexistru de la peñera d'abusos nel que comprobar o filtro.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Comprobar si'l cambiu reciente cola ID 15 concuaya con un filtru simple",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Comprobar la sintaxis d'un filtru de la Peñera d'abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Comprobar la sintaxis d'un filtru de la Peñera d'abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "El testu completu del filtru nel que comprobar la sintaxis.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Comprobar la sintaxis d'un filtru válidu",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Comprobar la sintaxis d'un filtru inválidu",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Evaluar una espresión de la Peñera d'abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Evaluar una espresión de la Peñera d'abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "La espresión a evaluar.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Evaluar una espresión simple",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Desbloquia a un usuariu de recibir autopromociones como consecuencia de la peñera d'abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Desbloquia a un usuariu de recibir autopromociones como consecuencia de la peñera d'abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Nome del usuariu que vas desbloquiar.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Quitar el bloquéu por auto-promoción de [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Amosar detalles de los filtros d'abusos.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Amosar detalles de los filtros d'abusos.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "ID del filtru dende'l que principiar la enumeración.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "ID del filtru nel que finar la enumeración.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Amosar sólo los filtros que cumplan con estos criterios.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "El númberu máximu de filtros a poner na llista.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Qué propiedaes algamar.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Llista de los filtros públicos activaos",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Amosar dellos detalles de los filtros",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Amostrar los socesos que deteutó unu de los filtros antiabusu.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Amostrar los socesos que detectó unu de los filtros antiabusu.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Amosar una entrada cola ID de log dada.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "La marca horaria dende la que principiar la enumeración.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "La marca horaria na que finar la enumeración.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Amosar solo les entraes feches por un determináu usuariu o IP.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Amosar solo les entraes correspondientes a una páxina determinada.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Amostrar solo les entraes recoyíes por un identificador de filtru determináu. Separar con barres verticales, prefixar con «$1» pa filtros globales.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "La cantidá máxima d'entraes qu'apaecerán.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Qué propiedaes algamar.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Wiki de la qu'amosar les detecciones.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Amosar les entraes recientes del rexistru",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Amosar les entraes recientes del rexistru pa la [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Ver detalles privaos d'una entrada de AbuseLog.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Ver detalles privaos d'una entrada de AbuseLog.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "L'identificador de la entrada de AbuseLog a comprobar.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Un motivu válidu pa realizar la comprobación.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Ver los detalles privaos de la entrada d'AbuseLog con ID 1, usando'l motivu \"example\".",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Nun tienes permisu pa probar peñeres d'abusu.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Nun tienes permisu pa comprobar la sintaxis de les peñeres d'abusu.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Nun tienes permisu pa evaluar espresiones d'AbuseFilter.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Nun hai nenguna entrada nos rexistros de les peñeres d'abusu con id $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "El filtru tien una sintaxis inválida."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "AbuseFilter фильтры синтаксисын тикшереү",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Һеҙ блокировкаһын алырға теләгән ҡатнашыусының исеме (логин).",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Ниндәй үҙенсәлекте мотлаҡ алырға:",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Исемлектәге яҙмаларҙың иң ҙур күләме.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Ниндәй үҙенсәлектәрҙе мотлаҡ алырға:",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Журналдағы һуңғы яҙмаларҙы күрһәтергә",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": " [[API]] журналындағы һуңғы яҙманы күрһәтергә"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Red Winged Duck",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Праверце, ці адпавядае Фільтру злоўжываньняў набор зьменных, рэдагаваньне ці запратакаляваная падзея Фільтру.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Праверце, ці адпавядае Фільтру злоўжываньняў набор зьменных, рэдагаваньне ці запратакаляваная падзея Фільтру.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "патрабуюцца vars, rcid або logid, аднак можа выкарыстоўвацца толькі адзін зь іх.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Паўнатэкставы фільтар для праверкі на адпаведнасьць.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "JSON-закадаваны масіў зьменных для тэставаньня.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Ідэнтыфікатар у нядаўніх зьменах, на аснове якога будзе зьдзейсьненая праверка.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Ідэнтыфікатар журналу фільтру злоўжываньняў для праверкі.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Праверыць, ці ідэнтыфікатар апошніх зьменаў 15 супадае з простым фільтрам",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Праверыць сынтаксыс асобнага фільтру злоўжываньняў.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Праверыць сынтаксыс фільтру злоўжываньняў.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Паўнатэкставы фільтар тэксту для праверкі на адпаведнасьць.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Праверыць сынтаксыс дзейнага фільтру",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Праверыць сынтаксыс некарэктнага фільтру",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Ацэньвае значэньне выразу фільтара рэдагаваньняў.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Ацэньвае значэньне выразу фільтара злоўжываньняў.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Выраз для вылічэньня.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Ці павінен вынік быць прыгожа надрукаваны.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Ацаніць просты выраз.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Вылічыце просты выраз, фарматуючы вынік",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Разблякаваць карыстальніка ад атрыманьня аўтаматычных рэклямных акцыяў з-за наступстваў abusefilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Разблякаваць карыстальніка ад атрыманьня аўтаматычных рэклямных акцыяў з-за наступстваў abusefilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Імя карыстальніка, якога вы жадаеце разблякаваць.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Зьняць блякаваньне з аўтаматычнага прасоўваньня карыстача [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Паказаць падрабязнасьці фільтраў злоўжываньняў.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Паказаць падрабязнасьці фільтраў злоўжываньняў.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "Ідэнтыфікатар фільтру, зь якога пачынаць пералік.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "Ідэнтыфікатар фільтру, на якім спыніць пералік.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Паказаць толькі фільтры, якія адпавядаюць гэтым крытэрам.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Максымальная колькасьць фільтраў у сьпісе.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Якія ўласьцівасьці атрымаць.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Сьпіс уключаных публічных фільтраў",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Паказаць некаторыя падрабязнасьці пра фільтры",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Паказаць падзеі, якія былі адсочаны адным з фільтраў злоўжываньняў.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Паказаць падзеі, якія былі выяўлены адным з фільтраў злоўжываньняў.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Паказаць запіс з пададзеным ідэнтыфікатарам журналу.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Адзнака часу, зь якой пачынаць пералік.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Адзнака часу, на якой спыніць пералік.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Паказаць толькі элемэнты, зробленыя пэўным карыстачом або ІП-адрасам.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Паказаць толькі запісы, якія адбыліся на пададзенай старонцы.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Паказваць толькі запісы, якія былі перахопленыя дадзенымі ідэнтыфікатарамі фільтру. Аддзяляюцца вэртыкальнымі рыскамі, для глябальных фільтраў прымяняецца прэфікс «$1».",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Паказваць толькі запісы, якія былі перахопленыя зададзенымі ідэнтыфікатарамі фільтару. Адьдзяліць трубамі.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Максімальная колькасьць запісаў у сьпісе.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Якія ўласьцівасьці атрымаць.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Вікі, з якой паказаць вылучэньні.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Паказаць нядаўнія запісы ў журнале",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Паказаць нядаўнія запісы ў часопіс [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Паказаць асабістыя падрабязнасьці запісу у часопісе фільтара рэдагаваньняў.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Прагляд прыватных зьвестак пра запіс журналу злоўжываньняў.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "Ідэнтыфікатар запісу журналу злоўжываньняў, які падлягае праверцы.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Важкая прычына для правядзеньня праверкі.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Атрымаць прыватныя зьвесткі для запісу журналу злоўжываньняў з ідэнтыфікатарам 1, выкарыстоўваючы прычыну «прыклад».",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Вы ня маеце дазволу на тэставаньне фільтараў злоўжываньняў.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Вы ня маеце дазволу на праверку сынтаксісу фільтраў злоўжываньняў.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Вы ня маеце дазволу на ацэнку выразаў фільтру злоўжываньняў.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Няма ніякага запісу журналу злоўжываньняў з ідэнтыфікатарам $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Сынтаксычная памылка ў фільтры."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "Зменныя vars, rcid і logid абавязковыя, аднак можа выкарыстоўвацца толькі адна з іх.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "JSON-закадаваны масіў зменных для тэставання.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Ідэнтыфікатар з журнала фільтра злоўжыванняў, на аснове якога мае быць здзейснена праверка.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Праверыць, ці ідэнтыфікатар апошніх змен 15 супадае з простым фільтрам",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Зняцце з удзельніка выкліканага фільтрам злоўжыванняў абмежавання атрымліваць аўтаматычнае прасоўванне.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Разблакаванне ўдзельніка ад атрымання аўтаматычных прасоўванняў праз паслядоўнасць фільтраў.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Паказаць падзеі, якія былі адсочаны адным з фільтраў злоўжыванняў.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Паказаць падзеі, якія былі выяўлены адным з фільтраў злоўжыванняў.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Паказваць толькі запісы, якія былі перахопленыя дадзенымі ідэнтыфікатарамі фільтра. Аддзяляюцца вертыкальнымі рыскамі, для глабальных фільтраў прымяняецца прэфікс «$1»."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Пълния текст на филтър за проверка за съвпадение.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Проверка на синтаксиса на филтър срещу злоупотреби.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Проверка на синтаксиса на даден филтър срещу злоупотреби.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Проверка на синтаксиса на валиден филтър",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Проверка на синтаксиса на невалиден филтър",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Изчисляване на израз от филтър срещу злоупотреби",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Изчисляване на израз от филтър срещу злоупотреби",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Израз за изчисляване.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Изчисляване на прост израз",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Име на потребителя, който искате да отблокирате.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Показване на детайлите на филтрите срещу злоупотреби",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Показване на детайлите на филтрите срещу злоупотреби.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "Идентификатор на филтъра, от който да започне изчислението.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "Идентификатор на филтъра, при който да завърши изчислението.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Показване само на филтри, които отговарят на тези критерии.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Максимален брой филтри в списъка.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Какви свойства трябва да се получат.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Списък на активираните публични филтри",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Показване на допълнителна информация за филтри",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Показване на събития, които отговарят на един от филтрите срещу злоупотреби.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Показване на събития, които отговарят на един от филтрите срещу злоупотреби.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Показване на запис с дадено ID на дневника.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Времева отметка, от която да започва изчислението.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Времева отметка, при която да спира изчислението.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Показване само на записи, свързани с даден потребител или IP адрес.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Показване само на записи, свързани с определена страница.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Показване само записи, които отговарят на даден ID на филтър. Разделени с вертикални черти, с префикс „$1“ за глобалните филтри.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Максимален брой записи в списъка.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Какви свойства трябва да се получат.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Уики, от което да се покажат посещенията.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Показване на последните записи в дневника",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Показване на последните записи в дневника на [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Преглед на личните данни от запис на AbuseLog.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Преглед на личните данни от запис на AbuseLog.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "Номера на записа от AbuseLog за проверка.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Основателна причина за извършване на проверката.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Получаване на лични данни за запис от AbuseLog с ID 1, използвайки като причина „пример“.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Нямате права за тестване на филтрите срещу злоупотреби.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Нямате права за проверка на синтаксиса на филтрите срещу злоупотреби.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "В дневника за злоупотреби не съществува запис с ID $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Синтаксисът на филтъра е невалиден"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "একটি বৈধ ছাঁকনির সিনট্যাক্স পরীক্ষা করুন",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "একটি অবৈধ ছাঁকনির সিনট্যাক্স পরীক্ষা করুন৷",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "সাম্প্রতিক লগ ভুক্তি দেখান",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "[[API]]-এর সাম্প্রতিক লগ ভুক্তি দেখান"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Daoust ha ret eo d'an disoc'h bezañ diskwelet brav.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Priziañ ur jedad eeun ha pajennaozañ an disoc'h"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Alan Mena",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Comprova la sintaxi dun filtre vàlid",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Comprova la sintaxi d'un filtre no vàlid",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Evalua una expressió simple",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Nom d'usuari de la persona que vols desbloquejar.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "El nombre màxim de filtres per llistar.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Quines propietats obtenir.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Llista els filtres públics habilitats",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Mostra alguns detalls dels filtres",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Mostra les entrades recents del registre",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "La sintaxi del filtre no és vàlida."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Муьлха билгалонаш оьшуш йу.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Муьлха билгалонаш оьшуш йу.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Гайта тептар чуьра тӀаьхьара дӀайаздарш",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Гайта [[API]] тептар чуьра тӀаьхьара дӀайаздарш"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Matěj Suchánek",
"Jaroslav Cerny"
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Zkontrolovat, zda filtr zneužití odpovídá sadě proměnných, editaci nebo změně zaznamenané ve filtru.\n\nJe vyžadována právě jedna z následujících možností: vars, rcid nebo logid.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars, rcid nebo logid jsou povinné parametry, avšak jen jeden z nich může být použit",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Plný text filtru, který se má kontrolovat na shodu.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Pole proměnných vůči kterým chcete testovat, kódované v JSON.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "ID poslední změny vůči které chcete testovat.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "ID filtru zneužití vůči kterému chcete testovat.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Otestovat, zda poslední změna s ID 15 odpovídá jednoduchému filtru",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Zkontrolovat syntaxi filtru zneužití.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Zkontroluje syntaxi filtru zneužití.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Plný text filtru, na kterém se zkontroluje syntaxe",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Zkontrolovat syntaxi platného filtru",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Zkontrolovat syntaxi neplatného filtru",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Vyhodnotí výraz filtru zneužití.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Vyhodnotí výraz filtru zneužití.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Výraz, který se má vyhodnotit.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Zda má být výsledek pěkně vytištěn.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Vyhodnotit jednoduchý výraz",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Odblokuje uživateli možnost získat automatické povýšení zablokovanou důsledkem filtru zneužití.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Jméno uživatele, jehož chcete odblokovat.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Zrušit blokování automatického povýšení uživatele [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Zobrazit podrobnosti o filtrech zneužití.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Zobrazit podrobnosti o filtrech zneužití.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "ID filtru, od kterého se začne s výčtem.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "ID filtru, u kterého výčet skončí.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Zobrazit pouze filtry, které splňují tato kritéria.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Maximální počet zobrazených filtrů.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Jaké vlastnosti získat.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Zobrazit zapnuté veřejné filtry",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Zobrazit podrobnosti o filtrech",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Zobrazit události, které byly zachyceny filtrem zneužití.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Zobrazit události, které byly zachyceny filtrem zneužití.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Zobrazit záznam s daným ID protokolu.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Časová značka, od které se začne s výčtem.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Časová značka, u které výčet skončí.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Zobrazit pouze změny provedené daným uživatelem nebo z příslušné IP adresy.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Zobrazit pouze změny, které se vyskytují na dané stránce.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Zobrazit pouze změny, které byly zachyceny daným filtrem. Oddělte je pomocí svislítka, před globální filtry přidejte „$1“.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Maximální počet změn k zobrazení.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Jaké vlastnosti získat.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Wiki, na nichž došlo k zásahům filtrů.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Zobrazit poslední záznamy protokolu",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Zobrazit poslední záznamy protokolu pro stránku [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Platný důvod k provedení kontroly.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Nemáte oprávnění testovat filtry zneužití.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Nemáte oprávnění kontrolovat syntaxi filtrů zneužití.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Žádný záznam filtrů zneužití nemá id $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Filtr má neplatnou syntaxi."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Udtrykket som skal evalueres.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Brugernavnet åp brugeren du ønsker at fjerne blokeringen fra.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Hvilke egenskaber at få.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Hvilke egenskaber der skal hentes.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Filteret har ugyldig syntaks."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Prüfen, ob ein Missbrauchsfilter mit einem Satz von Variablen, einer Bearbeitung oder einem protokollierten Missbrauchsfilter-Ereignis übereinstimmt.\n\nvars, rcid oder logid ist erforderlich, es darf jedoch nur eine davon verwendet werden.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Prüfen, ob ein Missbrauchsfilter mit einem Satz von Variablen, einer Bearbeitung oder einem protokollierten Missbrauchsfilter-Ereignis übereinstimmt.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "Es ist vars, rcid oder logid erforderlich, jedoch kann nur eines verwendet werden.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Der vollständige Filtertext, der für einen Treffer überprüft werden soll.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "JSON-kodierte Anordnung von Variablen, die gegengetestet werden sollen.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Gegenzuprüfende Letzte-Änderungs-Kennung.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Gegenzuprüfende Missbrauchsfilter-Logbuch-Kennung.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Testet, ob die Letzte-Änderungen-Kennung 15 einem einfachen Filter entspricht.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Prüft die Syntax eines Missbrauchfilters.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Überprüft die Syntax eines Missbrauchfilters.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Der vollständige Filtertext, dessen Syntax überprüft werden soll.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Syntax eines gültigen Filters prüfen",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Syntax eines ungültigen Filters prüfen",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Evaluiert einen Missbrauchsfilter-Ausdruck.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Bewertet einen Ausdruck des Missbrauchfilters.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Der zu evaluierende Ausdruck.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Ob das Ergebnis hübsch ausgedruckt werden soll.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Evaluiert einen einfachen Ausdruck",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Auswertung eines einfachen Ausdrucks, Formatierung des Ergebnisses",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Verhindert, dass ein Benutzer aufgrund einer Missbrauchsfilter-Folge Autopromotions erhält.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Verhindert, dass ein Benutzer aufgrund einer Missbrauchsfilter-Folge Autopromotions erhält.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Benutzername des Benutzers, den du entsperren möchtest.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Entfernt die Sperre auf der Autopromotion von [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Einzelheiten über die Missbrauchsfilter anzeigen.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Zeigt Einzelheiten des Missbrauchfilters an.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "Die Filterkennung, bei der die Aufzählung beginnen soll.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "Die Filterkennung, bei der die Aufzählung enden soll.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Nur Filter anzeigen, die diese Kriterien erfüllen.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Die maximale Anzahl aufzulistender Filter.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Zurückzugebende Eigenschaften.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Aktivierte öffentliche Filter auflisten",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Einige Einzelheiten über Filter anzeigen",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Ereignisse anzeigen, die von einem der Missbrauchsfilter erfasst wurden.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Zeigt Ereignisse an, die von einem der Missbrauchsfilter erfasst wurden.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Zeigt einen Eintrag mit der angegebenen Logbuchkennung.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Der Zeitstempel, bei dem die Aufzählung begonnen werden soll.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Der Zeitstempel, bei dem die Aufzählung beendet werden soll.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Nur Einträge von einem angegebenen Benutzer oder einer IP-Adresse anzeigen.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Zeigt nur Einträge, die auf einer angegebenen Seite erscheinen.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Nur Einträge anzeigen, die von den angegebenen Filter-IDs erfasst wurden. Mit Pipes trennen, Präfix mit „$1“ für globale Filter.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Nur Einträge anzeigen, die von den angegebenen Filter-IDs erfasst wurden. Mit Pipes trennen.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Die maximale Anzahl der aufzulistenden Einträge.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Zurückzugebende Eigenschaften.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Wiki, von dem Treffer angezeigt werden sollen.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Zeigt die letzten Logbucheinträge",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Zeigt die letzten Logbucheinträge für [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Private Details des AbuseLog-Eintrags ansehen.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Private Details des AbuseLog-Eintrags ansehen.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "Die Kennung des zu überprüfenden AbuseLog-Eintrags.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Ein gültiger Grund für das Ausführen der Überprüfung.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Private Details für den AbuseLog-Eintrag mit der Kennung 1 erhalten mit der Begründung „Beispiel“.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Du hast keine Berechtigung, Missbrauchsfilter zu testen.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Du hast keine Berechtigung, die Syntax von Missbrauchsfiltern zu überprüfen.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Du hast keine Berechtigung zum Auswerten von AbuseFilter-Ausdrücken.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Es gibt keinen Missbrauchsfilter-Logbuch-Eintrag mit der Kennung $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Der Filter hat eine ungültige Syntax."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"1917 Ekim Devrimi",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Ratena Fiktrandê nengan dı têversanayış esto se, filtrey nengan de vurnayış vurnayışi kontrol kerê \n\nVurnayoğê RCID ya na LOGID eger ke icab krno se karêno",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Nê AbuseFilter'i de be kumey vurnayoği ra,i yew vurnayış yana rocekê qeydê AbuseFilter pêameyışi kontrol kerê",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars, rcid yana logid lazımi, lakin teyna yewi şıma şenê bıgureyne.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Ful filtreya metini çımraravyarnayışi ke",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Vurnayerê kod kerdena JSON fına do test bo.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Têverşanaene rê vırnayışê IDy'o peyên",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Têverşanaene rê IDy qeydê filtrey heqareti",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Vurnayışê peyêni kamiya basit filtre de 15 ra vêşi se test ke",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Filtreya nengan parzuna syntaxi çımraravyarn",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Rêza qıseyanê yew parzûnê istısmari çım ra raviyarne.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Ful filtreya metini çımraravyarn syntaxi",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Filtreya ravêrdi syntaxi çım ra ravyarn",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Rêzê yew filtreyo ke muteber niyo, çım ra raviyarne",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Erca ifadeya Filtreya nengan",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "İfadeyê yew parzûnê istısmari ercneno.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Erceya ifadeyan",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Netice weş çap bo çept çap bo",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Erca gasit ifadeyan",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Neticey biçım kerdışa ifadey basiti tetkik kerê",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Filtreya nengan karberi neticeya bloqe bıyayışa cı otomatik kerdau gêriya ya",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Seba parzûnê istısmari ra gırewtışê qıseykerdışê otomatiki ra yew karberi kılit keno.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": ıma qayılê ke bloqey kanci bamaey karberi wedarne.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Otomatik [[User:Example]] bloqey cı wedarnê",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Detaya filtreya nengan bıvin",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Detayanê parzûnê istısmari bımocne.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "Kamiya filtre nımre kerdışmra start ke",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "Kamiya filtri nımre kedışi vındarn",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Kanci filtrey teyna ena kriterer anê bıvin",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Listeya filtranndı maksimum numre",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Kamci xısusiyeta ke gê no",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Listey filtreya şari aktiva",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Heqdê filtranndı tayna detaya bıvin",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Filtreya nengan yew merdımi teref ra tepêşyaya bıvin",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Parzûnanê istısmari ra yewo ke weqeyi tepıştê, bımocne.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Deyaye kamiye roceka yew ronıştış bımocne",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Mora zemani nımre kerdışmra start ke",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Mora zemani nımre kedışi vındarn",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Teyna qeydé dekerdena grotena IP adresa karberi bıvin",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Dekerdenanê perer teyna bıvin",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Teyna dekerdenanê kamiya filtrande tepêştena grotışa bıvin. Pey blokana abırne u parzûnê $1ya verole cıkuye",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Tenya cıkewtışê ke terefê kamiya parzûnan ra tepışiyayê, inan bımocne. Be boriyan ra abırne.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Azami miktarê dekerdena liste ke",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Kamci xısusiyeta ke gê no",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Wiki ra isabetê ke bımocniyê.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Qeydanê dekerdanê peyênan bıasne",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Qandé [[API]] Qeydanê dekerdanê peyênan bıasne",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Yew cıkewtışê xısusiyê detayanê AbuseLogi bımocne .",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Yew cıkewtışê xısusiyê detayanê AbuseLogi bımocne",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "Kontrol bıyaye cıkewtışê kamiya AbuseLogi",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Seba kontrol kerdışi rê yew sebeb",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Be gurenayışê sebebê \"example\" ya, numrey 1 qeydê AbuseLog xısusi detayan bıgêrê.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Testê qeydê nengan rê izinê şıma çıni yo.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "rêz kerdena qeydanê nengan rê izinê şıma çıni yo.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Ercnayışê ifadeyanê AbuseFilteri re mısadey to çıniyo",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Tiya ra qeydê nengan nêdebêno kamiya $1",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Ena filter de yew rêza xelat esta."

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Το πλήρες φίλτρου κειμένου για να ελέγξετε τη σύνταξη.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Ελέγξτε τη σύνταξη ενός έγκυρου φίλτρου",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Ελέγξτε τη σύνταξη ενός μη έγκυρου φίλτρου",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Η έκφραση προς αξιολόγηση."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Andrew Garrett",
"Kunal Mehta",
"Brad Jorsch",
"Matěj Suchánek"
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Check to see if an AbuseFilter matches a set of variables, an edit, or a logged AbuseFilter event.\n\nvars, rcid or logid is required however only one may be used.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Check to see if an AbuseFilter matches a set of variables, an edit, or a logged AbuseFilter event.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars, rcid or logid is required however only one may be used.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "The full filter text to check for a match.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "JSON encoded array of variables to test against.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Recent change ID to check against.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Abuse filter log ID to check against.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Test if recent change ID 15 matches a simple filter",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Check syntax of an AbuseFilter filter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Check syntax of an AbuseFilter filter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "The full filter text to check syntax on.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Check syntax of a valid filter",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Check syntax of an invalid filter",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Evaluates an AbuseFilter expression.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Evaluates an AbuseFilter expression.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "The expression to evaluate.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Whether the result should be pretty-printed.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Evaluate a simple expression",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Evaluate a simple expression, formatting the result",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Unblocks a user from receiving autopromotions due to an abusefilter consequence.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Unblocks a user from receiving autopromotions due to an abusefilter consequence.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Username of the user you want to unblock.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Remove the block on [[User:Example]]'s autopromotion",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Show details of the abuse filters.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Show details of the abuse filters.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "The filter ID to start enumerating from.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "The filter ID to stop enumerating at.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Show only filters which meet these criteria.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "The maximum number of filters to list.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Which properties to get.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "List enabled public filters",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Show some details about filters",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Show events that were caught by one of the abuse filters.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Show events that were caught by one of the abuse filters.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Show an entry with the given log ID.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "The timestamp to start enumerating from.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "The timestamp to stop enumerating at.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Show only entries done by a given user or IP address.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Show only entries occurring on a given page.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Show only entries that were caught by the given filter IDs. Separate with pipes, prefix with \"$1\" for global filters.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Show only entries that were caught by the given filter IDs. Separate with pipes.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "The maximum amount of entries to list.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Which properties to get.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Wiki to show hits from.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Show recent log entries",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Show recent log entries for [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "View private details of an AbuseLog entry.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "View private details of an AbuseLog entry.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "The ID of the AbuseLog entry to be checked.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "A valid reason for performing the check.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Get private details for the AbuseLog entry with ID 1, using the reason \"example\".",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "You don't have permission to test abuse filters.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "You don't have permission to check syntax of abuse filters.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "You don't have permission to evaluate AbuseFilter expressions.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "There is no abuselog entry with the id $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "The filter has invalid syntax."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Kontroli sintakson de AbuseFilter-filtrilo.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Kontroli sintakson de AbuseFilter-filtrilo.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Kontroli sintakson de valida filtrilo",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Kontroli sintakson de ne valida filtrilo",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Komputi AbuseFilter-esprimon.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Komputi AbuseFilter-esprimon.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "La komputota esprimo.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Komputi simplan esprimon",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Uzantnomo de la forbarota uzanto.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Akirotajn ecojn.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Montri iujn detalojn pri filtriloj",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Akirotajn ecojn.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Montri lastatempajn protokolerojn",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Montri lastatempajn protokolerojn pri [[API]]",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "La sintakso de la filtrilo ne estas valida."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Ciencia Al Poder",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Comprueba si el filtro antiabusos coincide con un conjunto de variables, una edición o un evento del registro del editor antiabusos.\n\nSe necesita \"vars\", \"rcid\" o \"logid\", pero solo se utiliza uno.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Comprobar si un filtro antiabusos coincide con un conjunto de variables, una edición o un suceso registrado del filtro antiabusos.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "Se requieren vars, rcid o logid, pero solo uno puede ser usado.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "El texto completo que se comprobará en busca de coincidencias.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Matriz JSON codificada de variables para realizar la prueba.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Identificador del cambio reciente contra el cual verificar.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "ID del registro del filtro antiabusos para comprobarlo.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Prueba si el reciente cambio con identificador 15 coincide con un filtro simple",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Comprobar la sintaxis de un filtro antiabusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Verificar el código de un filtro antiabusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "El texto completo del filtro cuya sintaxis se comprobará.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Comprobar sintaxis de un filtro válido",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Comprobar sintaxis de un filtro no válido",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Evalúa una expresión del filtro antiabusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Evalúa una expresión del filtro antiabusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "La expresión que se evaluará.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Si el resultado tendría que ser imprimió.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Evaluar una expresión simple",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Evaluar una expresión simple, formateando el resultado.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Desbloquea un usuario de recibir autopromociones como consecuencia del filtro antiabusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Desbloquea a un usuario para que pueda recibir permisos de usuario otorgados automáticamente por el sistema, anteriormente impedido como consecuencia de un disparo del filtro antiabusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "El nombre del usuario que se desbloqueará.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Eliminar el bloqueo en la autopromoción de [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Mostrar detalles de los filtros antiabusos.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Mostrar los detalles de los filtros antiabusos.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "El identificador de filtro para comenzar la enumeración.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "El identificador de filtro para detener la enumeración.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Solo mostrar los filtros que cumplan con estos criterios.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "El número máximo de filtros que se van a listar.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Qué propiedades obtener",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Listar los filtros públicos habilitados",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Mostrar algunos detalles acerca de los filtros",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Mostrar eventos que fueron detectados por uno de los filtros antiabusos.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Mostrar los eventos que fueron detectados por uno de los filtros antiabusos.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Muestra una entrada a partir del ID de log proporcionado.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "El cronomarcador para comenzar la enumeración.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "El cronomarcador para detener la enumeración.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Mostrar solo entradas correspondientes a un usuario o IP determinado.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Mostrar solo entradas correspondientes a una página determinada.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Mostrar solo las entradas que fueron capturadas por los ID de filtro de datos. Separar con pipes, el prefijo con \"$1\" para filtros globales.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Mostrar solo las entradas que se capturaron con los identificadores de filtro proporcionados. Sepárense con plecas.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "La cantidad máxima de entradas que aparecerán.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Qué propiedades se obtendrán.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Wiki del cual mostrar las detecciones.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Mostrar entradas recientes del registro",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Mostrar entradas recientes del registro para [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Ver detalles privados de una entrada de AbuseLog (registro de abuso).",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Ver detalles privados de una entrada de AbuseLog (registro de abuso).",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "ID de la entrada de AbuseLog por verificar.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Razón para realizar la verificación.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Obtener los detalles privados para la entrada de AbuseLog con el ID 1, usando el razón \"ejemplo\".",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "No tienes permiso para probar filtros antiabusos.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "No tienes permiso para comprobar la sintaxis de los filtros antiabusos.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "No tienes permiso para evaluar las expresiones del filtro antiabusos.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "No existe ninguna entrada en el registro de abusos con la ID $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "El filtro contiene sintaxis no válida."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Iragazki osoko testua kointzidentzia bat egiaztatzeko.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "JSON aldagaien array kodetua probatzeko.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Duela gutxiko aldaketaren IDa konprobatzeko.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Abusu-Iragazkiaren erregistroaren IDa konprobatzeko.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Probatu duela gutxiko ID 15 aldaketa iragazki sinple batekin bat datorren",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Abusu-Iragazki baten sintaxia konprobatu.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Abusu-iragazki baten sintaxia konprobatu.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Sintaxia egiaztatzeko iragazki osoko testua.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Berrikusi iragazki baliogarri baten sintaxia",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Berrikusi iragazki baliogabe baten sintaxia",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Abusu-Iragazki baten espresioa ebaluatzen du.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Ebaluatzeko espresioa.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Ebaluatu espresio arrunt bat",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Desgaitu nahi duzun erabiltzailearen erabiltzaile-izena.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Abusu-Iragazkien xehetasunak erakutsi.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Soilik kriterio hau betetzen duten iragazkiak erakutsi.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Gehienez zerrendatzeko iragazkien kopurua.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Zein propietate lortu.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Iragazki publiko baimenduak zerrendatu",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "erakutsi iragazkien zehaztasunak",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Abusu-Iragazki batek atzemandako ebentuak erakutsi.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Emandako erregistroaren IDrako sarrera bat erakutsi.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Soilik emandako orrialde batean dauden sarrerak erakutsi.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Azken momentuko sarrera-erregistroak erakutsi",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Azken momentuko sarrera-erregistroak erakutsi [[API]]rako",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Ikusi abusu erregistro baten sarrerako xehetasun pribatuak.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Egiaztapena egiteko baliozko arrazoi bat",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Abusu-iragazkiak probatzeko baimenik ez daukazu.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Abusu-iragazkien sintaxia egiaztatzeko baimenik ez daukazu.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Abusu-iragazkien espresioak ebaluatzeko baimenik ez daukazu.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Ez dago abusu erregistroaren sarrerarik $1 id -arekin.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Iragazki honek baliozkoa ez den sintaxia dauka."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "بررسی کنید تا ببینید پالایهٔ ویرایش با مجموعه‌ای از متغیرها، یک ویرایش، یا یک رویداد سیاههٔ پالایهٔ ویرایش کاربر مطابق است یا خیر.\n\nمتغیر، شناسهٔ تغییرات اخیر یا شناسهٔ ورود مورد نیاز است، اما فقط یکی از این سه می‌تواند استفاده شود.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "بررسی کنید تا ببینید پالایهٔ ویرایش با مجموعه‌ای از متغیرها، یک ویرایش، یا یک رویداد سیاههٔ پالایهٔ ویرایش کاربر مطابق است یا خیر.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars، rcid، یا logid لازم است هرچند یکی از آنها استفاده می‌شود.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "متن کامل پالایه برای بررسی یک مورد مطابقت‌یافته.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "آرایه رمزگذاری شدهٔ به صورت جی‌سان از متغیرها برای آزمایش کردن.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "شناسهٔ تغییرات اخیر برای بررسی.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "شناسهٔ سیاههٔ پالایهٔ ویرایش برای بررسی.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "آزمایش کنید که آیا تغییرات شمارهٔ ۱۵ با یک پالایهٔ ساده مطابقت دارد یا خیر",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "نحو یک پالایهٔ ویرایش را بررسی کنید.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "نحو یک پالایهٔ ویرایش را بررسی کنید.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "متن کامل پالایه برای بررسی کردن نحو",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "نحو یک پالایهٔ مجاز را بررسی کنید",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "نحو یک پالایهٔ غیر مجاز را بررسی کنید",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "یک عبارت پالایهٔ ویرایش را ارزشیابی می‌کند.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "یک عبارت پالایهٔ ویرایش را ارزشیابی می‌کند.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "عبارت برای ارزشیابی.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "آیا نتیجه باید زیبا چاپ شود یا خیر.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "ارزشیابی یک عبارت ساده",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "ارزیابی یک عبارت ساده برای قالب‌بندی نتیجه",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "باز کردن یک کاربر از ارتقاء خودکار بر پایهٔ نتیجهٔ پالایهٔ ویرایش.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "باز کردن یک کاربر از ارتقاء خودکار بر پایهٔ نتیجهٔ پالایهٔ ویرایش.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "نام کاربری‌ای که قصد باز کردن آن را دارید.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "حذف بستن دسترسی بر روی ارتقاء خودکار [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "نمایش جزئیات پالایهٔ ویرایش.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "نمایش جزئیات پالایهٔ ویرایش.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "شناسهٔ پالایه برای شروع شمارش از آن.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "شناسهٔ پالایه برای توقف شمارش.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "نمایش پالایه‌هایی که شامل این موضوع هستند.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "حداکثر تعداد پالایه‌ها برای فهرست کردن.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "خصوصیتی که باید گرفته شود.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "نمایش پالایه‌های عمومی فعال",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "نمایش تعدادی از جزئیات دربارهٔ پالایه‌ها",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "نمایش رویدادهایی که توسط پالایه جلوگیری شده‌اند.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "نمایش رویدادهایی که توسط پالایه جلوگیری شده‌اند.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "نمایش یک مورد با شناسهٔ داده شده",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "تاریخی که از آن شمارش شروع شود.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "تاریخی که شمارش از آن متوقف شود.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "نمایش ورودی‌های انجام شده توسط کاربر یا آی‌پی.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "نمایش ورودی‌هایی که بر روی یک صفحهٔ مشخص اعمال شده اند.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "نمایش ورودی‌هایی که توسط یک شناسهٔ پالایهٔ داده‌شده جلوگیری شده‌اند. جداشده با لوله، پیشوند «$1» را برای دیدن پالایه‌های سراسری اضافه کنید.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "تنها نمایش مدخل‌هایی که توسط شناسه‌های پالایهٔ مشخص‌شده گرفته شده‌اند. جداشده با لوله.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "حداکثر تعداد ورودی‌هایی که نمایش داده شود.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "خصوصیتی که باید گرفته شود.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "ویکی برای نمایش تأثیر گرفته از آن",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "نمایش سیاههٔ آخرین ورودی‌ها",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "نمایش آخرین موارد سیاهه از [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "مشاهدهٔ جزئیات خصوصی یک مدخل سیاههٔ ویرایش.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "مشاهدهٔ جزئیات خصوصی یک مدخل سیاههٔ ویرایش.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "شناسهٔ مدخل سیاههٔ ویرایش برای بررسی.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "دلیلی معتبر برای اجرای این وارسی.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "دریافتت جزئیات خصوصی یک مدخل سیاههٔ ویرایش با شناسهٔ ۱، با استفاده از دلیل «example».",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "شما اجازهٔ آزمایش پالایه‌های ویرایش را ندارید.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "شما اجازهٔ آزمایش نحوی پالایه‌های ویرایش را ندارید.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "شما مجاز به ارزیابی عبارت‌های پالایهٔ ویرایش نیستید.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "هیچ موردی در سیاههٔ ویرایش با شناسهٔ $1 وجود ندارد.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "نحو پالایه غیرمجاز است"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Markus Mikkonen",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Tarkista väärinkäyttösuodattimen syntaksi.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Tarkista väärinkäyttösuodattimen syntaksi.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Tarkasta kelvollisen suodattimen ehtolauserakenne",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Tarkasta epäkelvon suodattimen ehtolauserakenne",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Arvioi väärinkäyttösuodattimen lauseketta.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Arvioitava lauseke.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Arvioi yksinkertaista lauseketta",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Käyttäjän, jolta haluat poistaa eston, käyttäjänimi.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Näytä väärinkäyttösuodatinten yksityiskohdat.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Näytä väärinkäyttösuodattimien tiedot.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Luetteloi käytössä olevat julkiset suodattimet",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Näytä joitain tietoja suodattimista",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Näytä viimeisimmät lokimerkinnät",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia testata väärinkäyttösuodattimia.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia tarkastella syntaksia väärinkäyttösuodattimissa.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Väärinkäyttösuodattimessa ei ole lokimerkintää tunnisteella $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Suodattimella on virheellinen syntaksi."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Florian COLLIN",
"Verdy p",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Cocher pour voir si un AbuseFilter correspond à un ensemble de variables, à une modification ou à un événement AbuseFilter du journal.\n\nvars, rcid ou logid est obligatoire, mais seul un dentre eux peut être utilisé.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Vérifier pour voir si un AbuseFilter correspond à un ensemble de variables, à une modification ou à un événement AbuseFilter du journal.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars, rcid ou logid est obligatoire, mais seul un dentre eux peut être utilisé.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Le texte complet du filtre pour vérifier une correspondance.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Tableau JSON encodé de variables à tester.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Identifiant de la modification récente sur laquelle tester le filtre.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Identifiant de lentrée du journal du filtre anti-abus sur laquelle vérifier le fonctionnement du filtre.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Vérifie si la modification récente dID 15 est détectée par un filtre simple",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Vérifier la syntaxe dun filtre anti-abus.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Vérifier la syntaxe dun filtre anti-abus.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Le texte complet du filtre dont la syntaxe doit être vérifiée.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Vérifier la syntaxe dun filtre valide",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Vérifier la syntaxe dun filtre non valide",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Évalue une expression du filtre anti-abus.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Évalue une expression de filtre anti-abus.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Lexpression à évaluer.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Si le résultat doit être joliment affiché.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Évaluer une expression simple",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Évaluer une expression simple, avec mise en forme du résultat",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Annule le blocage par un filtre anti-abus des promotions automatiques de statut dun utilisateur.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Annule le blocage par un filtre anti-abus des promotions automatiques de statut dun utilisateur.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Nom de lutilisateur à débloquer.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Retirer le blocage de la promotion automatique pour [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Afficher les détails des filtres anti-abus.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Afficher les détails des filtres anti-abus.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "Numéro de filtre à partir duquel commencer lénumération.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "Numéro de filtre auquel terminer lénumération.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Afficher seulement les filtres correspondant à ces critères.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Le nombre maximum de filtres à renvoyer.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Quelles propriétés obtenir.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Afficher les filtres publics activés",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Afficher quelques détails sur les filtres",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Afficher les événements détectés par lun des filtres anti-abus.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Affiche les événements détectés par un des filtres anti-abus.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Afficher une entrée avec lID de journal fourni.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Lhorodatage auquel commencer lénumération.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Lhorodatage auquel terminer lénumération.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Afficher uniquement les entrées faites par un utilisateur ou une adresse IP donné.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Afficher uniquement les entrées se produisant sur une page donnée.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Afficher uniquement les entrées capturées par un des ID de filtre donnés. Séparés avec des barres verticales, préfixés par « $1» pour les filtres globaux.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Afficher uniquement les entrées qui ont été capturées par les identifiants de filtre donnés. Séparez-les par des barres verticales « | ».",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Le nombre maximal dentrées à lister.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Quelles propriétés obtenir.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Wiki duquel afficher les visites.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Afficher les entrées récentes du journal",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Afficher les entrées récentes du journal pour l[[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Afficher les détails privés dune entrée de AbuseLog.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Afficher les détails privés dune entrée de AbuseLog.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "Identifiant de lentrée du Journal des abus à vérifier.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Une raison valide pour faire le contrôle.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Obtenir les détails privés de AbuseLog, correspondants à lentrée dont lID vaut 1 et en utilisant le motif «example».",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Vous navez pas la permission de tester les filtres anti-abus.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Vous navez pas la permission de vérifier la syntaxe des filtres anti-abus.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Vous navez pas le droit dévaluer les expressions AbuseFilter.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Il ny a pas dentrée dans le journal des abus avec lidentifiant $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Le filtre a une syntaxe non valide."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Revise se un AbuseFilter concorda cun conxunto de variables, evento de rexistro de editor AbuseFilter.\n\nvars, rcid ou logid se necesita aínda que só un pode ser usado.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Verificar se un filtro de abusos coincide cun conxunto de variables, editor gardou evento AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "É necesario un dos seguintesː vars, rcid ou logid, e só pode usarse un.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "O texto completo do filtro para verificar unha correspondencia.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Matriz codificada JSON de variables contra as que facer a proba.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "ID da modificación recente sobre a que verificar o filtro.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "ID da entrada do rexistro do filtro antiabusos sobre a que verificar o filtro.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Verificar se a modificación recente do ID 15 é detectada por un filtro simple",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Revisar a sintaxe dun filtro Antiabuso.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Revisar a sintaxe dun filtro Antiabuso.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "O texto completo do filtro para verificar a sintaxe.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Comprobar a sintaxe dun filtro válido",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Comprobar a sintaxe dun filtro non válido",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Evaluar expresión dun Filtro de Abuso.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Avaliar a expresión dun Filtro de anti-abuso.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Expresión a evaluar.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Evaluar una expresión simple",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Desbloquea a un usuario de recibir autopromocións debido a unha consecuencia do filtro de abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Desbloquea a un usuario de recibir autopromocións debido a unha consecuencia do filtro de abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Nome de usuario que quere desbloquear.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Quitar o bloqueo por autopromoción de [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Amosar detalles dos fitros de abuso.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Amosar detalles dos fitros de abuso.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "ID do filtro no que comezar a enumeración.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "Selo de tempo para rematar a enumeración.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Só amosar filtros que cumpran con estes criterios.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "O número máximo de filtros a listar.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Que propiedades obter",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Listar os filtros públicos habilitados",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Amosar algúns detalles sobre os filtros",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Amosar eventos que foron detectados por un dos filtros antiabusos.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Amosar eventos que foron detectados por un dos filtros antiabusos.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Amosar unha entrada co identificador de rexistro fornecido.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Selo de tempo para comezar a enumeración",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Selo de tempo para rematar a enumeración.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Amosar só as entradas feitas por un usuario ou enderezo IP dado.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Só amosar entradas ocorridas nunha páxina dada.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Amosar só as entradas que foron detectadas polos identificadores de filtros fornecidos. Separar com barra vertical (|), prefixar com \"$1\" para filtros globais.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Máximo número de entradas a listar.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Que propiedades obter.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "A wiki da cal amosa as visitas.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Amosar entradas recentes do rexistro",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Amosar entradas recentes do rexistro para [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Ver detalles privados dunha entrada do rexistro de abusos.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Ver detalles privados dunha entrada do rexistro de abusos.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "O identificador da entrada do rexistro de abusos a ser verificada.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Un motivo válido para executar a verificación.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Obter detalles privados da entrada do rexisto de abusos co identificador 1, empregando o motivo \"example\".",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Non tes permiso para probar filtros de abusos.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Non tes permiso para comprobar a sintaxe de filtros de abusos.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Non existe ningunha entrada no rexistro de abusos co ID $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "O filtro ten unha sintaxe non válida."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "בדיקה האם מסנן השחתות מתאים לערכת משתנים, לעריכה או לפעולה שנרשמה ביומן ההשחתות.\n\nvars, rcid או logid נדרש, אבל אפשר להשתמש רק באחד מהם.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "בדיקה האם מסנן השחתות מתאים לערכת משתנים, לעריכה או לפעולה שנרשמה ביומן ההשחתות.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "נחוץ vars או rcid או logid, אבל רק אחד מהם יכול לשמש.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "הטקסט המלא של המסנן שייבדק לחיפוש התאמה.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "מערך מקודד ב־JSON של משתנים שמולם תיערך בדיקה.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "מזהה בשינויים האחרונים לבדוק מולו.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "מזהה ביומן מסנן ההשחתות שמולו הבדיקה תתבצע.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "בדיקה האם שינוי אחרון עם המזהה 15 מתאים למסנן פשוט",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "בדיקת תחביר של מסנן השחתות.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "בדיקת תחביר של אחד ממסנני ההשחתות.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "הטקסט המלא של המסנן לבדיקת תחביר עבורו.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "בדיקת תחביר למסנן תקין",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "בדיקת תחביר למסנן לא תקין",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "הערכת ביטוי מסנן השחתות.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "הערכת ביטוי מסנן השחתות.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "איזה ביטוי להעריך.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "האם התוצאה צריכה להיות מודפסת יפה.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "הערכת ביטוי פשוט",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "הערכת ביטוח פשוט, עם תוצאה מעוצבת",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "ביטול מניעה ממשתמש לקבל קידום אוטומטי בעקבות תוצאה של פעולת מסנן השחתות.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "מסיר ממשתמש את החסימה מפני קבלת קידום אוטומטי כתוצאה מפעולת מסנן השחתות.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "שם של משתמש שברצונך ליטול ממנו את המניעה.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "הסרת מניעת קידום אוטומטי של [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "הצגת פרטים על מסנן השחתה.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "הצגת פרטים על מסנני השחתות.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "מזהה המסנן שהמנייה תתחיל ממנו.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "מזהה המסנן שבו תסתיים המנייה.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "הצגת מסננים שמתאימים לאמות המידה הבאות.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "המספר המרבי של מסננים שיירשמו.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "אילו מאפיינים לקבל.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "רשימת מסננים ציבוריים מופעלים",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "הצגת פרטים מסוימים על מסננים",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "הצגת אירועים שנתפסו על־ידי אחד ממסנני ההשחתות.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "הצגת אירועים שנתפסו על־ידי אחד ממסנני ההשחתות.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "הצגת ערך עם מזהה היומן שצוין.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "חותם־הזמן שהמנייה תתחיל ממנו.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "חותם־הזמן שבו תסתיים המנייה.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "להציג רק רשומות שנעשו על־ידי משתמש נתון או כתובת IP.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "להציג רק רשומות שאירעו בדף נתון.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "להציג רק רשומות שנתפסו במסנן עם מזהי המסננים הנתונים. יש להפריד בקווים ניצבים, להוסיף תחילית \"$1\" עבור מסננים גלובליים.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "להציג רק רשומות שנתפסו על־ידי מסנן עם המזהה הנתון. להפריד בקווים ניצבים.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "מספר מרבי של רשומות ברשימה.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "אילו מאפיינים לקבל.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "אתר הוויקי שממנו יוצגו תוצאות.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "להציג רשומות יומן אחרונות",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "הצגת רשומות יומן אחרונות עבור [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "צפייה במידע פרטי של רשומת יומן השחתה.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "צפייה במידע פרטי של רשומת יומן השחתה.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "המזהה של רשומת יומן השחתה שצריך לבדוק.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "סיבה תקינה לביצוע הבדיקה.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "קבלת מידע פרטי על רשומת יומן מסנן השחתות בעלת המזהה 1, עם הסיבה \"example\".",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "אין לך הרשאה לבחון מסנני השחתות.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "אין לך הרשאה לבדוק את התחביר של מסנני השחתות.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "אין לך הרשאה להעריך ביטויי מסנן השחתות.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "אין רשומה ביומן ההשחתות עם המזהה $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "המסנן מכיל תחביר בלתי־תקין."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "मेल खाने को जाँचने के लिए पूर्ण फ़िलटर पाठ ।",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "जाँचने की अभिव्यक्ति",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "सीधी अभिव्यक्ति जाँचना",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "उस सदस्य का सदस्यनाम जिस पर से आप अवरोध हटाना चाहते हैं।",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "[[User:Example]] के स्वतःपदोन्नति पर से अवरोध हटाना",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "कौन से गुण पाना चाहिए।",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "सक्षम सार्वजनिक फ़िलटरों सूची दें",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "फ़िलटरों के बारे में कुछ जानकारी दिखाइये",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "उन घटनाओं को दिखाएँ जिन्हें दुरुपयोग फ़िलटरों में से किसी एक द्वारा दिखाया गया है।",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "समयछाप की गिनती प्रारंभ हो रही (स्थान) से।",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "समयछाप की गिनती समाप्त हो रही (स्थान) से।",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "केवल उन प्रविष्टियों को दिखाएँ जो दिए गए सदस्य या आई०पी० पते द्वारा किए गए हैं।",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "केवल उन प्रविष्टियों को दिखाएँ जो दिए गए पृष्ठ पर आ रहे हैं।",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "केवल उन प्रविष्टियों को दिखाएँ जो दी गई फ़िलटर आई०डी० द्वारा दिखाई गई है।",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "सूची के अनुसार सर्वाधिक प्रविष्टियाँ।",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "कौन से गुण पाना चाहिए।",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "हाल के लॉग प्रविष्टियाँ दिखाएँ",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "हाल के लॉग प्रविष्टियाँ [[API]] के लिए दिखाएँ"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Filtar nema valjanu sintaksu."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"J budissin"
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Syntaksu płaćiweho filtra přepruwować",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Syntaksu njepłaćiweho filtra přepruwować",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Mjeno wužiwarja, kotrehož chceš dopušćić"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Wolf Rex"
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "vars, rcid vagy logid szükséges, de csak egyet lehet használni.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Egy Vandálszűrő szintaxisának ellenőrzése.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Egy Vandálszűrő szintaxisának ellenőrzése.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Egy érvényes szűrő szintaxisának ellenőrzése",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Egy érvénytelen szűrő szintaxisának ellenőrzése",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "A szerkesztő felhasználóneve, akinek blokkját fel akarod oldani.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Vandálszűrők részleteinek megjelenítése.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Vandálszűrők részleteinek megjelenítése.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Az engedélyezett nyilvános szűrők listázása.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Friss naplóbejegyzések mutatása",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Nincs jogosultságod Vandálszűrők teszteléshez.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Nincs jogosultságod a vandálszűrők szintaxisának ellenőrzéséhez.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Nincsen $1. számú bejegyzés a Vandálszűrő-naplóban.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "A szűrő szintaktikailag hibás."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Verifica si un filtro anti-abuso corresponde a un insimul de variabiles. Evento AbuseFilter traciate per le editor.\n\nvars, rcid o logid es obligatori, ma solmente un inter illos pote esser usate.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Verificar si un filtro anti-abuso corresponde a un insimul de variabiles (un redactor registrava un evento AbuseFilter).",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars, rcid o logid es requirite, ma solmente un de istes pote esser usate.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Le texto complete del filtro pro verificar si un correspondentia existe.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Array, codificate in JSON, de variabiles contra le quales testar.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "ID de modification recente contra le qual verificar.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "ID de registro de filtro anti-abuso contra le qual verificar.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Testar si le ID de modification recente 15 corresponde a un filtro simple",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Verificar le syntaxe de un filtro anti-abuso.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Verificar le syntaxe de un filtro anti-abuso.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Le texto complete del filtro del qual verificar le syntaxe.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Verificar le syntaxe de un filtro valide",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Verificar le syntaxe de un filtro non valide",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Evaluta un expression de filtro anti-abuso.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Evaluta un expression de filtro anti-abuso.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Le expression a evalutar.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Si le resultato debe esser monstrate in forma elegante.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Evalutar un expression simple",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Evalutar un expression simple, formatante le resultato",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Permitte que un usator recipe autopromotiones a causa de un consequentia de filtro anti-abuso.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Permitte que un usator recipe autopromotiones a causa de un consequentia de filtro anti-abuso.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Nomine del usator a disblocar.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Remover le blocada de autopromotion de [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Monstrar detalios del filtros anti-abuso.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Monstrar detalios del filtros anti-abuso.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "Le ID del filtro ubi comenciar a enumerar.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "Le ID del filtro ubi cessar de enumerar.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Monstrar solmente filtros que satisface iste criterios.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Le numero maxime de filtros a listar.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Qual proprietates obtener.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Listar le filtros public active",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Monstrar alcun detalios sur filtros",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Monstrar eventos detegite per un del filtros anti-abuso",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Monstrar eventos detegite per un del filtros anti-abuso.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Monstrar un entrata con le ID de registro specificate.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Le data e hora al qual comenciar a enumerar.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Le data e hora al qual cessar de enumerar.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Monstrar solmente entratas facite per un usator o adresse IP date.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Monstrar solmente entratas que occurre in un pagina date.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Monstrar solmente entratas detegite per le filtros con le IDs specificate. Separar con barras vertical. Prefixar \"$1\" pro monstrar filtros global.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Monstrar solmente le entratas detegite per le filtros con le IDs indicate. Separar con barras vertical (|).",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Le numero maxime de entratas a listar.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Qual proprietates obtener.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Wiki ab le qual monstrar accessos.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Monstrar entratas recente de registro",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Monstrar entratas recente de registro pro [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Vider le detalios private de un entrata del registro de abusos.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Vider le detalios private de un entrata del registro de abusos.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "Le ID del entrata del registro de abusos a verificar.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Un motivo valide pro exequer le consulta.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Obtener le detalios private del entrata del registro de abusos con ID 1, usante le motivo \"exemplo\".",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Tu non ha le permission de testar le filtros anti-abuso.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Tu non ha le permission de verificar le syntaxe de filtros anti-abuso.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Tu non ha le permission de evalutar le expressiones del filtro anti-abuso.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Il non ha un entrata con ID $1 in le registro de abusos.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Le filtro ha un syntaxe invalide."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Daud I.F. Argana",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Melihat apakah sebuah Filter Penyalahgunaan sesuai dengan seperangkat variabel, sebuah suntingan, atau sebuah kejadian yang dicatat Filter Penyalahgunaan.\n\nvars, rcid atau logid diwajibkan tetapi hanya satu yang bisa digunakan.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Melihat apakah sebuah Filter Penyalahgunaan sesuai dengan seperangkat variabel, sebuah suntingan, atau sebuah kejadian yang dicatat Filter Penyalahgunaan.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars, rcid atau logid diwajibkan tetapi hanya satu yang bisa digunakan.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Teks filter lengkap untuk mencari kecocokan.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Larik variabel yang dikodekan dengan JSON untuk diuji.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "ID perubahan terbaru yang akan diperiksa.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "ID log filter penyalahgunaan untuk diperiksa.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Uji apakah ID perubahan terbaru 15 cocok dengan penyaring sederhana",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Periksa sintaks filter AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Periksa sintaksis dari penyaring AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Teks penyaring keseluruhan untuk memeriksa sintaksis.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Nama pengguna dari pengguna yang ingin Anda buka pemblokirannya",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Tampilkan detail filter penyalahgunaan.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Tampilkan detail filter penyalahgunaan.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Tampilkan entri log terkini",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Lihat catatan terbaru untuk [[API]]",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menguji filter penyalahgunaan",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk memeriksa sintaksis filter penyalahgunaan",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Filter berisi sintaksis yang tidak sah"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Kitaen no ti maysa a sagat ti panagabuso ket maipada iti agasmang iti pagdumadumaan, pasamak ti nailista a Sagat ti Panagabuso.\n\nTi vars, rcid wenno logid ket nasken nupay kasta mabalin laeng ti agusar iti maysa.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Ti napno a teksto ti sagat a kitaen para iti panagipada.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Ti naikodigo a rimpuok ti panagdumaduma ti JSON a pangisubokan.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Ti kinaudi a panagbaliw ti ID a pangisubokan.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Ti listaan ti ID ti sagat ti panagabuso a pangisubokan.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Subokan no ti kinaudi a panagbaliw ti ID 15 ket maipada iti nalaka a sagat",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Kitaen ti sintaksis ti sagat ti AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Ti napno a teksto ti sagat a pagkitaan ti sintaksis.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Kitaen ti sintaksis ti umiso a sagat",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Kitaen ti sintaksis ti saan nga umiso a sagat",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Pateganna ti panangiyebkas ti AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Ti panangiyebkas a mapategan.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Pategan ti nalaka a panangiyebkas",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Mangikkat ti serra ti agar-aramt manipud iti panagawat kadagiti automatiko a promosion gapu ti pagbanagan ti sagat ti panagabuso.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Nagan ti agar-aramat a kayatmo nga ikkaten ti serrana.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Ikkaten ti serra ti automatiko a promosion ni [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Ipakita dagiti salaysay dagiti sagat ti panagabuso",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "Ti ID ti sagat a pangirugian iti panangibilang.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "Ti ID ti sagat a pagsardengan iti panangibilang.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Ipakita laeng dagiti sagat a makaabot kadagitoy a kriteria.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Ti kaadu dagiti bilang dagiti sagat a mailista.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Ti maala a tagtagikua.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Ilista dagiti napakabaelan a publiko a sagat",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Ipakita salaysay a maipanggep kadagiti sagat",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Ipakita dagiti pasamak a naala babaen ti maysa kadagitoy a sagat ti panagabuso",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Ti oras ken petsa a pangirugian iti panangibilang.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Ti oras ken petsa a pagsardengan iti panangibilang.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Ipakita laeng dagiti naikabil nga inaramid babaen ti naited nga agar-aramat wenno adres ti IP.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Ipakita laeng dagiti naikabil a napasamak iti naited a panid.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Ipakita laeng dagiti naikabil a naala babaen ti naited nga ID ti sagat.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Ti kaadu a bilang dagiti naikabil iti listaan.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Ti maala a tagtagikua.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Ipakita ti kinaudi a naikabkabil iti listaan",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Ipakita ti kinaudi a naikabkabil iti listaan para iti [[API]]"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Sveinn í Felli"
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Sían er með ranga málskipun."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Albe Albe460",
"Daimona Eaytoy",
"F. Cosoleto",
"Wim b"
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Controlla se un filtro anti abusi viene attivato da un insieme di variabili, una modifica o un evento nel registro abusi.\n\nÈ richiesto uno e un solo parametro tra vars, rcid e logid.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Controlla se un filtro anti abusi viene attivato da un insieme di variabili, una modifica o un evento nel registro abusi.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "È richiesto esattamente un parametro tra vars, rcid o logid.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Il testo completo del filtro da utilizzare per trovare una corrispondenza.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Array in formato JSON di variabili da utilizzare per il test.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "ID della modifica recente da controllare.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "ID del registro del filtro anti abusi da verificare.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Verifica se la modifica con ID UltimeModifiche 15 fa attivare un semplice filtro",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Verifica la sintassi di un filtro anti abusi.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Verifica la sintassi di un filtro anti abusi.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Il testo completo del filtro di cui controllare la sintassi.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Controlla la sintassi di un filtro valido",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Controlla la sintassi di un filtro non valido",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Valuta un'espressione AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Valuta un'espressione del filtro anti abusi.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "L'espressione da valutare.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Se formattare il risultato.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Valutare un'espressione semplice",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Valutare un'espressione semplice, formattando il risultato",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Sblocca la possibilità di autopromozione a seguito di un blocco imposto dal filtro anti abusi.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Sblocca la possibilità di autopromozione a seguito di un blocco imposto dal filtro anti abusi.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Nome utente dell'utente che vuoi sbloccare.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Sblocca la possibilità di autopromozione all'utente [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Mostra dettagli sui filtri anti abusi.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Mostra dettagli sui filtri anti abusi.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "L'ID del filtro da cui iniziare l'elenco.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "L'ID del filtro al quale terminare l'elenco.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Mostra solo i filtri che soddisfano questi criteri.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Il numero massimo di filtri da elencare.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Quali proprietà ottenere.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Elenca i filtri pubblici abilitati",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Mostra alcuni dettagli sui filtri",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Mostra eventi che hanno attivate un filtro anti abusi.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Mostra eventi che hanno attivate un filtro anti abusi.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Mostra la voce nel registro con l'ID specificato.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Il timestamp da cui iniziare l'elenco.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Il timestamp al quale interrompere l'elenco.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Mostra solo le voci relative a un utente o IP indicato.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Mostra solo le voci relative a una pagina indicata.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Mostra solo le voci relative ai filtri con gli ID indicati. Separare con barre verticali, utilizzando il prefisso \"$1\" per i filtri globali.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Mostra solo le modifiche che sono state individuate dai filtri con gli ID indicati. Separa con pipe (|).",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Il numero massimo di voci da elencare.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Quali proprietà ottenere.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Wiki da cui mostrare le corrispondenze.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Mostra voci di registro recenti.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Mostra voci di registro recenti per la pagina [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Visualizza i dettagli privati di una voce del registro anti abusi.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Visualizza i dettagli privati di una voce del registro anti abusi.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "L'ID della voce del registro anti abusi da controllare.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Una motivazione valida per effettuare il controllo.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Ottieni i dettagli privati per la voce del registro anti abusi con ID 1, utilizzando la motivazione \"example\".",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Non disponi dei permessi necessari per provare i filtri anti abusi.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Non disponi dei permessi necessari per controllare la sintassi dei filtri anti abusi.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Non disponi dei permessi necessari per valutare espressioni del filtro anti abusi.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Non esiste una voce nel registro anti abusi con ID $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Il filtro contiene sintassi non valida."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "不正利用フィルターが変数のセット、編集、またはログに記録された不正利用フィルターイベントと一致するかどうかを確認します。\n\nvars、rcid、またはlogidが必要ですが、使用できるのは1つだけです。",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "不正利用フィルターが変数のセット、編集、またはログに記録された不正利用フィルターイベントと一致するかどうかを確認します。",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars、rcid、またはlogidが必要です。 ただし、使用できるのは1つだけです。",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "一致チェックの対象となるフィルター文全文",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "テストする変数のJSONエンコードされた配列。",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "確認する最近の変更ID。",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "検査対象となる不正利用フィルターのログID",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "最近の変更ID 15が単純なフィルターに一致するかどうかをテストする",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "不正利用フィルターの構文を確認します。",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "不正利用フィルターの構文を確認します。",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "構文チェックの対象となるフィルター文全文",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "有効なフィルターの構文を確認",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "無効なフィルターの構文を確認",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "不正利用フィルターの式を評価します。",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "不正利用フィルターの式を評価します。",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "評価する式。",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "結果をきれいに印刷する必要があるかどうか。",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "簡単な式を評価します",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "単純な式を評価し、結果をフォーマットします",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "不正利用フィルターの結果により、利用者が権限を自動で取得することをできないようにします。",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "不正利用フィルターの結果により、利用者が権限を自動で取得することをできないようにします。",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "ブロック解除する利用者の利用者名。",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "[[User:Example]]に対する自動承認の不可を取り消す",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "不正利用フィルターの詳細を表示する。",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "不正利用フィルターの詳細を表示する。",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "列挙の始点となるフィルターID。",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "列挙の終点となるフィルターID。",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "これらの条件を満たすフィルターのみを表示します。",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "表示するフィルターの最大数。",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "取得するプロパティ。",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "有効化されている公開フィルターを一覧表示する",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "フィルターに関する詳細の一部を表示します",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "不正利用フィルターによって検知された操作を表示します。",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "不正利用フィルターによって検知された操作を表示します。",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "指定されたログIDを持つエントリを表示します。",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "列挙の始点となるタイムスタンプ。",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "列挙の終点となるタイムスタンプ。",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "与えられた利用者またはIPアドレスによる項目のみを表示する。",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "与えられたページに関する項目のみを表示する。",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "指定されたフィルター IDによってキャッチされたエントリのみを表示します。 パイプ(|)で区切り、グローバルフィルターのプレフィックスは「$1」にします。",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "指定されたフィルター IDによってキャッチされたエントリのみを表示します。 パイプ(|)で分離します。",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "一覧表示する項目の最大量。",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "取得するプロパティ。",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "ヒットを表示するWiki。",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "最近の不正利用記録を表示する",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "[[API]] の最近の記録項目を表示する",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "不正利用記録エントリの個人情報を表示します。",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "不正利用記録エントリの個人情報を表示します。",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "チェックする不正利用記録エントリのID。",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "チェックを実行するべき正当な理由。",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "理由「example」を使用して、ID1の不正利用記録エントリの個人情報を取得します。",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "不正利用フィルターをテストする権限がありません。",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "不正利用フィルターの構文を確認する権限がありません。",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "不正利用フィルターの式を評価する権限がありません。",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "ID$1にabuselog記録はありません。",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "フィルターの構文が無効です。"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "ფილტრის სრული ტექსტი, რათა გადაისინჯოს გასწორება",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "ID ბოლო ცვლილება საწინააღმდეგო გადასინჯვისთვის",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "ბოროტად გამოყენების ფილტრი არეგისტრირებს ID, რათა საწინააღმდეგოდ გადასინჯოს",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "ბოროტად გამოყენების ფილტრის სინტაქსის გადასინჯვა",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "ფილტრის სრული ტექსტი, რათა სინტაქსი გადაისინჯოს",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "ნამდვილი ფილტრის სინტაქსის გადასინჯვა",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "გამოუსადეგარი ფილტრის სინტაქსის გადასინჯვა",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "ბოროტად გამოყენების ფილტრი აფასებს გამოხატვას",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "გამოხატვა, რათა შეფასდეს",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "უბრალო გამოხატვის შეფასება",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "თქვენ გინთად გახსნათ მომხმარებლის მომხმარებლის სახელი",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "ბოროტად გამოყენების ფილტრის დეტალების ჩვენება",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "ID ფილტრი, რათა დაიწყოს ჩამოთვლა",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "ID ფილტრი, რათა შეჩერდეს ჩამოთვლა",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "აჩვენე მხოლოდ ფილტრები, რომლებიც შეესაბამება ამ კრიტერიუმებს",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "ფილტრების სიის მაქსიმალური რაოდენობა",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "თვისებების მიღება",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "საჯარო ფილტრების დასაშვები სია",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "ფილტრების ზოგიერთი დეტალის ჩვენება",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "თვისებების მიღება",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "უკანასკნელი ჟურნალის ჩანაწერების ხილვა",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "აჩვენე ჩანაწერების ბოლო ჟურნლი [[API]]-დან"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "편집 필터가 변수 집합, 편집, 기록된 편집 필터 이벤트와 일치하는지 확인합니다.\n\nvars, rcid 또는 logid가 필요하지만 오직 하나만 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "편집 필터가 변수 집합, 편집, 또는 기록된 편집 필터 이벤트와 일치하는지 확인합니다.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars, rcid, 또는 logid가 필요하지만 오직 하나만 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "일치하는 항목을 확인하기 위한 전체 필터 텍스트입니다.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "시험을 위해 JSON으로 인코딩된 변수들의 배열입니다.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "검사할 최근 판 번호",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "검사할 최근 편집 필터 로그 번호",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "최근의 변경 ID 15가 단순 필터와 일치하는지 시험합니다",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "편집 필터의 구문을 검사합니다.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "편집 필터의 구문을 검사합니다.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "구문을 검사할 전체 필터 텍스트.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "유효한 필터의 문법 검사",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "유효하지 않은 필터의 문법 검사",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "편집 필터의 식을 검사합니다.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "편집 필터의 식을 검사합니다.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "검사할 표현식.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "결과를 예쁘게 출력해야 하는지의 여부입니다.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "간단한 표현식 검사",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "편집 필터 동작으로 인해 자동 인증을 받지 못하도록 제한된 사용자의 제한을 해제합니다.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "편집 필터 동작으로 인해 자동 인증을 받지 못하도록 제한된 사용자의 제한을 해제합니다.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "제한을 해제할 사용자의 계정 이름",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "[[User:Example]]의 자동 인증 제한을 해제하기",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "편집 필터에 관한 세부 사항을 출력합니다.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "편집 필터에 관한 세부 사항을 표시합니다.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "열거하기 시작할 필터의 ID",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "열거를 마칠 필터의 ID",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "이 조건을 만족하는 필터만 출력하기.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "열거할 필터의 최대 개수",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "얻고자 하는 속성",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "사용 중인 공개 필터 나열",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "필터에 관한 더 자세한 정보 표시",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "편집 필터에 감지된 행위를 보여줍니다.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "편집 필터에 감지된 행위를 보여줍니다.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "주어진 기록 ID에 해당하는 기록을 보여 줍니다.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "나열을 시작할 타임스탬프.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "나열을 끝낼 타임스탬프.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "주어진 사용자 또는 IP 주소에 의한 기록만을 보여줍니다.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "주어진 문서에서 발생한 기록만을 보여줍니다.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "주어진 필터 ID에서 발생한 기록만을 보여 줍니다. 파이프로 구분되며, 전역 필터의 접두사는 \"$1\"입니다.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "나열할 기록의 최대 양.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "가져올 속성입니다.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "최근 기록 보기",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "[[API]]의 최근 기록 보기",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "악용 기록 항목의 비공개 세부 사항을 봅니다.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "악용 기록 항목의 비공개 세부 사항을 봅니다.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "검사 수행을 위한 유효한 이유입니다.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "편집 필터를 테스트할 권한이 없습니다.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "편집 필터의 문법을 검사할 권한이 없습니다.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "편집 필터 식을 평가할 권한이 없습니다.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "편집필터 기록 $1 은(는) 존재하지 않습니다.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "필터에 유효하지 않은 문법이 있습니다."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Dä kumplätt Täx vum Fellter, öm för ene Träffer ze lohre.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Ene Saz vun Varrejahble em <i lang=\"en\" xml:lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\" title=\"JavaScript Object Notation\">JSON</i>-Fommahd, öm doh jähje ze pröhve.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "En Kännong us de {{lcfirst:{{int:recentchanges}}}}, öm doh jähje ze pröhve.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "En Kännong us dem Meßbruchsfelter singem Logbohch, öm doh jähje ze pröhve.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Donn pröhve, of de Kännong <kbd>15</kbd> us de {{lcfirst:{{int:recentchanges}}}} obb ene eijnfache Felter paß.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Donn de Sünntax vun enem beschtemmpte Felter vum Meßbruchsfelter pröhve.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Dä kumplätt Täx vum Fellter, öm de Süntax ze pröhfe.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Donn de Sünntax vun enem jölltejje Felter pröhve.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Donn de Sünntax vun enem onjölltejje Felter pröhve.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Deihd ene Ußdrogg vum Meßbruchsfelter ußrääschne.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Dä Ußdrok zom ußwääte.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Donn ene eijfache Ußdrok ußwääte.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Donn di Schpär ophävve för emen Metmaacher sing automattesche Rääschtzohdeijlong övver der Meßbruchsfellter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Däm Metmaacher singe Nahme, dä De nit mih jeschpächt han wells.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Donn di Schpär ophävve för dem Metmaacher „<code lang=\"en\" xml:lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">[[User:Example]]</code>“ sing automattesche Rääschtzohdeijlong.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Zeijsch Einzelheijte vun dä Meßbruchsfelter aan.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "De Kännong vun däm Felter, vun woh aan opzälle.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "De Kännong vun däm Felter, bes woh hen opzälle.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Zeijsch blohß Felter, op di di Eijeschaffte paße.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "De jrüüßte Zahl Felter för opzeleste.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Wat för en Eijeschaffte holle.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Donn de ennjeschalldte öffentlesche Fellter opleßte",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Zijsch e paa Eijnzelheijte övver Felter",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Zeijsch wat vun einem vun dä Meßbruchsfelter jepack woode es.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Et Dattom un de Zigg vun woh aff opzälle.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Et Dattom un de Zigg vun woh aff opjezallt wähde sull.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Zeijsch blohß de Enndrähsch vun enem beschtemmpte Metmaacher udder ene beschtemmpte <i lang=\"en\" xml:lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\" title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</i>-Adräß.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Zeijsch blohß de Enndrähsch, di obb ene beschtemmpte Sigg opjedouch sin.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Zeijsch blohß de Enndrähsch em Logbohch di vun däm Felter met dä aanjejovve Kännog jepack woode sin.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "De hühßde Aanzahl Enndrähsch för opzeleßte.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Wat för en Eijeschaffte holle.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "De neuste enndrähsch em Logbohch aanzeije.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Zeijsch de neuste Enndrähsch em Logbohch för et [[API|<i lang=\"en\" xml:lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\" title=\"Application Programming Interface\">API</i>]]"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Syntax vun engem Mëssbrauchsfilter nokucken.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Syntax vun engem valabele Filter nokucken",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Syntax vun engem net-valabele Filter nokucken",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Benotzernumm vum Benotzer dem seng Spär dir ophiewe wëllt.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Detailer vum Mëssbrauchsfilter weisen",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Detailer vun de Mëssbrauchsfiltere weisen",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "E puer Detailer iwwer Filtere weisen",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Dir sidd net berechtegt fir Mëssbrauchsfilteren ze testen.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Dir sidd net berechtegt fir d'Syntax vu Mëssbrauchsfilteren no ze kucken.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "De Filter huet eng net valabel Syntax."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Tikrinti galimo filtro sintaksę",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Tikrinti negalimo filtro sintaksę",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Išraiška įvertinimui.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Įvertinti paprastą išraišką",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Vartotojo vardas, kurį norite atblokuoti.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Rodyti piktnaudžiavimo filtrų detales.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Rodyti tik filtrus, kurie atitinką kriterijų.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Maksimalus numeris filtrų sąraše.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Kurias savybes gauti.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Pateikti įgalintų viešų filtrų sąrašą",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Rodyti kai kurias detales apie filtrus",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Rodyti įvykius, kurie buvo sugauti vieno iš piktnaudžiavimo filtrų.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Laiko žymą nuo kurios pradėti.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Laiko žymą kuria baigti.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Rodyti tik įrašus, kurie buvo duoti vartotojo ar IP adreso.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Rodyti tik įrašus, kurie yra duotajame puslapyje.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Rodyti tik įrašus, kurie buvo sugauti pateiktojo filtro ID.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Maksimalus kiekis įrašų sąraše.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Kurias savybes gauti.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Rodyti naujus žurnalo įrašus",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Rodyti naujus [[API]] žurnalo įrašus"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"बिप्लब आनन्द"
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "सन्निकट लौग प्रविष्टिसभ देखाबी"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Aseho ny antsipirihan'ny sivana manohi-panararaotana",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Ny sivana miady amin'ny safidy ihany no aseho",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Antsipirihany sasantsasany amin'ny sivana ihany no aseho",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Iditra nataon'ny mpikambana na adiresy IP nofaritana ihany no aseho.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Iditra tratran'ny IDn-tsivana ihany no aseho.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Aseho ireo iditra vao haingana"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Проверете дали филтер за злоупотреби ќе најде збир променливи, уредување или заведен настан во филтерот.\n\nСе бара vars, rcid или logid (може да се употреби само едно).",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Проверете дали филтерот пронаоѓа даден збир променливи, уредување или заведен настан во филтерот.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "Се бара vars, rcid иили logid (може да се употреби само едно од нив).",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Целосниот текст што го проверува филтерот.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Низа од променливи шифрирани во JSON што треба да се проверат.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Назнака на скорешната промена што треба да се провери.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Назнака на запис од дневникот на филтерот што треба да се провери.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Провери дали скорешната промена со назнака 15 ќе биде пронајдена од прост филтер.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Провери ја синтаксата на филтер за злоупотреби.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Провери ја синтаксата на даден филтер за злоупотреби.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Целосниот текст чија синтакса ја проверува филтерот.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Провери синтакса на важечки филтер",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Провери синтакса на неважечки филтер",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Оценува израз во Филтерот за злоупотреби.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Оценува израз во Филтерот за злоупотреби.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Изразот што треба да се оцени.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Дали исходот да има дотеран изглед.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Оцени прост израз",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Вреднување на прост израз, форматирање на исходот",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Отстранува блок на автоунапредување на даден корисник, добиен поради последица од филтер за злоупотреби.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Отстранува блок на автоунапредување на даден корисник, добиен поради последица од филтер за злоупотреби.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Корисничкото име што сакате да го одблокирате.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Отстрани го блокот од автоунапредувањето на [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Прикажи подробности за филтрите за злоупотреба.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Прикажи подробности за филтрите за злоупотреба.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "Назнака на филтерот од кајшто ќе почне набројувањето.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "Назнака на филтерот на кајшто ќе запре набројувањето.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Прикажи ги само филтрите што ги исполнуваат овие критериуми.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Допуштениот број на филтри за наведување во списокот.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Кои својства да се дадат.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Испиши ги вклучените јавни филтри",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Покажувај извесни подробности за филтри",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Прикажи ги настаните фатени од еден од филтрите.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Прикажи ги настаните фатени од еден од филтрите.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Прикажи ставка со дадената дневничка назнака.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Од кој датум и време да почне набројувањето.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "На кој датум и време да запре набројувањето.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Прикажи само ставки за даден корисник или IP-адреса.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Прикажи само ставки што се однесуваат на дадена страница.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Прикажи само ставки за настани фатени од дадена филтерска назнака. Одделувајте со прави црти; и претставката „$1“ за глобални филтри.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Прикажи само ставки зафатени од укажаните филтерски назнаки. Одделете со прави црти.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Највеќе ставки во списоците.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Кои својства да се дадат.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Од кое вики да се прикажуваат погодоци.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Прикажи ги скорешните дневнички ставки",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Прикажи ги скорешните дневнички ставки за [[API|извршникот]] (API)",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Преглед на лични податоци за ставка во Дневникот на злоупотреби.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Преглед на лични податоци за ставка во Дневникот на злоупотреби.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "Назнака на ставката во Дневникот на злоупотреби која треба да се провери.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Важечка причина за проверката.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Дај лични податоци за ставката во Дневникот на злоупотреби со назнака 1, користејќи ја причината",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Немате дозвола да испробувате филтри на злоупотреба.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Немате дозвола да проверувате синтакса на филтри на злоупотреба.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Немате дозвола да вреднување изрази од Филтерот на злоупотреби.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Нема запис во дневникот на злоупотреби со назнака $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Филтерот има неважечка синтакса."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "അരിപ്പയിലെ മൊത്തം എഴുത്തും ഒത്തുപോകുന്നുണ്ടോയെന്ന് പരിശോധിക്കുക.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "പട്ടികയിൽ ഉണ്ടാകാവുന്ന പരമാവധി അരിപ്പകളുടെ എണ്ണം."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "अपशब्द गाळणीच्या घटनेद्वारे सदस्यास स्वयंचलित बढती मिळण्यासाठी त्यास अप्रतिबंधित करते.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "आपणास अप्रतिबंधित करावयाचे असलेल्या सदस्याचे सदस्यनाव.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "[[User:Example]]चे स्वयंबढतीमुळे त्यावर असलेला प्रतिबंध हटवा",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "अपशब्द गाळणीचे वर्णन दाखवा.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "सक्षम व सार्वजनिक केलेल्या गाळण्यांची यादी करा",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "गाळण्यांबाबत काही तपशिल दाखवा",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "यापैकी एका अपशब्द गाळणीने पकडलेल्या घटना दाखवा."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Penapis tersebut mempunyai sintaks yang tidak sah."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "အလွဲသုံးစားမှု စိစစ်စနစ်ကို စမ်းသပ်ရန် သင့်တွင် ခွင့်ပြုချက်မရှိပါ။"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Jon Harald Søby"
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Sjekk om et misbruksfilter treffer et sett av variabler, logget misbruksfilterhendelse.\n\nvars, rcid eller logid kreves, men bare én kan brukes.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Sjekk om et misbruksfilter matcher et sett variabler (editorlogget misbruksfilterhendelse).",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars, rcid eller logid kreves, men kun én av disse kan brukes.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Hele filterteksten som skal sjekkes for treff.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "JSON-kodet tabell over variabler det skal testes mot.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Siste endringer-ID det skal sjekkes mot.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Misbruksfilterlogg-ID det skal sjekkes mot.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Test om siste endringer-ID 15 treffer på et enkelt filter",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Sjekk syntaksen til et filter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Sjekk syntaksen til et misbruksfilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Hele filterteksten det skal sjekkes syntaks på.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Sjekk syntaksen til et gyldig filter",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Sjekk syntaksen til et ugyldig filter",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Evaluerer et misbruksfilteruttrykk.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Evaluerer et uttrykk i et misbruksfilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Uttrykket som skal evalueres.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Hvorvidt resultatet burde finformateres.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Evaluer et enkelt uttrykk",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Evaluer et enkelt uttrykk og formater resultatet",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Fjerner blokkeringen av en bruker fra å automatisk forfremmes på grunn av konsekvenser fra et misbruksfilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Fjerner en brukers blokkering fra å få automatiske forfremmelser basert på konsekvenser av misbruksfiltre.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Brukernavnet til brukeren du ønsker å avblokkere.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Fjerner blokkeringen av automatisk forfremming av [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Vis detaljene til misbruksfilterne.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Vis detaljer om misbruksfilterne.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "Filter-ID det skal nummereres fra.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "Filter-ID det skal sluttes å nummereres på.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Vis bare filtre som treffer disse kriteriene.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Maksimalt antall filtre som skal listes opp.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Hvilke egenskaper som skal hentes.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "List opp påslåtte offentlige filtre",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Vis noen detaljer om filtre",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Vis hendelser som ble fanget opp av ett av misbruksfiltrene.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Vis hendelser som ble fanget av ett av misbruksfilterne.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Vis en oppføring med den gitte logg-ID-en.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Tidsstempelet nummereringen skal starte på.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Tidsstempelet det skal sluttes å nummerere på.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Vis bare oppføringer gjort av en gitt bruker eller IP-adresse.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Vis bare oppføringer på ei gitt side.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Vis bare oppføringer som ble fanget av en gitt filter-ID. Atskill med vertikalstreker, bruk prefikset «$1» for globale filtre.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Vis kun oppføringer som ble fanget opp med de gitte filter-ID-ene. Atskill med vertikalstreker.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Maksimalt antall oppføringer som skal listes opp.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Hvilke egenskaper som skal hentes.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Wiki det skal vises treff fra.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Vis nylige loggoppføringer",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Vis nylige loggoppføringer for [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Vis private detaljer i en misbruksloggoppføring.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Vis private detaljer i en misbruksloggoppføring.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "ID-en til misbruksloggoppføringen som skal sjekkes.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "En gyldig årsak for å utføre kontrollen.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Hent private detaljer fra misbruksloggoppføringen med ID 1, med årsaken «example».",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Du har ikke tillatelse til å teste misbruksfiltre.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Du har ikke tillatelse til å sjekke syntaksen til misbruksfiltre.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Du har ikke tillatelse til å evaluere misbruksfilteruttrykk.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Det er ingen misbruksloggoppføring med ID $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Filteret har ugyldig syntaks."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"बिप्लब आनन्द"
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "कुन मान प्राप्त गर्ने।",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "हालैका लग इन्ट्रीहरू देखाउने",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "[[एपिआइ]]को लागि हालैका लग इन्ट्रीहरू देखाउने"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Je hebt geen toestemming om AbuseFilter-expressies te evalueren."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Controleer of een filter overeenkomt met een verzameling variabelen, een bewerking of een geregistreerde misbruikfiltergebeurtenis.\n\nvars, rcid or logid is verplicht, maar slechts een van deze mag opgegeven worden.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Controleren of een AbuseFilter overeenkomt met een serie variabelen, een bewerking of een gelogde AbuseFilter-gebeurtenis.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars, rcid of logid is vereist, er kan echter maar één gebruikt worden.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "De volledige filtertekst om te controleren op overeenkomst.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "JSON-gecodeerde array van variabelen om tegen te testen.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Recentewijzigings-ID om tegen te controleren.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Misbruikfilterlogboek-ID om tegen te controleren.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Testen of recentewijzigings-ID 15 overeenkomst met een eenvoudig filter",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Controleer de syntaxis van een filter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Controleer de syntaxis van een filter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "De volledige filtertekst om de syntaxis van te controleren.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Controleer de syntaxis van een geldig filter",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Controleer de syntaxis van een ongeldig filter",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Evalueert een misbruikfilterexpressie.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Evalueert een misbruikfilterexpressie.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "De te evalueren expressie.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Of het resultaat opgemaakt moet worden.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Evalueer een eenvoudige expressie",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Een eenvoudige uitdrukking evalueren en het resultaat opmaken",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Sta een gebruiker toe automatische promoties te krijgen als gevolg van een misbruikfilterregel.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Sta een gebruiker toe automatische promoties te krijgen als gevolg van een misbruikfilterregel.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Gebruikersnaam van de te deblokkeren gebruiker.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Verwijder de blokkade van de automatische promotie voor [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Details weergeven van de misbruikfilters.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Details weergeven van de misbruikfilters.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "Het filter-ID waar de opsomming begint.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "Het filter-ID waar de opsomming eindigt.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Alleen filters weergeven die voldoen aan deze criteria.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Het maximale aantal weer te geven filters.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Welke eigenschappen op te vragen.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Ingeschakelde openbare filters weergeven",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Enige details over filters weergeven",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Gebeurtenissen weergeven die zijn afgevangen door een van de misbruikfilters.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Gebeurtenissen weergeven die zijn afgevangen door een van de misbruikfilters.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Een vermelding tonen met de opgegeven log-ID.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Het tijdstip waar de opsomming begint.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Het tijdstip waar de opsomming eindigt.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Alleen regels weergeven die zijn uitgevoerd door een opgegeven gebruiker of IP-adres.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Alleen regels weergeven die betrekking hebben op een opgegeven pagina.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Alleen regels weergeven die zijn afgevangen door de opgegeven filter-IDs. Scheid met sluistekens (|), gebruik het voorvoegsel \"$1\" voor globale filters",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Alleen vermeldingen tonen die zijn opgevangen door de opgegeven filter-ID's. Met sluistekens scheiden.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Het maximale aantal regels in de lijst.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Welke eigenschappen op te vragen.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Wiki waarvan de hits gezien moeten laten worden.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Recente logboekregels weergeven",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Recente logboekregels voor [[API]] weergeven",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "De beperkt zichtbare gegevens van een logboekregel van het misbruikfilter bekijken.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Bekijk de beperkt zichtbare gegevens van een logboekregel van het misbruikfilter.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "De ID van de AbuseLog-vermelding die moet worden gecontroleerd.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Een geldige reden voor het uitvoeren van de controle.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "De beperkt zichtbare gegevens van de logboekregel met het ID 1 ophalen, met de reden \"example\".",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "U hebt geen toestemming om misbruikfilters te testen.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "U hebt geen toestemming om de syntax van misbruikfilters te controleren.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "U bent niet gemachtigd om AbuseFilter-expressies te evalueren.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Er is geen misbruikfilterregel met de id $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Het filter heeft een ongeldige syntax."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Quinas proprietats obténer."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"The Polish",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Sprawdź, by przekonać się, czy filtr nadużyć dopasowuje się do zestawu zmiennych, edycji lub zarejestrowanego zdarzenia filtra nadużyć.\n\nvars, rcid albo logid jest wymagane, ale tylko jedno może zostać użyte.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Sprawdź, by przekonać się, czy filtr nadużyć dopasowuje się do zestawu zmiennych, edycji lub zarejestrowanego zdarzenia filtra nadużyć.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars, rcid albo logid jest wymagane, ale tylko jedno może zostać użyte.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Pełny tekst filtru do sprawdzenia zgodności.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Tablica zmiennych do testowania zakodowana w formacie JSON.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "ID jednej z ostatnich zmian, którą należy sprawdzić.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "ID wpisu w rejestrze nadużyć do sprawdzenia.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Sprawdź, czy identyfikator ostatnich zmian 15 dopasowuje się do prostego filtra",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Sprawdź składnię filtra AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Sprawdź składnię filtra nadużyć.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Pełny tekst filtru do sprawdzenia zgodności składni.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Sprawdź składnię poprawnego filtra",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Sprawdź składnię nieprawidłowego filtra",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Ewaluuje wyrażenie filtra nadużyć.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Ewaluuje wyrażenie filtra nadużyć.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Wyrażenie do sprawdzenia.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Czy wynik powinien zostać sformatowany.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Ewaluuj proste wyrażenie",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Ewaluuj proste wyrażenie, formatując wynik",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Zdejmuje z użytkownika blokadę autopromocji, która została nałożona przez filtr nadużyć.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Zdejmuje z użytkownika blokadę autopromocji, która została nałożona przez filtr nadużyć.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Nazwa użytkownika, którego chcesz odblokować.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Zdejmij blokadę autopromocji z [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Pokaż szczegóły filtrów nadużyć.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Pokaż szczegóły filtrów nadużyć.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "ID filtra, od którego rozpocząć wyliczanie.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "ID filtra, na którym zakończyć wyliczanie.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Pokaż tylko filtry, które spełniają te kryteria.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Maksymalna liczba filtrów do wyświetlenia.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Właściwości do odczytu.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Lista uruchomionych filtrów publicznych",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Pokaż szczegóły dotyczące filtrów",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Pokaż zdarzenia wyłapane przez jeden z filtrów nadużyć.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Pokaż zdarzenia, które zostały złapane przez jeden z filtrów nadużyć.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Wyświetl wpis rejestru z podanym ID.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Znacznik czasu, od którego zacząć wyliczanie.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Znacznik czasu, na którym zakończyć wyliczanie.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Wyświetl tylko wpisy dotyczące danego użytkownika lub adresu IP.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Wyświetl tylko wpisy dotyczące danej strony.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Wyświetl tylko wpisy wyłapane przed filtr o konkretnym identyfikatorze. Kilka identyfikatorów możesz rozdzielić znakiem potoku („|”). Użyj prefiksu „$1” dla globalnych filtrów.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Pokaż tylko wpisy, które zostały złapane przez filtry o podanych ID. Oddzielaj znakiem pionowej kreski.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Maksymalna liczba wpisów do wylistowania.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Jakie właściwości uzyskać.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Wiki, z której mają się pokazać dopasowania.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Pokaż ostatnie wpisy w rejestrze",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Pokaż ostatnie wpisy w dzienniku [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Wyświetl prywatne szczegóły wpisu w rejestrze nadużyć.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Wyświetl prywatne szczegóły wpisu w rejestrze nadużyć.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "Identyfikator wpisu w rejestrze nadużyć do sprawdzenia.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Poprawny powód, dla którego wykonujesz sprawdzenie.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Pozyskaj prywatne szczegóły wpisu rejestru nadużyć o ID 1, podając powód „przykład”.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Nie masz uprawnień do testowania filtrów nadużyć.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Nie masz uprawnień do sprawdzania składni filtru nadużyć.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Nie masz uprawnień do ewaluowania wyrażeń filtra nadużyć.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Nie istnieje wpis rejestru nadużyć o identyfikatorze $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Filtr ma nieprawidłową składnię."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Eduardo Addad de Oliveira",
"Felipe L. Ewald",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Verificar se um filtro de abusos coincide com um conjunto de variáveis, uma edição, ou um evento do registo de abusos.\n\nÉ necessário um dos seguintes: vars, rcid ou logid (só um pode ser usado).",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Verificar se um filtro de abusos coincide com um conjunto de variáveis, uma edição, ou um evento do registo de abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars, rcid ou logid é necessário, no entanto, apenas um pode ser usado.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "O texto do filtro completo para verificar por uma correspondência.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Matriz codificada JSON de variáveis para um teste de comparação.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "ID da mudança recente para verificação.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "ID do registro do filtro de Abuso para verificação.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Testar se a mudança recente do ID 15 corresponde a um filtro simples",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Verificar a sintaxe de um filtro AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Verificar a sintaxe de um filtro AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "O texto completo do filtro para verificar a sintaxe.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Verificar a sintaxe de um filtro válido",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Verificar a sintaxe de um filtro inválido",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Avalia uma expressão AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Avalia uma expressão AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "A expressão para avaliar.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Se o resultado deve ser bem impresso.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Avaliar uma simples expressão",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Avalie uma expressão simples, formatando o resultado",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Desbloqueia um usuário de receber auto-promoções devido a uma consequência do abusefilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Desbloqueia um usuário de receber auto-promoções devido a uma consequência do abusefilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Nome do usuário que deseja desbloquear.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Remover o bloqueio por auto-promoção de [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Mostrar detalhes dos filtros de abuso.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Mostrar detalhes dos filtros de abuso.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "O ID do filtro para começar a enumeração.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "O ID do filtro para parar a enumeração.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Mostrar apenas filtros que atendam a esses critérios.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "O número máximo de filtros para listar.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Que propriedades obter.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Lista de filtros públicos habilitados",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Mostrar alguns detalhes sobre os filtros",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Mostrar os eventos que foram detectados por um dos filtros de abuso.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Mostrar os eventos que foram detectados por um dos filtros de abuso.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Mostre uma entrada com o log ID dado.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "O timestamp para começar a enumeração.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "O timestamp para parar a enumeração.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Mostrar apenas as entradas feitas por um determinado usuário ou endereço IP.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Mostrar apenas as entradas ocorridas em uma determinada página.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Mostrar apenas as entradas que foram capturadas pelos IDs de filtro fornecidos. Separe com pipes, prefixo com \"$1\" para filtros globais.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Mostra apenas as entradas que foram capturadas pelos IDs de filtro fornecidos. Separe com tubos.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "A quantidade máxima de entradas para listar.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Que propriedades obter.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Wiki para mostrar hits de.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Mostrar entradas de registro recentes",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Mostrar entradas de registro recentes para [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Veja detalhes privados de uma entrada do registro de abusos.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Veja detalhes privados de uma entrada do registro de abusos.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "O ID da entrada do registro de abusos a ser verificada.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Um motivo válido para executar a verificação.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Obtenha detalhes privados para a entrada do registro de abusos com ID 1, usando o motivo \"exemplo\".",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Você não tem permissão para testar filtros de edições.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Você não tem permissão para conferir a sintaxe de filtros de edições.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Você não tem permissão para avaliar expressões do AbuseFilter.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Não há entrada no registro de abusos com o id $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "O filtro tem sintaxe inválida."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Athena in Wonderland",
"Hamilton Abreu",
"Mansil alfalb"
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Verificar se um filtro de abusos coincide com um conjunto de variáveis, uma edição, ou um evento do registo de abusos.\n\nÉ necessário um dos seguintes: vars, rcid ou logid (só um pode ser usado).",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Verificar se um filtro de abusos coincide com um conjunto de variáveis, uma edição, ou um evento do registo de abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "É necessário um dos seguintes: vars, rcid ou logid (só um pode ser usado).",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "O texto completo do filtro para verificar a coincidência.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Matriz codificada JSON de variáveis para o teste.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Identificador da mudança recente para testar.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Identificador do registo de abusos para testar.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Testar se a mudança recente com o identificador 15 é detetada por um filtro simples",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Verificar a sintaxe de um filtro de abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Verificar a sintaxe de um filtro de abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "O texto completo do filtro para verificar a sintaxe.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Verificar a sintaxe de um filtro válido",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Verificar a sintaxe de um filtro inválido",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Avalia uma expressão do filtro de abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Avalia uma expressão do filtro de abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "A expressão para avaliar.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Se o resultado deve ter realce sintático.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Avaliar uma expressão simples",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Avaliar uma expressão simples, formatando o resultado",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Desbloqueia um utilizador de receber autopromoções em consequência do filtro de abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Desbloqueia um utilizador de receber autopromoções em consequência do filtro de abusos.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Nome do utilizador que pretende desbloquear.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Remover o bloqueio de autopromoção de [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Mostrar detalhes dos filtros de abuso.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Mostrar detalhes dos filtros de abuso.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "O identificador do filtro onde será iniciada a enumeração.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "O identificador do filtro onde será parada a enumeração.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Mostrar só os filtros que preenchem estes critérios.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "O número máximo de filtros que serão listados.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Que propriedades obter.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Listar os filtros públicos ativos",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Mostrar alguns detalhes dos filtros",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Mostrar os eventos que foram detetados por um dos filtros de abuso.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Mostrar os eventos que foram detetados por um dos filtros de abuso.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Mostrar uma entrada com o identificador de registo fornecido.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "A data e hora onde começar a enumeração.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "A data e hora onde parar a enumeração.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Mostrar só as entradas de um determinado utilizador ou endereço IP.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Mostrar só as entradas de uma determinada página.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Mostrar só as entradas que foram detetadas pelos identificadores de filtros fornecidos. Separar com barra vertical (|), prefixar com \"$1\" para filtros globais.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Mostrar só as entradas capturadas pelos ID de filtro fornecidos. Separar com barras verticais.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "O número máximo de entradas que serão listadas.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Que propriedades obter.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "A wiki da qual mostra as visitas.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Mostrar entradas recentes do registo",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Mostrar entradas recentes do registo para [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Ver detalhes privados de uma entrada do registo de abusos.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Ver detalhes privados de uma entrada do registo de abusos.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "O identificador da entrada do registo de abusos a ser verificada.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Um motivo válido para executar a verificação.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Obter detalhes privados da entrada do registo de abusos com o identificador 1, usando o motivo \"example\".",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Não tem permissão para testar filtros de abuso.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Não tem permissão para verificar a sintaxe de filtros de abuso.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Não tem permissão para avaliar expressões de filtros de abusos.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Não há nenhuma entrada no registo de abusos com o identificador $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "O filtro contém sintaxe inválida."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Brad Jorsch",
"Darth Kule",
"Hamilton Abreu",
"Iwan Novirion",
"Jon Harald Søby",
"Matěj Suchánek",
"Nemo bis",
"The Evil IP address",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "{{doc-apihelp-description|abusefiltercheckmatch}}",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "{{doc-apihelp-summary|abusefiltercheckmatch}}",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "{{doc-apihelp-extended-description|abusefiltercheckmatch}}",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "{{doc-apihelp-param|abusefiltercheckmatch|filter}}",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "{{doc-apihelp-param|abusefiltercheckmatch|vars}}",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "{{doc-apihelp-param|abusefiltercheckmatch|rcid}}",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "The \"log ID\" is the numerical identifier of an entry in the log of the abuse filter extensions. \"Check against\" means said ID is used to control a check over abuse filter functioning related to the respective log entry.\n----\n{{doc-apihelp-param|abusefiltercheckmatch|logid}}",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "{{doc-apihelp-example|abusefiltercheckmatch}}",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "{{doc-apihelp-description|abusefilterchecksyntax}}",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "{{doc-apihelp-summary|abusefilterchecksyntax}}",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "{{doc-apihelp-param|abusefilterchecksyntax|filter}}",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "{{doc-apihelp-example|abusefilterchecksyntax}}",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "{{doc-apihelp-example|abusefilterchecksyntax}}",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "{{doc-apihelp-description|abusefilterevalexpression}}",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "{{doc-apihelp-summary|abusefilterevalexpression}}",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "{{doc-apihelp-param|abusefilterevalexpression|expression}}",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "{{doc-apihelp-param|abusefilterevalexpression|prettyprint}}",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "{{doc-apihelp-example|abusefilterevalexpression}}",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "{{doc-apihelp-example|abusefilterevalexpression}}",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "{{doc-apihelp-description|abusefilterunblockautopromote}}\n Autopromotion is an automatic system that gives rights to users when certain conditions are met.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "{{doc-apihelp-summary|abusefilterunblockautopromote}}\n Autopromotion is an automatic system that gives rights to users when certain conditions are met.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "{{doc-apihelp-param|abusefilterunblockautopromote|user}}",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "{{doc-apihelp-example|abusefilterunblockautopromote}}\n Autopromotion is an automatic system that gives rights to users when certain conditions are met.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "{{doc-apihelp-description|query+abusefilters}}",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "{{doc-apihelp-summary|query+abusefilters}}",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abusefilters|startid}}",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abusefilters|endid}}",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abusefilters|show}}",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abusefilters|limit}}",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abusefilters|prop}}",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "{{doc-apihelp-example|query+abusefilters}}",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "{{doc-apihelp-example|query+abusefilters}}",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "{{doc-apihelp-description|query+abuselog}}",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "{{doc-apihelp-summary|query+abuselog}}",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abuselog|logid}}",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abuselog|start}}",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abuselog|end}}",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abuselog|user}}",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abuselog|title}}",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abuselog|filter}}\nParameters:\n* $1 - The prefix to use for global filters.\n\nSee also {{msg-mw|apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central}}",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abuselog|filter}}\n\nSee also {{msg-mw|apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter}}",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abuselog|limit}}",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abuselog|prop}}",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "{{doc-apihelp-param|query+abuselog|wiki}}",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "{{doc-apihelp-example|query+abuselog}}",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "{{doc-apihelp-example|query+abuselog}}",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "{{doc-apihelp-description|abuselogprivatedetails}}",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "{{doc-apihelp-summary|abuselogprivatedetails}}",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "{{doc-apihelp-param|abuselogprivatedetails|logid}}",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "{{doc-apihelp-param|abuselogprivatedetails|reason}}",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "{{doc-apihelp-example|abuselogprivatedetails}}",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "{{doc-apierror}}",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "{{doc-apierror}}",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "{{doc-apierror}}",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "{{doc-apierror}}\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - AbuseFilter log ID number.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "{{doc-apierror}}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Verifică dacă filtrul de abuzuri se aplică unui se de variabile, eveniment logat de Filtrul de abuzuri.\n\nvars, rcid sau logid sunt obligatorii, dar doar una poate fi folosită.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Verificați dacă un AbuseFilter se potrivește cu un set de variabile, o modificare sau un eveniment AbuseFilter înregistrat",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars, rcid sau logid sunt obligatorii dar doar una poate fi folosită.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Textul filtrului complet pentru a verifica dacă există o potrivire.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Matrice JSON codificată de variabile de testat.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "ID schimbare recentă de verificat.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "ID-ul jurnalului filtrului de abuz de verificat.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Testați dacă ID-ul modificării recente 15 se potrivește cu un filtru simplu",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Verifică sintaxa unui filtru AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Textul complet al filtrului pentru care trebuie verificată sintaxa.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Verifică sintaxa unui filtru valid.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Verifică sintaxa unui filtru invalid.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Evaluează valoarea unei expresii AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Expresia de evaluat.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Evaluează o expresie simplă",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Numărul maxim de intrări de afișat.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Ce proprietăți se cer.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Filtrul are sintaxă invalidă."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Condrolle ce 'nu AbuseFilter soddisfe 'nu 'nzieme de variabbile o fatte de 'nu AbuseFilter trasute.\n\nvars, rcid o logid so obbligatorie comungue sulamende une adda essere ausate.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Condrolle ce 'nu AbuseFilter s'accocchie cu 'nu 'nzieme de variabbile, 'nu cangiamende o 'nu fatte de AbuseFilter trasute.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "vars, rcid o logid jè obbligatorie e comungue sulamende une a vote se pò ausà.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "'U filtre de teste chine da verificà pe 'nu combronde.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "L'array de variabbile decodificate JSON da testà.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Cangiaminde recende de l'ID da testà.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "ID de l'archivije d'u filtre de abbuse da verificà.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Teste ce 'u cangiamende recende de l'ID 15 soddisfe 'nu filtre facile-facile",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Verifiche 'a sindasse de 'nu filtre AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Verifiche 'a sindasse de 'nu filtre AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "'U filtre de teste chine da verificà pa sindasse.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Verifiche 'a sindasse de 'nu filtre valide",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Verifiche 'a sindasse de 'nu filtre invalide",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Valute 'n'espressione de AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Valute 'n'espressione de AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "L'espressione da valutà.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Ce formattà 'u resultate.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Valute 'n'espressione facile-facile",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Valutà 'n'espressione semblice, formattanne 'u resultate",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Sblocche 'n'utende da ricevere auto promozziune cumme conseguenze de 'nu filtre de abbuse.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Sblocche 'n'utende da ricevere auto promozziune cumme conseguenze de 'nu filtre de abbuse.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Nome de l'utende ca vue ccù sblocche.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Live 'u blocche sus a l'autopromozzione de [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Fà vedè le dettaglie de le filtre de abbuse.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Fà 'ndrucà le dettaglie de le filtre de abbuse.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "L'ID d'u filtre da addò accumenze l'enumerazione.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "L'ID dìu filtre ca stoppe l'enumerazione.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Fà vedè sulamende le filtre ca se iacchiane cu stu criterie.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "'U numere massime de filtre da elengà.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Quale probbietà a pigghià.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Elenghe de le filtre pubbleche abbilitate",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Fà vedè le dettaglie sus a le filtre",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Fà vedè le avveneminde ca onne state azzecate da filtre de abbuse.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Fà 'ndrucà le avveneminde ca onne state azzecate da filtre de abbuse.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Fà 'ndrucà 'na vôsce cu l'ID de l'archivije date.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "L'orarie da addò accumenze l'enumerazione.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "L'orarie ca stoppe l'enumerazione.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Fà vedè sulamende le vôsce fatte da 'nu date utende o indirizze IP.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Fà vedè sulamende le vôsce ca iessene sus a 'na data pàgene.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Fà 'ndrucà sulamende le vôsce ca sò azzeccate da 'nu specifiche ID de filtre. Separate da le barre verticale (|), 'u prefisse cu \"$1\" pe le filtre globbale.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Fà 'ndrucà sulamende le vôsce ca onne state pigghiate da 'u filtre ID. Separate cu le | (pipe).",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "'U numere massime de vôsce jndr'à l'elenghe.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Quale probbietà a pigghià.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Uicchi da fà 'ndrucà le visite.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Fà vedè le vôsce de l'archivije recende",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Fà vedè le vôsce de l'archivije recende pe [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "'Ndruche le dettaglie private de 'na vôsce de l'archivije de l'abbuse.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "'Ndruche le dettaglie private de 'na vôsce de l'archivije de l'abbuse.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "L'ID d'a vôsce de l'archivije de l'abbuse ca adda essere condrollate.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "'Nu mutive valide pe fà 'u condrolle.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Pigghie le dettaglie private pa vôsce de l'archivije de l'abbuse cu l'ID 1, ausanne 'u mutive \"example\".",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Non ge tìne le permesse pe testà le filtre de abbuse.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Non ge tìne le permesse pe testà 'a sindasse de le filtre de abbuse.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Non ge tìne le permesse de valutà le espressiune de AbuseFilter.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Non ge stonne vôsce jndr'à l'archivije de le abbuse cu le id $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "'U filtre tène 'na sindasse invalide."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Ice bulldog",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Проверьте, удовлетворяет ли фильтру злоупотреблений набор переменных или событие фильтра злоупотреблений, записанное редактором.\n\nПеременные vars, rcid и logid обязательны, однако только одна из них может быть использована.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Проверьте, удовлетворяет ли фильтру злоупотреблений набор переменных или событие фильтра злоупотреблений, записанное редактором.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "Переменные vars, rcid и logid обязательны, однако только одна из них может быть использована.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Полный текст фильтра для проверки совпадения.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Массив проверяемых переменных, закодированный в JSON.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Идентификатор проверяемого недавнего изменения.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Идентификатор проверяемой записи в логе злоупотреблений.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Проверить, удовлетворяет ли недавнее изменение с идентификатором 15 простому фильтру",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Проверка синтаксиса фильтра злоупотреблений.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Проверка синтаксиса фильтра злоупотреблений.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Полный текст фильтра для проверки синтаксиса.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Проверить синтаксис корректного фильтра",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Проверить синтаксис некорректного фильтра",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Вычисление выражения фильтра злоупотреблений",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Вычисление выражения фильтра злоупотреблений",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Вычисляемое выражение.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Должен ли результат быть красивым.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Вычислить простое выражение",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Вычислить простое выражение, отформатировав результат",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Разблокировка получаемого автоповышения участника вследствие фильтра злоупотреблений.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Разблокировка получаемого автоповышения участника вследствие фильтра злоупотреблений.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Логин разблокируемого участника.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Удаление блока с автоповышения [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Отображение подробностей фильтров злоупотреблений",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Отображение подробностей фильтров злоупотреблений",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "Идентификатор фильтра, с которого начать перечисление.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "Идентификатор фильтра, на котором закончить перечисление.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Показывать только фильтры, которые отвечают этим критериям.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Максимальное число фильтров в списке.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Какие свойства необходимо получить.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Список включённых публичных фильтров",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Показать дополнительную информацию о фильтрах",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Отображение событий, на которых сработал один из фильтров злоупотреблений.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Отображение событий, на которых сработал один из фильтров злоупотреблений.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Показать запись с данным ID журнала.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Временная метка, с которой начать перечисление.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Временная метка, на которой закончить перечисление.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Показать только записи, связанные с данным участником или IP-адресом.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Показать только записи, связанные с данной страницей.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Показать только записи, связанные с фильтрами с данными идентификаторами. Идентификаторы разделяются вертикальной чертой, а префикс \"$1\" используется для глобальных фильтров.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Показывать только записи, которые были перехвачены заданными ID фильтров. Разделите вертикальной чертой.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Максимальное количество записей в списке.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Какие свойства необходимо получить.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Вики, чтобы показывать хиты.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Показать последние записи в журнале",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Показать последние записи в журнале [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Просмотреть приватные данные записи журнала злоупотреблений.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Просмотреть приватные данные записи журнала злоупотреблений.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "Идентификатор записи AbuseLog для проверки.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Правильная причина для проведения проверки.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Получить приватные данные для записи журнала злоупотреблений с ID 1, используя причину \"например\".",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "У вас недостаточно прав для проверки фильтров злоупотреблений.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "У вас недостаточно прав для проверки синтаксиса фильтра злоупотреблений.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "У вас нет разрешения на оценку выражений фильтра злоупотреблений.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Не существует записи в журнале злоупотреблений с идентификатором $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Синтаксическая ошибка в фильтре."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Ajeje Brazorf",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Cuntrolla si n'AbuseFilter currispunni ôn nzemi di variàbbili, ôn canciamentu o a n'eventu AbuseFilter riggistratu.\n\nS'havi a spicificari pi forza o vars, o rcid, o logid, ma sulu unu di chisti.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Lu testu cumpletu dûn filtru, pi cuntrullari si currispunni.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Nu vitturi di variàbbili n furmatu JSON, pi cuntrullari si currispunni.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "L'ID dûn canciamentu ricenti, pi cuntrullari si currispunni.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "L'ID di n'eventu dû riggistru dû filtru anti-abbusi, pi cuntrullari si currispunni.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Cuntrolla si lu canciamentu ricenti chi havi ID 15 currispunni ôn filtru sìmplici",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Cuntrolla la sintassi di nu filtru AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Cuntrolla la sintassi d'un filtru AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Lu testu cumpletu dû filtru dû quali si voli cuntrullari la sintassi.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Cuntrolla la sintassi di nu filtru bonu",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Cuntrolla la sintassi di nu filtru malu",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Vàluta na sprissioni d'AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "La sprissioni di valutari.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Vàluta na sprissioni sìmplici",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Leva a n'utenti lu bloccu di l'autu-cunferma c'avìa arricivutu comu cunziquenza d'un filtru anti-abbusi.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Nomu di l'utenti chi si voli sbluccari.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Leva lu bloccu di l'autu-cunferma a l'utenti [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Ammustra li dittagghî dî filtri anti-abbusi.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Ammustra li dittagghî dî filtri anti-abbusi.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "L'ID dû primu filtru ca si voli pigghiari a cunziddirazzioni.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "L'ID di l'ùrtimu filtru ca si voli pigghiari a cunziddirazzioni.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Ammustra sulu li filtri ca currispùnnunu a sti criterî.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Lu nùmmiru màssimu di filtri di elincari.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Quali prupità pigghiari.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Elenca li filtri pùbblici ca sunnu attivati",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Ammustra na para di dittagghî supra ê filtri",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Ammustra l'eventi ca foru ntircittati d'un filtru anti-abbusi.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "La data e ura a pàrtiri dî quali l'eventi si vonnu pigghiari a cunziddirazzioni.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "La data e ura a finiri chî quali l'eventi si vonnu pigghiari a cunziddirazzioni.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Ammustra sulu l'azzioni fatti di nu certu utenti o nnirizzu IP.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Ammustra sulu l'azzioni fatti nta na certa pàggina.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Ammustra sulu l'azzioni ntircittati di nu filtru cu na certa ID.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Lu nùmmiru màssimu di vuci di elincari.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Quali prupità pigghiari.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Ammustra li vuci di riggistru ricenti",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Ammustra li vuci di riggistru ricenti pi [[API]]"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Provjerite nalazi li filter za zlouporabu skup varijabli, uređivanje ili zapisan događaj u filteru.\n\nZahtjeva vars, rcid ili logid (može se koristiti samo jedno).",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Provjerite nalazi li filter za zlouporabu određeni skup varijabli, uređivanje ili zapisan događaj u filteru.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "Zahtjeva vars, rcid iili logid (može se koristiti samo jedno od njih).",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Puni tekst filtera što ga filter provjerava.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "Niz varijabli kodiranih u JSON što se treba provjeriti.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Naznaka nedavne promjene što se treba provjeriti.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Naznaka unosa u dnevniku filtera što se treba provjeriti.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Provjeri nalazi li se nedavna promjena s naznakom 15 iz jednostavnog filtra.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Provjeri sintaksu filtra zlostavljanja.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Provjeri sintaksu danog filtra zlostavljanja.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Puni tekst čiju sintaksu provjerava filter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Provjeri sintaksu valjanog filtra",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Provjeri sintaksu nevaljanog filtra",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Ocjenjuje izraz u Filtru za zloupotrebe.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Ocjenjuje izraz u Filtru za zloupotrebe.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Izraz što se treba procjeniti.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Treba li rezultat biti lijepo ispisan.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Ocijeni jednostavan izraz",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Procijenite jednostavan izraz, oblikujući rezultat",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Uklanja blok na autounapređivanje određenog korisnika, dobiven zbog posljedice filtra za zlouporabu.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Uklanja blok na autounapređivanje određenog korisnika, dobiven zbog posljedice filtra za zlouporabu.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Korisničko ime korisnika kojog želite deblokirati.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Ukloni blok autounapređivanja za [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Prikaži podrobnosti filtara za zlouporabu.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Prikaži podrobnosti filtara za zlouporabu.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "Naznaka filtra odakle počinje brojanje.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "Naznaka filtra gdje će se brojanje zaustaviti.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Prikaži samo filtre što zadovoljavaju ove kriterije.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Dopušteni broj filtara za unos na popisu.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Koja svojstva dati.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Ispiši uključene javne filtre",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Prikazivaj neke podrobnosti filtara",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Prikaži događaje koje je uhvatio jedan od filtara.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Prikaži događaje koje je uhvatio jedan od filtara.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Prikaži stavku s danim dnevničkom naznakom.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Od kojeg datuma i vremena počinje brojanje.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Na koji datum i vrijeme zaustaviti brojanje.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Prikaži samo stavke za danog korisnika ili IP adresu.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Prikaži samo stavke što se odnose na datu stranicu.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Prikaži samo stavke za događaje uhvaćene danom filterskom naznakom. Odijelite pravim crtima; i prefiksom \"$1\" za globalne filtre.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Prikaži samo unose koje su uhvatili dane naznake filtera. Odvojite cijevima.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Najviše stavki u popisima.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Koja svojstva dati.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Od kojog wikija se prikazuju pogodci.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Prikaži nedavne zapisničke stavke",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Prikaži nedavne zapisničke stavke za [[API|izvršnik]] (API)",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Pregled osobnih podataka za unos u Evidenciji zloupotreba.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Pregled osobnih podataka za unos u Evidenciji zloupotreba.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "Naznaka unosa u Evidenciji zloupotreba koja treba da se provijeri.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Važeći razlog za provjeru.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Daj osobne podatke za unos u Evidenciji zloupotreba s naznakom 1, koristeći razlog",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Nemate dopuštenje da isprobate filtre za zlouporabu.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Nemate dopuštenje da provjerite sintaksu filtara za zlouporabu.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Nemate dozvolu za procjenu izraza Filtera zloupotrebe.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "Nema unosa u zapisniku zlouporabe s naznakom $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Filter nema valjanu sintaksu."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Skontrolovať syntax platného filtra",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Skontrolovať syntax neplatného filtra",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Vyhodnotí výraz filtra zneužití.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Vyhodnotí výraz filtra zneužití.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Výraz, ktorý sa má vyhodnotiť.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Vyhodnotiť jednoduchý výraz",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Vyhodnotiť jednoduchý výraz a formátovať výsledok",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Zobraziť podrobnosti filtra zneužití.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Zobraziť podrobnosti filtra zneužití.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Zobraziť niektoré detaily o filtri zneužití",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Nemáte oprávnenie testovať filtre zneužití.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Nemáte oprávnenie kontrolovať syntax filtrov zneužití.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Nemáte oprávnenie vyhodnocovať výrazy filtra zneužití.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Filter má neplatnú syntax."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description": "Preveri, ali se AbuseFilter ujema z naborom spremenljivk, urejanjem ali zabeleženim dogodkom AbuseFilter.\n\nZahtevani so vars, rcid ali logid, vendar se lahko uporabi samo eden od njih.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary": "Preveri, ali se AbuseFilter ujema z naborom spremenljivk, urejanjem ali zabeleženim dogodkom AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description": "Zahtevani so vars, rcid ali logid, vendar se lahko uporabi samo eden od njih.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter": "Celotno besedilo filtra za preverjanje ujemanja.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars": "JSON-kodirana matrika spremenljivk za preizkušanje.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid": "Oznaka nedavne spremembe za preverjanje.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid": "Oznaka zapisa v dnevniku filtrov proti zlorabi za preverjanje.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1": "Preizkusi, ali se nedavna sprememba z oznako 15 ujema s preprostim filtrom",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description": "Preveri skladnjo filtra AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary": "Preveri skladnjo filtra AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter": "Celotno besedilo filtra za preverjanje ujemanja.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1": "Preveri skladnjo veljavnega filtra",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2": "Preveri skladnjo neveljavnega filtra",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description": "Oceni izraz filtra AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary": "Oceni izraz filtra AbuseFilter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression": "Izraz za oceno.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-prettyprint": "Ali naj se rezultat izpiše lepo.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-1": "Oceni preprost izraz",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-example-2": "Oceni preprost izraz, z oblikovanjem izraza",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-description": "Odblokira uporabnika, da ne bi zaradi filtra AbuseFulter prejemal samodejnih napredovanj.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-summary": "Odblokira uporabnika, da ne bi zaradi filtra AbuseFilter prejemal samodejnih napredovanj.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Uporabniško ime uporabnika, ki ga želite odblokirati.",
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-example-1": "Odstrani blokiranje samodejnega napredovanja uporabnika [[User:Example]]",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Prikaže podrobnosti filtrov proti zlorabi.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Prikaže podrobnosti filtrov proti zlorabi.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-startid": "Številka filtra, s katero naj se začne oštevilčevanje.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-endid": "Številka filtra, s katero naj se oštevilčevanje konča.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-show": "Prikaži samo filtre, ki ustrezajo tem kriterijem.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-limit": "Največje število filtrov za navedbo.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-param-prop": "Katere lastnosti naj se pridobijo.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-1": "Navede vklopljene javne filtre",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-example-2": "Prikaže nekatere podatke o filtrih",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-description": "Prikaže dogodke, ki jih je prestregel eden od filtrov proti zlorabi.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-summary": "Prikaže dogodke, ki jih je prestregel eden od filtrov proti zlorabi.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-logid": "Prikaži zapis s podano dnevniško oznako.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-start": "Časovni žig za začetek oštevilčevanja.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-end": "Časovni žig za konec oštevilčevanja.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-user": "Prikaži samo zapise, ki jih je opravil določen uporabnik ali IP-naslov.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-title": "Prikaži samo zapise na določeni strani.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter": "Prikaži samo zapise, ki so jih prestregli filtri z določeno oznako. Loči jih z navpičnico, pri globalnih filtrih uporabi predpono »$1«.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter-central": "Prikaži samo zapise, ki so jih prestregli filtri z določeno oznako. Loči jih z navpičnico.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-limit": "Največje število zapisov na seznamu.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-prop": "Katere lastnosti naj se pridobijo.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-wiki": "Viki, iz katerega naj se prikažejo zadetki.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Prikaži nedavne dnevniške zapise",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-2": "Prikaz nedavnih dnevniških zapisov za [[API]]",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-description": "Prikaže zasebne podatke zapisa filtra dnevnika zlorab.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-summary": "Prikaže zasebne podatke zapisa filtra dnevnika zlorab.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-logid": "Oznaka zapisa v dnevniku zlorab, ki jo je treba preveriti.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Veljaven razlog za izvedbo preverjanja.",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-example-1": "Pridobi zasebne podatke za zapis v dnevniku zlorab z oznako 1, pri čemer uporabi razlog »zgled«.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Za preizkušanje filtrov proti zlorabi nimate dovoljenja.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Za preverjanje skladnje filrov proti zlorabi nimate dovoljenja.",
"apierror-abusefilter-canteval": "Za ocenjevanje izrazov AbuseFulter nimate dovoljenja.",
"apierror-abusefilter-nosuchlogid": "V dnevniku zlorab je zapis z oznako $1.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Filter ima neveljavno skladnjo."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"apihelp-abusefilterunblockautopromote-param-user": "Корисничко име корисника ког желите да деблокирате.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-description": "Прикажи детаље филтера злоупотреба.",
"apihelp-query+abusefilters-summary": "Прикажи детаље филтера злоупотреба.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-example-1": "Прикажи скорашње уносе у дневнику",
"apihelp-abuselogprivatedetails-param-reason": "Важећи разлог за проверу",
"apierror-abusefilter-canttest": "Немате дозволу за тестирање филтера злоупотребе.",
"apierror-abusefilter-cantcheck": "Немате дозволу за проверу синтаксе филтера злоупотребе.",
"apierror-abusefilter-badsyntax": "Филтер има неважећу синтаксу."

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